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- Understand what digital publishing is

- Understand the extent of the possibilities of Aquafadas

- Create interactive PDFs

- Create interactive books for e-readers

- Create rich applications for smartphones and tablets from Indesign and Aquafadas

- Understand the publication of content on tablets and smartphones from Aquafadas


General principles
versions , alternatives Reminders on InDesign
Presentation of Aquafadas Digital Publishing
Difference with the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite

General information on electronic publishing
Liquid layout (screen size, layout)
Modular grid, ergonomics and user interface
Interactivity or the fundamental difference with printing

Differences between print and digital production.
Rethink its production on Indesign for multi-media.
The publication of content on the various platforms.
Presentation and use of the iOS and Android simulators
Presentation and use of the Aquafadas Viewer player
Management of the Aquafadas Viewer menu and navigation bar

Creation of an Aquafadas account and concept of AVE Project Manager and AVE Interactivity
Differences between content creation tool and management tool installation of the Aquafadas plug-in
Content viewing tool on tablets,
Installation and use of Xcode

Creating an interactive navigation
Managing tables of contents and bookmarks
Using the buttons
Inserting videos Practical workshop
Creating a first interactive publication

Hyperlinks, buttons and object states
Insertion of hyperlinks and HTML content
Creation of navigation anchors
Insertion of a block of scrolling text
Insertion of “tapping” features on images
Insertion of video, slideshow or audio source
Insertion of an image carousel
Insertion of pop-up windows
Insertion of object animations from InDesign Insertion and management of animations in the page
Insertion of a Flash or Edge Animate animation Insertion of modules of small interactive games
Insertion of a surface allowing drag & drop
Insertion ofan interactive map
Interaction between parent and child documents
Preview publications on iOS and Android mobile devices

Workshop: Realization of an interactive document

Organizing documents
Exporting documents

Workshop: Export of documents already created in HTML5 for integration into a website.

Export by project, article or sheet
Export in ZAVE format (AveMAG and AvePDF) for tablets and smartphones
Export in EPUB (reflow and fixed layout) format for e-readers
Export in SWF and HTML5 formats for the Web


5 days


£ 1836


Graphic designers


Regular use of InDesign or have taken at least one of the following training courses: InDesign initiation + Deepening, advanced InDesign for multimedia or have equivalent knowledge




Contact us for more informations about session date