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- Master the fundamentals of OOP

- Understand the decomposition of a business application into objects (OO design / design)

- Apply the principles of grouping, structuring and communication between the objects of a complex system

- Design OO systems in order to promote maintainability and facilitate change in an iterative context

- Apply SOLID principles

- Understand certain business design models (Repository, Factory, DTO)

- Know the place and differences between architectural styles

- Know some models architectural (DDD, Clean Architecture …)

- Design weakly coupled and cohesive applications.


Encapsulation: interest, good practices
Aggregation of objects
Inheritance: use case, preference for composition
Polymorphism: ad-hoc, subtyping, parametric types
Value Objects
Virtuous circle of ignorance

Workshop: building a coherent class scheme

Tell don’t ask
Dependency management
Breakdown of business rules based on interaction
Behavior-based design
Demeter’s Law

Workshop: implementation of behavior patterns

Design by concepts rather than by data: concepts, object types
Hexagonal Architecture
Presentation of SOLID
principles Unique responsibility
principle (SRP) Open-close principle (OCP)

Workshop: multiple examples of bad / good implementation

Abstraction-Instability metric (RC Martin)
Liskov substitution principle (LSP)
Composition versus inheritance
Principle of interface segregation (ISP)

Workshop: analysis of a code and presentation of metrics – rewriting of concrete examples

design Business domain design (DDD overview)
Infrastructure separation (persistence, UI, ORM, etc.)
Dependency inversion principle (DIP)
Repositories (Repositories)
Transport object (DTO)
Presentation of clean architecture

Workshop: implementing a layered applicaion


3 days


£ 1530


Java Developers


Have taken the Java Initiation + Deepening course or equivalent concepts




Contact us for more informations about session date