Ansible : Initiation
Duration : 3 days
Goals :
- Understand the interest of the DevOps movement
- Install Ansible
- Use Ansible playbooks to deploy your ISAnsible : Advanced
Duration : 2 days
Goals :
- Use Ansible in the context of continuous integration and continuous delivery of an application
- Effectively manage inventoriesAnsible : Initiation + Advanced
Duration : 5 days
Goals :
- Understand the interest of the DevOps movement
- Install Ansible
- Use Ansible playbooks to deploy your ISAnsible : More Advanced
Duration : 3 days
Goals :
- Use Ansible in the context of continuous integration and continuous delivery of an application
- Effectively manage inventoriesAnsible : AWX
Duration : 2 days
Goals :
- Understand the interest of the DevOps movement
- Install Ansible and AWX
- Create, configure and control user access and roles
- Integrate Ansible projects into AWX
- Create task and workflow models to standardize the execution and management of ansible playbooks
- Launch playbooks, monitor and verify task results with AWX