- Learn how to build the backbone of an IS (business architecture, urban planning and systems architectures) in order to make it flexible and thus increase the responsiveness of the company or organization
- Measure changes and anticipate changes in information systems
- Identify the different architectures and move towards a suitable scenario
- Understand the state of the art of the market: the best approaches and current IT technologies
The 4 principles used: structuring, modeling, factorization, transformation
The basic principles of an IS
The structuring of an IS (the model)
The importance of the organization
The top-down and bottom-up approaches
The 3 main stages to achieve an efficient IS
How to map the existing IS
How to build the target IS
The approach by components
Examples of integration of the existing IS into the target IS
The convergence plan of the existing IS towards the target IS
The actors of the IS and their missions
The main definitions in an IS: consistency, cohesion, flexibility,
agility, breakability, stability, performance, scalability
Management approaches: COBIT, ITIL, CMMI, agile methods, UnifiedProcess, TOGAF; MDA
What is IS urbanization?
The positioning of these approaches
The needs of companies or organizations
The modeling of strategic needs
The blueprint for the IS strategy
How to determine the needs of a company: decision-making IS
Big Data
Expression of needs and monitoring of requirements
Practical work
What is business architecture and why to optimize it
Identify and analyze business processes with their factorization
Identify and analyze business objects with their factorization
The business process model Business
architecture: best practices
Find the target business architecture based on business or organization needs
Practical work
What is IS urbanization and why urbanize?
The main urbanization levers and projects
How to align the IS on the target
The calculation of Return Of Investment in an urbanization process
The division of the IS into zones, districts, blocks, blocks
The main urban planning rules and the main patterns
The different communication modes
SOA (Service Oriented Architecture)
WOA (Web Oriented Architecture) with the ROA implementation
Comparison SOA – ROA
Business Event Processing
Mainframe integration
Rules of functional architecture
How to build the target functional urban plan from target business architecture
Practical work
Technical town planning and tools
Communication tools: XML language and its derivatives
Communication tools: MOM, MOT, ETL, EAI, ESB
Tools for: performance, service reliability, security (encryption, authorization services, strong authentication, LDAP directories, Liberty Alliance, Open-ID, data integrity, network security)
Tools for exploitability, Virtualization with different modes, Cloud computing
How to build the cilable technical urban plan which must ensure the technical base of the target IS
Practical work
The correspondence table between the 3 urban planning
Good practices in application planning
Standards: 3-tier software architecture; free software, Open Source, freeware, design patterns, Web Application Servers, the JEE model, the Microsoft .Net model, the PHP model, other languages (Java One, Scala, Ruby, Groovy, Beanshell), webservices with SOAP and REST protocols
Presentation level: HTML5 objectives, heavy and rich clients, portals, mashup techniques, Web 2.0 and 2.1,
Frameworks, Framework standards, Spring, Hibernate, Other frameworks Market trends
How to build the target application urban plan from the functional and technical targets
Practical work
Why architect systems?
How to build systems architectures, functional architecture, technical
architecture Software architecture, implementation, architectures of mobile applications: OS, types of application and communication, persistence, publication, frameworks, security, development
Example of town planning for mobile terminal applications
Practical work
Study of the urban planning and architectural problems of the trainees – The end of the course is dedicated to the way of using this approach to solve the urban planning and architectural problems that the trainees encounter in their company or their organization.
3 days
£ 1910
IS town planners, IS architects, project directors, project managers, analysts, designers and in general any IT specialist interested in the backbone of an Information System (business architecture, town planning and systems architectures)
Computer skills
Contact us for more informations about session date
![Fawzi L.](https://dawan.training/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/AvisCom-.png)