- Knowing how to deploy Google Analytics
- Knowing key performance indicators (KPI)
- Understanding Google Analytics reports
What should be analyzed on a website?
Identify your KPIs
Install Google Analytics
Understand the interest of the tool
Interaction between Tag Manager and Analytics
Install Google Tag Manager
Deploy your Google Analytics account via Google Tag Manager
Understand the organization of reports
Choose your analysis period
Define your analysis segments
Understand the dimension / statistics relationship
View statistics by user
Cohort analysis
View user flow
Perform benchmarking
Identify the main channels
Analyze the search engines (which engines? Which keywords?)
Natural traffic VS paid traffic
View Treemaps reports
Check your netlinking
Link with Search Console and Google Ads
Track your emailings
Visualize the Internet user’s journey
Identify the research carried out
Create events: analyze the clicks on a link, the submissions of a form, etc.
See on which pages the events were triggered
A / B testing – Test several variations of a page with Google Optimize
Create a conversion
Analyze your conversions
Attribution models
Direct vs. indirect conversions
Identify the main conversion paths
Setting up an e-commerce site
Define your analysis period correctly
Compare two periods
Use the system segments
Create a segment
Filter the reports obtained
Workshop: Create custom segments and filters
What is a personalized report?
Build a personalized report
Use dashboards
Define an automatic email sending
Workshop: creation of several reports for different profiles (Traffic Manager, Marketing Manager, Manager)
Questions / Answers
Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).
1 day
£ 779
Webmasters, project managers, marketing managers
Knowledge of the web and how it works
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