Revit: Network and grid system
Objectives :
- Understand network and grid systems
- Understand network and grid systems
Duration : 0.25 day
Price : £ 194
CAD and 3D
Graphic design
Revit workshops
Revit: Build a skylight
Objectives :
- Easily create a roof skylight or a sitting dog
- Easily create a roof skylight or a sitting dog
Duration : 0.25 day
Price : £ 194
CAD and 3D
Graphic design
Revit workshops
Revit: Create a custom wall component
Objectives :
- Master and customize wall structures using the properties and assembly menus
- Master and customize wall structures using the properties and assembly menus
Duration : 0.25 day
Price : £ 194
CAD and 3D
Graphic design
Revit workshops
Revit: Create an Example Component in a System Family
Objectives :
- Understand the differences between instance parameters and type parameters
- Understand the differences between instance parameters and type parameters
Duration : 0.25 day
Price : £ 194
CAD and 3D
Graphic design
Revit workshops
Dreamweaver CC Advanced
Objectives :
- Savoir créer un site complexe avec Dreamweaver
- Maîtriser l’utilisation avancée des CSS
- Découvrir les étapes clés d’un bon référencement
- Se familiariser avec la Gestion de projet Web
- Savoir créer un site complexe avec Dreamweaver
- Maîtriser l’utilisation avancée des CSS
- Découvrir les étapes clés d’un bon référencement
- Se familiariser avec la Gestion de projet Web
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 761
Dreamweaver CC Initiation + Advanced
Objectives :
- Master the main features of Dreamweaver
- Learn how to design a website with this software, from page creation to upload
- Master the advanced use of CSS
- Discover the key steps of a good SEO
- Become familiar with Web Project Management
- Master the main features of Dreamweaver
- Learn how to design a website with this software, from page creation to upload
- Master the advanced use of CSS
- Discover the key steps of a good SEO
- Become familiar with Web Project Management
Duration : 5 days
Price : £ 1632
Dreamweaver Advanced : Prepare for Certification (Adobe)
Objectives :
- Master the advanced features of Dreamweaver and prepare for certification
- Master the advanced features of Dreamweaver and prepare for certification
Duration : 5 days
Price : £ 2154