- Discover advanced part modeling methods
Multibody Solids
Introduction: Folder Solid Bodies
Extrude from
Localized Operations
Combined Bodies
Introduction: Combine
Frequently Used
Bodies Tool Body
Introduction: Insert Part
Introduction: Move / Copy Bodies
Introduction: Constraint Reference
Indent Function
Use the section functionality to create multiple bodies
Save solid bodies as parts and assemblies
Introduction: Insertion in new part
Action area of the function
Introduction: Save bodies
Split a part into multiple bodies
Introduction: Split
Create an assembly
Introduction: Create an assembly
Use Explode part with data from previous versions
Case Study: Modeling a Spring
Sweep on a 3D
Path 3D Sketch
Introduction: Helix and Spiral
Introduction: Projected Curve
Introduction: Composite Curve
Introduction: Sweep
Introduction: Fit the Spline
Case Study: Bottle
Sweep and Smooth: What is the difference ?
Create a curve from a set of points
Introduction: Insert an ellipse
Sweep options Sweep
with guide curves
Label shape
Work with a non-planar path
Variable radius fillet
Introduction: Separation lines
Geometry Analysis
Introduction: Show Curvature
Introduction: Show Curvature Fields
Introduction: Intersection Curve
Introduction: Zebra
Rounding Label Contour
Select Edges
Introduction: Select Loop
Performance Considerations
Modeling of threads
Orientation / torsion control
Align with end surfaces
Sweep along model edges
Introduction: SelectionManager
Sweep tool body
Smoothing Basics
Introduction: Smoothing
Using Copied and Derived Sketches
Sketch Derived Sketches
Introduction: Insert Derived Sketch
Lofting with centerline
Introduction: Split entities
Clean up a model
Introduction: Remove face
Introduction: Analyze the deviation
Sketch splines
Introduction: Spline
Advanced smoothing
Sketch image Schematic representation sketches
Boundary function
Advanced fillet
function Wrap function
Introduction: Wrap Introduction:
Curves driven by an equation
Deformation function
Introduction: Stitched surface
Move / delete a face
Introduction: Move face
Use 3D Sketch with Hole Wizard
2 days
£ 1000
Draftsmen – Engineers
Good knowledge of Solidworks
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