

- Discover the React Native development environment. Design a multiplatform mobile application


VirtualDOM, JSX, One Way Data Flow.

Workshop: Setting up a working environment

Prop-types and defaultProps
From flow to TypeScript
Unit and functional tests.

 Workshop: Improve the application through typing and automated testing.

The Higher Order Components (HOC) pattern
Rendering in remote DOM elements with Portals.
Dependency injection with Context.
Advanced techniques of the render method: Fragments and render props.

Workshop: Implementation of « Context » and « Portals »

Redux reminders: entities, syntax, and integration with React.
Simplify and optimize the creation of forms with Redux Form.
Improve user experience with Redux
Persist and local state storage.
Create a Redux Custom Middleware.
The Redux-Saga library

Workshop: Converting a form to Redux Form and saving the navigation.

Optimize component life cycle
Use immutability to speed up and simplify processing.
The pure components.

Workshop: Integration of an immutability library in the Redux application.

Animate the components « by hand » using CSS animations and transitions.
Simplify work with react-transition-group.
Comparison and examples of implementation.

Workshop: Addition of transition of the different screens.

Internationalization versus localization: differences and usage scenarios.
The main internationalization libraries.
Integration into React and Redux.

Workshop: Language management in the application

From REST to GraphQL
Create a « server-side » application with Next.js
CSS with « styled-components »
React Native competitors: Ionic, Xamarin


3 days


£ 1620


JavaScript developers


Knowledge of JavaScript and React.js




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