Adobe After Effects

About After Effects

Take Photoshop, add Illustrator and a dose of Flash, powerful tools and effects, moving cameras and spinning lights, mix it all up, add 25 images per second… Or come and discover After Effects instead!

Both a pioneer and standard software in the video arena, After Effects emerged in the course of the 1990s. This compositing and graphic animation software offers multiple tools with endless possibilities. Constantly evolving, it is everywhere around you in your daily life: Internet, advertising in the metro or the bus, and of course on the small and the big screen.

Which training courses?

Whether you are a director, an editor, a graphic designer or a webmaster, the training courses that we offer will surely interest you.

During our courses, you will discover:
1 – compositions creation and configuration
2 – simple to complex projects development
3 – camera animation
4 – integration with 3D softwares such as Blender