- Learn to design a database and tables
- Improve the ergonomics of a database
Presentation of Access and the other tools of the Office suite
Examples of implementation with Access
The vocabulary to use
Description of the interface (Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar, etc.)
Structure of a file (database, tables, fields and records)
Create a database
The different editing modes of ‘Access
Create a table
Define the primary key of the new table
Integrate fields and apply a data type to them
Configure field properties
Index a table
field Calculated fields
Creation of the relational model
Create a relation manually
Define a type of relation
The different joins
Check the object dependencies
Automatic relation thanks to the drop-down lists on a field
Workshop: Creation of a complete database with tables and relations
Query creation
Gather fields from several tables
Filter the data to display
Introduce regular expressions
Use query parameters
Use functions (sum, average, concatenation, etc.) in queries
Group data
Identify duplicates in a table
Perform a crosstab
Find non-matches on records
Workshop: Data extraction in order to produce statistics
Create a form via a table or a query
Use the wizard for form creation
The different areas (header, details and footer)
Modify the visual of a form
Adapt the properties
Insert action buttons
Integrate sub -forms
Workshop: Improve the user interface of your database
Create an independent form
Display the form when opening the database
Integrate various controls (text zone, drop-down list, checkbox
Workshop: Create a navigation system within your Access database
Create a report via a table or a query
Use the report creation wizard
Modify the visual of a report
Adapt the properties
Perform groupings and sorts
Open a report via a form
Integrate a filter on a report via a form
Create labels using Access data
Integrate a table or query for a Word mail merge
Import an Excel table into an Access table
Import a CSV file
Export data to Excel, Word or in PDF format
Save all import / export steps
Bulk add data
Apply a change to an entire field
Quickly delete a large amount of data
Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing)
3 days
£ 1303
Knowledge of office software such as Word and Excel
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