- Master the concepts of Dojo Toolkit
- Use Dojo to develop web applications
Web application development
Overview of available frameworks
Dojo Toolkit: presentation, contexts of use, versions
Modules and uses
Development environments and tools
Integration with other modern JavaScript development frameworks and tools
Workshop: Installation of the Dojo environment, first launches.
AMD, Modules
Bases: prototype, instantiation, closures, lambdas
Prototype oriented programming: simulation of classes, inheritance, mixins
Utility functions: dojo_base, dojo / i18n, Stateful, mixin
Promises and Deferred
Aspect oriented programming
Event management layers: emit, on, Evented, Stateful, Workshop topic
: Multiple examples of use of Dojo Toolkit
Structure of an application: router, dojo / back, dojo / hash, dojo / url, dojo / io-query
DOM manipulation: dom, dom-attr, dom-class, dom-construct, dom-geometry
Selection of nodes with Dojo / query
Management of animations with dojo / fx
Workshop: Creation of an interactive single-page application
Requests with
HTML and JSON dojo / request
Asynchronous requests
Processing of JSON responses
Workshop: Setting up asynchronous communication in a Dojo application.
Presentation of Dijit
Widgets: lifecycle, instantiation, dojo / parser
Form widgets: textbox, dates, etc.
Overview of available widgets: menus, dialogs, etc.
Layout with containers: ContentPane, AccordionContainer, TabContainer, etc.
Check validation
Creation of custom widgets
Intra-widget event management (this.own, this.watch), memory
management Drag’n Drop management
Workshop: Building a rich interface with Dojo
Data management in Dojo: solutions available
Widgets connected to data
Data Stores: presentation, use
Filtering select
Tables (DGrid): simple, editable
Workshop: Using interactive data models
Presentation of dojox
Advanced components: calendar, charts, gridx
Management of styles and themes
Implementation of unit tests with Intern
Integration of responsive design application
Dojo Build System
Packages and layers
Integration with Grunt
Workshop: Implementation of a responsive design application, optimizations.
3 days
£ 1736
Webmasters with good knowledge of HTML and Javascript
Good knowledge of JavaScript, DOM, CSS and notions of AJAX
Contact us for more informations about session date