• Reset research
  • Trainings

  • Difficulty

Business Objects BI 4.2 : Designer IDT

Objectives : 
- Discover the new features and advanced functions of the BI4 version
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1351
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management

MS Project Initiation

Objectives : 
- Know the main features of MS Project
- Know how to create and follow a project with MS Project
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 1085
Project Management
Project Management & IS
Project management tools

Migration to Office 2013

Objectives : 
- Keep up to date on new features offered by Office 2013
Duration : 1 day
Price : £ 2495
Office Automation
Office Training
Other Office training

Business Objects BI 4.2 : Administration Update

Objectives : 
- Discover the new features and advanced functions of the BI4 version
Duration : 1 day
Price : £ 472
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management

Office 2010

Objectives : 
- Discover what’s new in Office
- Know the main features of Word, Excel and Outlook
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 2495
Office Automation
Office Training
Other Office training

Business Objects BI 4.2 : Webi Initiation

Objectives : 
- Create simple WebI documents using BI Launch Pad
- Implement the query editor to feed its documents with the relevant data of your choice
- Enhance and format your business data with graphs
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 943
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management

Business Objects BI 4.2 : Webi Advanced

Objectives : 
- Go further with functions
- Merge dimensions
- Create complex queries
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 943
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management

Business Objects BI 4.2 : Webi Initiation + Advanced

Objectives : 
- Create simple WebI documents using BI Launch Pad
- Implement the query editor to feed its documents with the relevant data of your choice
- Enhance and format your business data with graphs
- Go further with functions
- Merge dimensions
- Create complex queries
Duration : 4 days
Price : £ 1887
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management

Business Objects BI 4.2 : Administration and Security

Objectives : 
- Set up security from the Central Management Console application
- Publish and schedule objects in a secure environment
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 943
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management

Business Objects BI 4.2 : Server Administration

Objectives : 
- Master the Central Management Console environment
- Know the platform architecture
- Discover the processes implemented when using the platform
- Know the different servers that make up the platform and manage them
- Check the integrity of the platform and make corrections
- Monitor the platform and use the audit
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 943
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management