About HTML 5 / CSS3
Thanks to HTML5, you will be able to create rich applications accessible on PC or mobile platforms, to free yourself from the use of third-party JavaScript libraries and no longer have to use Flash !!!
Today we are witnessing the emergence of many sites exploiting the various contributions of this version: – new organization of documents, – simplification and addition of tags, – several JavaScript APIs: drawing, audio / video integration, editing, drag-and-drop, form validation, history management, geo-location, …
7 training to see :
Intermediate Webmaster : HTML5 / CSS3
Duration : 3 days
Goals :
- Discover the potential of new HTML5 / CSS3 standardsIntermediate Webmaster : Responsive Web Design (RWD)
Duration : 2 days
Goals :
- Create responsive websites
- Use media queriesIntermediate Webmaster : HTML5 / CSS3 + Responsive Web Design (RWD)
Duration : 5 days
Goals :
- Discover the potential of new HTML5 / CSS3 standards
- Learn how to build multiplatform sites: smartphone, tablet, ….
Web Accessibility
Duration : 1 day
Goals :
- Knowing how to make a website, intranet, extranet accessible, in particular to people with disabilities
- Being able to validate the correct implementation of accessibility
Bootstrap : Responsive Websites
Duration : 2 days
Goals :
- Master the creation of responsive sites with BootstrapJQuery
Duration : 2 days
Goals :
- Build efficient interfaces with jQuery
- Develop additional plugins
Intermediate Webmaster : jQuery, Bootstrap, Accessibility
Duration : 5 days
Goals :
- Master the functions of jQuery
- Build an adaptive site with Bootstrap
- Optimize the accessibility of your website pages