Business Objects XI R3 : Crystal Reports
Objectives :
- Explore Crystal Reports 2011
- Create reports
- Create formulas and charts
- Explore Crystal Reports 2011
- Create reports
- Create formulas and charts
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 943
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management
Django : Initiation
Objectives :
- Develop a robust web application with the Django framework
- Develop a robust web application with the Django framework
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1922
Web development in Python
Django : Advanced
Objectives :
- Develop a robust web application with the Django framework
- Develop a robust web application with the Django framework
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 1018
Web development in Python
Business Objects XI R3 : Webi Initiation
Objectives :
- Discover Webintelligence XI
- Use data
- Generate graphs
- Create reports
- Discover Webintelligence XI
- Use data
- Generate graphs
- Create reports
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 943
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management
Django CMS : Web application content management
Objectives :
- Build and administer a website with Django CMS
- Build and administer a website with Django CMS
Duration : 5 days
Price : £ 2564
Web development in Python
Python : Data analysis
Objectives :
- Knowing how to analyze data with Python
- Knowing how to analyze data with Python
Duration : 5 days
Price : £ 2564
Python: other courses
Python : Penetration tests
Objectives :
- Mastering application penetration testing using Python
- Mastering application penetration testing using Python
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1536
Python: other courses
Business Objects XI R3 : Webi Advanced
Objectives :
- Go further with functions
- Merge dimensions
- Create complex queries
- Go further with functions
- Merge dimensions
- Create complex queries
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 943
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management
Business Objects XI R3 : Webi Initiation + Advanced
Objectives :
- Discover Webintelligence XI
- Use data
- Generate graphs
- Create reports
- Go further with functions
- Merge dimensions
- Create complex queries
- Discover Webintelligence XI
- Use data
- Generate graphs
- Create reports
- Go further with functions
- Merge dimensions
- Create complex queries
Duration : 4 days
Price : £ 1887
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management
Business Objects BI 4.2 : WebIntelligence Update
Objectives :
- Discover the new features and advanced functions of the BI4 version
- Discover the new features and advanced functions of the BI4 version
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 943
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management