- Know how to architect and design high-performance JEE web projects based on Servlets and JSP
- Set up the MVC pattern
Development of dynamic web applications: overview of existing technologies
JEE platform: architecture, APIs and runtime environment
Servlets and JSP compared to other web services
Development environment (Eclipse / NetBeans)
Basic elements and development optimization
Servlet and JSP engines: presentation, choice (Tomcat, GlassFish, …)
Structure of a web module; component lifecycle
Packaging and deploying a web application
Practical workshop: installation of development and execution environments; first minimal web project
Specification and lifecycle Page
chaining: links and forms
Reminder of the interaction mechanisms and standards of the HTTP protocol
Handling of http errors and logging
Sessions, cookies and other persistence spaces
Practical workshop: creation, deployment and testing of a complete servlet-based project including management features
General principle and comparison with Servlets
Expressions: display dynamic data in the middle of XHTML
Scriptlets – use and limits
Declarations and directives: the JSP is a class
Inclusions and reuse mechanisms
Complete case study – Servlets and JSP in collaboration
Practical workshop: Development of web applications with an MVC architecture
3 days
£ 1391
Mastery of the basics of Java language and knowledge of XHTML
Contact us for more informations about session date