

- Master the development of cross-platform mobile applications using Appcelerator


Development of mobile web applications
Panorama of available web frameworks: jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Phonegap, …
HTML5 / CSS3 / AJAX presentation

Practical workshop: Setting up the development environment

Structure of an HTML5 page
Differences with HTML 4 / XHTML 1 (new elements, obsolete elements)
CSS style elements in HTML5
Semantic and organizational tags
Creation and use of forms: new features
Integration of animations and sounds
JavaScript reminders
Drawing 2D
Geolocation: concepts and operation
Event (EventSource API)
Message sending between documents / by channels (PostMessage API, XHR)
Presentation of CSS3

Practical workshop: creation of a site including forms and content

Presentation of the environment, versions
Full installation, platforms
Configuration, plugins
Use of Titanium CLI, the command line
Presentation of the complete process and the Marketplace

Practical workshop: setting up

Creation of the application
Critical project parameters
Some modifications, and execution

Workshop: creation, test of the application

Summary of the switch from the web to the application
Creating views View
sequences, special views, etc.
Interface: Alloy Framework and compatibility with classic javascript frameworks
Multiple interactions with the user (parameters, forms, etc.)
SDK: sensors, GPS, etc.
SDK: communication and storage
SDK: other elements available (internationalization, media, etc.)
Platform specialization and best practices with Appcelerator

Workshop: a complete, complex application, ready to deploy


3 days


£ 1925


Web Developers


Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript




Contact us for more informations about session date