• Reset research
  • Trainings

  • Difficulty

Indesign CC: Digital publication Initiation + Advanced

Objectives : 
- Have an overview of digital publishing from Indesign
- Master the production of advanced PDF files
- Know how to create applications for smartphones and tablets from Indesign
- Know how to create EPUB files for e-reader
Duration : 5 days
Price : £ 1922
Digital Publishing
Graphic design
Graphics editors

Web Accessibility

Objectives : 
- Knowing how to make a website, intranet, extranet accessible, in particular to people with disabilities
- Being able to validate the correct implementation of accessibility
Duration : 1 day
Price : £ 759
Intermediate Webmaster: front-end HTML / CSS integrator

InDesign Digital Publishing with Aquafadas Initiation

Objectives : 
- Understand what digital publishing is
- Understand the extent of the possibilities of Aquafadas
- Create interactive PDFs
- Create interactive books for e-readers
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1275
Digital Publishing
Graphic design
Graphics editors

Delphi Initiation

Objectives : 
- Learn about Delphi and develop web database management applications
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1280

Bootstrap : Responsive Websites

Objectives : 
- Master the creation of responsive sites with Bootstrap
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 975
Intermediate Webmaster: front-end HTML / CSS integrator

InDesign Digital Publishing with Aquafadas Advanced

Objectives : 
- Create rich applications for smartphones and tablets from Indesign and Aquafadas
- Understand the publication of content on tablets and smartphones from Aquafadas
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 1015
Digital Publishing
Graphic design
Graphics editors

InDesign Digital publication with Aquafadas: Initiation + Advanced

Objectives : 
- Understand what digital publishing is
- Understand the extent of the possibilities of Aquafadas
- Create interactive PDFs
- Create interactive books for e-readers
- Create rich applications for smartphones and tablets from Indesign and Aquafadas
- Understand the publication of content on tablets and smartphones from Aquafadas
Duration : 5 days
Price : £ 1836
Digital Publishing
Graphic design
Graphics editors


Objectives : 
- Build efficient interfaces with jQuery
- Develop additional plugins
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 975
Intermediate Webmaster: front-end HTML / CSS integrator

Delphi Advanced

Objectives : 
- Building Complex Applications with Delphi
- Understanding Processes and Synchronization
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 852

Intermediate Webmaster : jQuery, Bootstrap, Accessibility

Objectives : 
- Master the functions of jQuery
- Build an adaptive site with Bootstrap
- Optimize the accessibility of your website pages
Duration : 5 days
Price : £ 2164
Intermediate Webmaster: front-end HTML / CSS integrator