Logo de PHP


- Use design patterns

- Develop web services

- Know how to create PDFs in PHP

- Secure applications

- Test your application


OOP reminders in PHP
Management of the
PHP application context 5, 5.3, 5.4, 5.6, 7: presentation of new features and evolutions

Presentation and principle; interest of Design Patterns
Design Patterns specific to the Web
MVC architecture
The Singleton, Factory, Builder
The Proxy, Adapter, Bridge
The Iterator, Observer
Dependency injection

Workshop: Implement several design patterns

Adding pages
Inserting images
Using fonts

Workshop: generate database data in PDF

Reminders: Access to a database
Basic notions of SQL & NoSQL
Introduction to Relational Object Mapping
Interest and advantage of using an ORM
ORM PHP: Doctrine, Propel

Workshop: Install and use an ORM

Principles and Notions of cryptography
Opposition Encryption / Hashing Encryption
algorithms: Blowfish, Rijndeal
Encryption modes: ECB, CBC, CFB
The PHP encryption library: Mcrypt

Workshop: Create an Encryption class

Presentation of web services and a SOA architecture
Presentation of Web Services Description Language (WSDL)
The SOAP library of php
Presentation of a REST architecture
Advantages and disadvantages

Workshop: Realization of a Web Service

Unit test libraries: PHPUnit, PHPSpec
Installing PHPUnit
Writing a test class
Using assertions
PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase helpers
Using object dependencies: Mocks
Running tests

Workshop: Testing several classes

PHP script security: avoid vulnerabilities
Guard against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks
Avoid SQL injections
Protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Manage PHP errors and exceptions

Workshop: Protect your application from php vulnerabilities

Introduction to CodeIgniter
Using the MVC architecture
Managing urls
Linking a controller to a url
Associating a view to a controller
Using templates

Workshop: Create an application with CodeIgniter

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


5 days


£ 2067


PHP Developers


Master object-oriented programming in php




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