personal finance


- Discover social networks

- Understand the challenges for a company

- Create a Facebook page


Working well with social networks
Targeting the right social networks
Familiarizing yourself with the vocabulary
Understanding the role of a community manager

Understand how Facebook works
Use networks to disseminate links such as Twitter and Pinterest
Humanize your brand through Instagram, Snapchat or TikTok
Obtain professional contacts via LinkedIn Know other more specific social networks

Know what to post and on which social network
Define the frequency of publication
Involve your community in your communication
Respect good practices
Optimize your web pages for social networks

Understand the organization of Facebook
Create and configure a company
Fill in your page Define the tabs to display

Workshop: Create and configure your Facebook page

What are the themes to be addressed?
Create and schedule a publication
Vary your communication: events, videos, products, etc.
Share the publications of others
Communicate within groups
Bridges to be established between the website and the Facebook page
Analyze the performance of your Facebook page

Workshop: Create different publications on Facebook

Optimize your individual profile
Understand the importance of certain fields in your profile
Why go premium on LinkedIn?
Create publications on your company page

Understanding the specifics of LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest
How to make a good tweet?
Use hashtags
Mention other accounts
What content to broadcast?

Define your priorities
Follow the evolutions of social networks
Questions / Answers

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


1 day


£ 761


Marketing or communication assistant, Project manager, Head of companies starting out on social networks - Beginner Community Manager


Minimum knowledge of Facebook (have a personal account)




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