- Understand the interest of the DevOps movement
- Install Ansible
- Use Ansible playbooks to deploy your IS
The origin of the DevOps movement
The need for industrialization for operations Overview
of tools
Positioning of Ansible in the current landscape
Origin of the project
Operation, relation to SSH
Installation methods
Practical workshop: install ansible on the control machine, prepare the knots
Configure SSH connections
Describe and use inventory
Experiment with ad-hoc commands
Discover how modules work
Practical workshop: using ansible to execute commands on nodes, transfer files
Presentation and production of a playbook
Variables and facts
Presentation of the different iterations
Controlling the execution of tasks
Debugging a task
Roles and inclusion of tasks
Practical workshop: write a playbook to deploy applications, pilot a complete environment with ansible
Templating: Jinja 2
– Presentation of Jinja and its syntax
– Presentation of jinja filters
– Simple
Ansible-galaxy iteration
– Presentation
– Installation of a role from the public repository
Managing sensitive data
– Presentation of ansible vault and vault-id
Practical workshop: Templating and securing a playbook
5 days
£ 2832
System administrators, Integrators, Developers
Have followed the Linux training : initiation, know the basics of system administration
Coding: major developments
Presentation of ansible-lint
Using tags
Using limits
Using dry-run mode Using
help commands
Structuring your inventory for a production context
Overloading variables
Presentation of dynamic inventories
Managing the assignment of roles executed on hosts
Presentation of the delegation system
Practical workshop: simulation
Configuration of the ansible.cfg file
The ansible -config commands
Structuring of project directories
Practical workshop: optimization of the configuration of our ansible project
Summarize jinja syntax
Presentation of jinja filters
Simple and advanced iteration in jinja
Declaration of local variables
Presentation of the inclusion
system Presentation of the macro system
Practical DNS workshop : dynamically model the records in a DNS zone
Reminders on roles
Modeling a new role
Managing the role’s metadata
Create a role -sharing platform (gitlab, github)
Use the « requirements » to manage the ecosystem
Practical workshop : Creation of structured roles, sharing of roles and management of « requirements »
Contact us for more informations about session date