- Discover the operating principle of the software
- Create volumes, assemblies and simple drawings
- Acquire a certain level of autonomy in the creation of your 3D and 2D models
Principle of parametric design / difference between DAO and CAD
Fields of use
History of CAD, Bézier curve, …
PTC products and solutions (PLM> Windchill, augmented reality, IoT, Creo View, …)
About from PTC Creo Parametric
Competitor software (Solidworks, Catia, Inventor Pro, Fusion 360, NX, ect.)
The different types of models (Sketch, part, assembly, drawing, etc.)
Managing files
Working directory
Presentation of the interface
Handling and orientation
The menu bar
The Ribbon
The graphic area
Command window
Options / configuration editor / export a configuration
References (planes, axes, points,…)
Sketch orientation Sketch
tools (line, rectangle, circle, arc,…)
Sketch palette Sketch
modifications (move, copy, rotate, mirror…)
Constraints d ‘sketch
Dimensions and relation between dimensions
Creation of reference planes and axes
Construction mode
Workshop: creation of a profile for extrusion
Creation of reference elements: plane, line, point, coordinate system
Navigation in the model tree and parameters
Extrusion and material removal functions (straight line, revolution, sweep, etc.)
Parameterized functions (standard holes, fillet , chamfers, shell, rib)
The functions of repeat, symmetry, thicken, project
Workshop: creation of a simple part with the functions of extrusions and revolutions Workshop: creation of a simple part with the functions of sweeps, smoothing
Insertion of components
Placement constraints (rigid, pivot connection, slide, ect.)
Repetition and symmetry of components
Library parts
Replace a component
Exploded assembly
Analysis of the assembly View
manager (Explode, orientation, appearance, simplified representation, style , sections)
Preparation of the assembly for the drawing
Workshop: Basic assembly of several components
Insertion of the different views (Projected view, section, detail, etc.)
Free dimensioning and imported dimensioning
Establishment of mechanical / geometric tolerances
Creation of annotation
Workshop: Drawing of a part
Intervention in the model tree (modification, deletion, error correction)
Geometry repetitions
Modifiers (symmetry, adjust, merge, remove,…)
Family table
Design of sheet metal
Design of welds, electrical, piping, … =
Materials (shader) and colors
Materials, RDM, ect.
Mass calculation
Workshop: Creation of complex parts
Complex exploded view Exploding
Measurement and analysis of models
Mechanical studies (static, kinematics, dynamics)
Workshop Animation: Exploded view of a complex assembly
Creation of a format
Management of symbols (palette and custom)
Import of external data
Creation of tables
Creation of exploded isometric view
Creation of custom BOM
balloons Generate a BOM or list of parts
Workshop: Drawing of a complex assembly with bubble creation and nomenclatures
5 days
£ 2115
Anyone wishing to discover CAD software (Computer Aided Design)
Basics in industrial design
Knowledge of the Windows environment
Contact us for more informations about session date