- Understand Microsoft Azure
- Manage access to Storage and network resources
- The specifics of Azure VMs
- Know how to manage backup and PRA
- Manage applications and services
- Discover Azure for Active Directory
What is Cloud Computing Cloud
What is Azure?
Manage the Azure portal Azure
Resource Manager
Manage subscription and billing
Do DevOps in Azure
Manage Azure services
VNet Network Architecture
Azure VNet Context (IaaS v1)
Configure Azure VNet Networks
Manage VNet Networks
Test Azure VNet Network Connectivity
Presentation of VMs IaaS v1 and v2
VMs (IaaS v2)
Planning of VM
deployment VM deployment (IaaS v2)
Lab: Creating Azure Resource Manager models
Creation of a virtual machine environment VM
management (IaaS v1)
VM disk
management VM management and monitoring
Services and applications
Planning and deployment of applications
Mobile applications
Traffic distribution (Traffic Manager)
Web Apps, maintenance and Configuration
Monitoring Web App and WebJobs
The different PaaS Cloud Services offers
Configuration and management of a PaaS Cloud Service
Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).
5 days
£ 2832
System Administrator, Any IS professional
Have knowledge of networks, virtualization
Active Directory and databases
Have taken Azure training: The fundamentals of Microsoft Azure or equivalent knowledge
Storage planning Storage
Blob, Data Lake Storage
Azure CDN, Azure backup
PRA with Azure Site Recovery
Microsoft Azure for Active Directory
Introducing Azure AD Premium
Azure AD Connect, Azure AD Connect Health
Implementing AD FS
QUEST federation with AZURE
Workshop: Configuring access to resources and applications with Azure AD
Workshop: Managing infrastructure with Windows Admin Center, Creating and maintaining Azure AD
Planning and Deployment of SQL Azure
Management of SQL Azure
Monitoring SQL Azure
Security of SQL Azure
Azure DevOps Service
Implementing OMS
Creating an Azure Automation runbooks
Azure Automation DSC
Azure Resource Manager Template
Azure SDK and Interface (CLI)
Lab: DSC PowerShell, batch processing
Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing)
Contact us for more informations about session date