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- Understanding the OpenSource / Linux world

- Knowing how to install a Linux distribution

- Knowing the basics of using Linux

- Knowing the main Linux daemons (Apache, MySQL / PostGreSQL, Postfix, Cups, Samba / NFS)


Administrator roles
Understanding of technological challenges and anticipation of needs
Standards and their implementations

Reminders on the principles of unit assembly
Physical characteristics and strategic choices
Partitioning techniques (LVM and RAID)
The different file systems

Practical Workshop: Partitioning and Manual Formatting of a Drive

System startup: from boot to connection
Hardware Information
Configure and manage device drivers
Process management
Service management
Operation and log management

Practical workshop: use of the different tools

Network administration reminders
Advanced configuration of the various interfaces
Some associated services: (x) inetd, the SSHd server

Practical workshop: network service management

Performance management
Handling of archives (tar, gzip …)
Advanced file permissions (associated with file systems)
Scheduled tasks (Cron)

Practical workshop: setting up a backup

Name server theory
Strategic and technical issues
The solutions: Bind and DjbDNS

Practical workshop: installing a DNS cache

Operating principle: SMTP protocol
Associated vocabulary
The difficulties to overcome
The extensions to plan (mailing lists, security, …)
The different SMTP software (Sendmail, Qmail, Postfix, Exim)

Practical workshop : installing Postfix

Security at the level of the IP protocol
How the Netfilter software works
Configuration tools (Iptables and interfaces)

Practical workshop : configuring a firewall

Understand the different levels of tunnels
Protocols and their implementations

Practical workshop: initiation to OpenVPN

MySQL overview
Introducing PostGreSQL

Practical workshop: installation and commissioning of DBMS

Standards and implementations
How a web server works
Basic configuration for Apache
PHP integration

Practical workshop: installation of the Apache server

Network File System Theory
UNIX Network File System
Microsoft SMB protocol
Presentation of solutions under Linux (NFS and Samba)

Practical workshop: setting up network sharing

Passing the certification (if provided for in the funding)


5 days


£ 2165


IT specialists
System administrators


Initiation training in using Linux




Contact us for more informations about session date