• Reset research
  • Trainings

  • Difficulty

Apache Spark

Objectives : 
- Develop applications with Spark
- Use libraries for SQL, data flow and machine learning
- Transcribe difficulties encountered in the field in parallel algorithms
- Develop business applications that integrate with Spark
Duration : 4 days
Price : £ 2367
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Project Management

ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana)

Objectives : 
- Master the use of Elasticsearch, logstash and Kibana to index, search and visualize data and documents
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1694
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Project Management

Python Advanced

Objectives : 
- To be able to predict, develop, test, deploy a complete and complex application in Python
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 1091
First steps for beginners

Apache Solr : implementing a search engine

Objectives : 
- Master the use of Solr to index and search data and documents
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1865
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Project Management


Objectives : 
- Know how to use your email
- Manage your contact lists
- Schedule meetings in your calendar
Duration : 1 day
Price : £ 2495
Office Automation
Office Training
Other Office training

Apache Kafka : Data exchange

Objectives : 
- Understand the architecture of Kafka and its use cases
- Use the Kafka APIs
- Administer a cluster
- Build a high-availability architecture
- Secure a cluster
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 2123
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Project Management

Intermediate Python : Best Practices

Objectives : 
- Master the advanced elements of the language and design patterns
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1708
Python for Insiders or Java / C ++ Developers


Objectives : 
- Understand and master the UX methodology
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 2495
Office Automation
Office Training
Other Office training

Office 2013

Objectives : 
- Know how to use a table in Excel
- Generate a standard document in Word
- Create simple presentations with PowerPoint
- Manage your mail with Outlook
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 2495
Office Automation
Office Training
Other Office training

Business Objects

Objectives : 
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management