Intermediate Python : Best Practices
Duration : 3 days
Goals :
- Master the advanced elements of the language and design patternsIntermediate Python : Best Practices + Multithreading and Tests
Duration : 5 days
Goals :
- Master the advanced elements of the language, multi-threading and test implementationIntermediate Python : Multithreading and Testing
Duration : 2 days
Goals :
- Master multi-threading and test implementationAdvanced Python : Web Services + ORM
Duration : 5 days
Goals :
- Build an API in Python and implement a data access layer with an ORMAdvanced Python : Web Services
Duration : 3 days
Goals :
- Building an API in PythonAdvanced Python : ORM
Duration : 2 days
Goals :
- Implement a data access layer with an ORMPython : Preparation for the PCAP-31-02 certification
Duration : 2 days
Goals :
- Prepare to pass the PCAP-31-02 certification