The Java EE Platform (Java Enterprise Edition) provides a robust solution for the development of distributed applications (

Based on the Java language, the Java EE platform provides a set of specifications for the development of standard components to build robust and secure web applications.

Building a Java EE application is supported primarily on two components that are Servlets and JSPs; built to complement each other, his last used to intercept an HTTP request and generate a web response that will be sent to the customer.
They offer advanced management contexts: page, request, session cookies, etc. and are independent of the web container on which they are running. All JEE application server is capable of hosting this type of component.

MVC frameworks can come from the nest over for architecting large applications.

Basic components (Servlet / JSP), use of advanced components (EJB, WebServices), recognized MVC frameworks (Struts, JSF, Spring MVC) and administration of Java EE application servers will no longer have secrets for you after enjoying the expertise of our trainers.