Hibernate + Webservices


- To be able to easily access the databases with Java

- To create a maintainable and efficient persistence structure

- To be able to use existing private or public web services

- To know how to create, set up and declare Web services in java


History and versions
Installation and handling of the environment
Reminders: JEE (J2EE), servlets, SQL, JDBC

Principle of data access (ORM)
Correspondences between base and Java; site configuration and
Hibernate tools for web applications and heavy applications
Adding and reading any data
The relational structure: configuration and use

Practical workshop: a CMS with MySQL, Hibernate, servlets and JSP

Configuration or SQL generation tools
Handling of DataSources
Use in the case study

Full use of the Hibernate Query Language
Increase of the case study with free searches and filtering
Advanced configuration: performance and functionalities
Transactions, balance sheet of concurrency
Inheritance of tables and objects

Practical workshop: example of inheritance – a management mini-application

Presentation of web services Web
services and SOA
Web service platforms
List of Java APIs

Reminders of fundamental concepts: Prolog, elements and attributes, namespaces
Schemas (XSD)
XML parsers: SAX, DOM
Push parsing and pull parsing (StAX)
Java API’s for parsing and XML
Mapping xml-object transformation

– Operating principle
– SOAP messages: structure and scope
– Encoding / Serialization of data (document / literal or RPC / encoded)
– Error returns (faults)

– Operating principle
– Structure of a WSDL file

Development platforms
Choice of implementation: Axis, CXF, JBossWS, Metro …
– Presentation
– Creation and deployment of web services
– Invocation of a web service (static and dynamic)

– Presentation
– Service implementation (use of annotations)
– Deployment (on a SOAP engine or in standalone)
– Client creation

– Presentation
– Building SOAP messages
– Attaching parts to a SOAP message
– Managing attachments on the server side
handlers – Implementing handlers on the client side and on the server side

JAXM (Java API for XML Messaging)
– Presentation
– Sample application

Presentation – Available directories
JAXR API (Java API for Xml Registries)
– Connection to a directory service
– Finding a web service
– Registering a web service
Other alternatives: ebXML
Frameworks available for the implementation of a web service ‘phone book

Threats and concerns
Interaction levels (transport, messages, application)
JEE security mechanisms: mapping, authentication
Message security (Standards):
– WS-Security
– WS-Trust
– WS-Policy
– WS-Secure Conversation
– WS-Security Policy
– XML ​​Digital Signatures
– XML ​​Encryption


5 days


£ 2785


Java / JEE Developers – Project Managers


Knowledge of Java and Servlets – Basic web programming




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JPA EclipseLink


- Effectively manage data persistence

- Master the mechanisms of JPA

- Use of TopLink in a JEE application


Architecture of a JEE application
Contributions of Java 5 (annotations)
Java persistence techniques
Object-relational mapping
Existing frameworks (Hibernate, TopLink, EJB)
Presentation of JPA (Java Persistence API)
Integration of the JPA layer in a JEE application
TopLink implementation of JPA

Implementing a persistent class
Object-relational mapping using annotations
Configuration properties
JPA persistence engine (TopLink)
Queries (JPQL / EJB QL) and saving a persistent object

Contributions of mapping with JPA
Development: Beans, serialization, associations
Mapping of classes: id and properties
Mapping of associations (embedded, one-to-one, one-to-many, …)
Mapping of inheritance

Loading (reading techniques, strategies)
CRUD operations: insertion, reading, updating and deletion
Lifecycle of persistent objects
Synchronization with the database (flushing)
Persistence cascade (write)

overview Query queries and data operations
Subqueries and predicates
Queries with joins
Projections with JPQL / EJB QL and dynamic instantiation
Queries on sets

Insertion / modification control
Mapping of classes and properties (composite keys, multi-tables)
Mapping of associations (list map, many-to-many)

ACID Properties
Transaction Management (JTA)
Locking Techniques
Application Example


3 days


£ 1700




Knowledge of Java, SQL, XML (optional)




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JPA Hibernate : Advanced


- Optimize the persistence layer of a Java EE / JPA / Hibernate application


Structure of a JPA / Hibernate project
Mapping of entities and management of collections
Mapping of inheritance
Management of concurrency
Objects and Dao available

Workshop: Setting up the environment, presentation of the global JSP / Hibernate project

Hibernate Query Language: presentation, functionalities
Basic selections, filters
Complex joins
Aggregation, string functions, …
Management of Lazy loads
Native SQL queries

Workshop: Realization of complex requests

Entity lifecycle and validation
Interceptors, Event-listeners
Advanced configuration: performance and functionalities
Using the level 2 cache
Inversion of control with Spring ORM

Workshop: Cache management and Spring / Hibernate cohabitation


5 days


£ 2300


Java SE / Java EE developers


Mastery of object-oriented programming in JAVA – Notions of SQL




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JPA Hibernate : Initiation + Advanced


- Implement a powerful persistence layer with JPA / Hibernate


JDBC reminders and DAO (Data Access Object) pattern
ORM (Object Relational Mapping ) frameworks:
JPA (Java Persistence API) contributions: specification,
Hibernate implementations : history, versions, functionalities
Dependencies, references
Global configuration of the project
Architecture of Hibernate objects / JPA equivalents

Workshop: Setting up the environment, creating an application using JPA / Hibernate, global configuration file

Mapping tables and management of primary keys (simple, compound)
Mapping types of bases, column properties
Managing competition: optimistic (versioning), pessimistic
Relationship Management: OneToMany / ManyToOne, OneToOne, ManyToMany
Setting waterfalls
Collections Management : Map, Set, List, …
Inheritance mapping
Loading strategies: Lazy or Eager
Named queries
Management of stored procedures
Retrieving the Hibernate session and querying / modifying
available Dao data and essential methods

Workshop: Realization of a global mapping diagram of a database, CRUD operations (Create Read Update Delete)

Hibernate Query Language: presentation, functionalities
Basic selections, filters
Complex joins
Aggregation, string functions, …
Management of Lazy loads
Native SQL queries

Workshop: Realization of complex requests

Entity lifecycle and validation
Interceptors, Event-listeners
Advanced configuration: performance and functionalities
Using the level 2 cache
Inversion of control with Spring ORM

Workshop: Cache management and Spring / Hibernate cohabitation


5 days


£ 2310


Java SE / Java EE developers


Mastery of object-oriented programming in JAVA - Notions of SQL




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JPA Hibernate : Initiation


- Implement a powerful persistence layer with JPA / Hibernate


JDBC reminders and DAO (Data Access Object) pattern
ORM (Object Relational Mapping ) frameworks:
JPA (Java Persistence API) contributions: specification,
Hibernate implementations : history, versions, functionalities
Dependencies, references
Global configuration of the project
Architecture of Hibernate objects / JPA equivalents

Workshop: Setting up the environment, creating an application using JPA / Hibernate, global configuration file

Mapping tables and management of primary keys (simple, compound)
Mapping types of bases, column properties
Managing competition: optimistic (versioning), pessimistic
Relationship Management: OneToMany / ManyToOne, OneToOne, ManyToMany
Setting waterfalls
Collections Management : Map, Set, List, …
Inheritance mapping
Loading strategies: Lazy or Eager
Named queries
Management of stored procedures
Retrieving the Hibernate session and querying / modifying
available Dao data and essential methods

Workshop: Realization of a global mapping diagram of a database, CRUD operations (Create Read Update Delete)

Hibernate Query Language: presentation, functionalities
Basic selections, filters
Native SQL queries

Workshop: Writing complex queries


3 days


£ 1600




Mastery of object-oriented programming in JAVA – Notions of SQL




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Struts 2 + Hibernate + Spring


- Build robust JEE applications based on Struts 2, Hibernate and Spring


Structure of a JEE web application
Principle of MVC and MVC 2 architectures Contribution of MVC 2
frameworks and positioning of Struts 2
Implementation of Struts 2
Organization of data access (Relational-Object Mapping – ORM)
Hibernate: principle , versions, implementation The inversion of control by injection of
Spring Ioc dependencies : concepts, implementation, structure of configuration files
Structure of a web project combining the 3 frameworks

Practical workshop: installation of the development and execution environment – construction of the minimal structure of a Struts2 / Hibernate3 / Spring Ioc project

Implementation of actions
Management of forms
Validation of forms and advanced interactions
Taglibs Struts
Management of types and conversions
Additional configuration of Struts
Messages and internationalization
Development of interceptors
Use of Ajax
Templating: principle, implementation

Practical workshop: Building a complete management application

Configuration of object relational mapping (XML or annotations)
Management of unique identifier
Relations between objects: OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany
Strategies for loading collections (lazy / eager loading)
Management of object inheritance
HQL language: syntax , use
Use of native SQL queries
Parameterized queries, sorting and paging
Transaction management
Best practices and caching

Practical workshop: accessing data and using the HQL language

Configuration of beans and instantiation of the container
Dependency injection by mutator / constructor
Control of properties
Automatic linking of beans (XML configuration / annotations)
Configuration inheritance
Assignment of collections to the properties of a bean
Access to JNDI resources: configuration of data sources, email sessions
Transaction management

Practical workshop: Multiple bean configurations and JNDI access


5 days


£ 2300




Knowledge of servlets and JSP




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Struts 1


- Learn about MVC and MVC architectures 2

- Learn to use the Struts Framework 1


Principle of MVC and MVC 2 architectures
Overview of MVC2 frameworks: Struts, JSF, …
Struts 1: presentation, architecture, version
Development environment, plugins, JEE application server

Workshop: Installation of the development environment

Struts 1 project: libraries and dependencies
Log management
Configuration of the ActionServlet in the web.xml
Configuration of Struts taglibs Configuration
file struts-config.xml
Action-Model-Vue flow and configuration

Workshop: Creation and execution of a Struts 1 project

Struts 1 actions: types, implementation
Management of parameters, return values
Mapping of actions: results, parameters
Management of errors
Panorama of form tags
Integration of forms: ActionForm and mapping
Validation of forms
Management of error messages
Dynaforms (beans dynamics)
management Download management
Properties files and internationalization of views (i18n)
Integration of
Panorama plugins and integration of libraries: Struts Layout

Workshop: Implementation of several forms: creation, validation, processing

Persistence spaces: page, request, session, application Session
handling: adding and retrieving attributes
Defining and using application variables
Creating and retrieving cookies

Workshop: Using the available persistence spaces

Struts-Tiles: presentation, interest
Setup: configuration (tiles-def.xml)
Model page and use
Inheritance of Tiles
Other alternatives to Tiles: Sitemesh

Workshop: Integration of templates and use

Struts 2: presentation, contributions
Struts 1 vs Struts 2
Migration process Demonstration

Workshop: presentation of a Struts 2 application


3 days


£ 1600


Java / JEE Developers


Knowledge of servlets and JSP




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Struts + Hibernate


- Learn to use Struts and Hibernate frameworks

- Be able to implement a complete site with JEE


History and versions
Eclipse installation and operations
Reminders: JEE, servlets, JSP

Principle of MVC and MVC 2 architectures
Creation of a minimal interactive site with Struts, servlets and JSP
Handling and complete implementation with Eclipse

Form validation and advanced interactions
Use of javabeans and full access to data
The main Struts Taglibs: a simple and clear presentation code
Additional configuration of Struts

Practical workshop: a directory with Struts

Additional Taglibs for Struts
Site Internationalization; the messages
Application of internationalization to the
Struts and Hibernate or JDO case study : cooperation and optimization

Additional Taglibs for Struts
Site Internationalization; the messages
Application of internationalization to the
Struts and Hibernate or JDO case study : cooperation and optimization

Principle of data access (ORM)
Reminders of SQL, JDBC
Correspondences between base and Java; site configuration and
Hibernate tools for web applications and heavy applications
Adding and reading any data
The relational structure: configuration and use
Various relationships between objects: OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany

Practical workshop: a CMS with MySQL, Hibernate, servlets and JSP

Complete use of Hibernate Query Language
Increase of the case study with free searches and filtering
Advanced configuration: performance and functionalities
Collection loading strategies (lazy / eager loading)
Transactions, balance sheet of concurrency
Inheritance of tables and objects
Hibernate in collaboration with Struts

Practical workshop: example of inheritance – a management mini-application


5 days


£ 2300




Knowledge of servlets and JSP




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JSF 2 + JPA 2


- Build robust JEE applications based on JSF 2 and JPA 2


MVC 2: presentation of the pattern, available frameworks
Presentation of JSF: versions, functionalities, positioning, implementations
Implementation of JSF 2 in a web application
Lifecycle of a request and presentation of the JSF taglib
Graphic components, creation of
Managed forms Beans: creation, scopes, navigation rules
Form validation: JSF validators, Bean Validation (JSR 303)
Language EL interceptors : presentation, expressions, implicit objects
Internationalization (i18n) in a JSF application
JSF / Ajax: asynchronous components
Facelets: presentation, layouts and custom components
JSF / Spring Ioc integration

Workshops: Creation of a complete management application integrating: forms, lists with pagination, i18n, interceptors and validations

Java persistence techniques,
JPA object-relational mapping : presentation, versions (1.0 vs 2.0), existing frameworks (Hibernate, TopLink, EJB)
Integration of the JPA layer in a JEE application
Implementation of a persistent class, use of annotations
Development : Beans, serialization, associations Mapping of classes: id and properties, associations (embedded, one-to-one, one-to-many, …), inheritance etc …
Handling of persistent objects
Loading (reading techniques , strategies: lazy, eager)
Synchronization with the database (flushing)
Persistence cascade (write)
Queries (JPQL): queries, predications, projections, joins
Transactions and concurrency
Locking techniques

Workshops: Setting up a complete data access layer in a JSF 2 web application


5 days


£ 2300


Java Developers


Mastery of Java, knowledge of Servlets and JSP




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Apache Hadoop


- Be able to create distributed applications in Java

- Know the challenges of using Apache Hadoop


Apache Hadoop Versions, and Alternatives
Related Principles, Why Use Hadoop
Preparing Test Data

Principle of data distribution
Sending, modifying, reading data
Strategic choices

Workshop: setting up data, reading, etc.

Job creation and tasks
Robustness, resumption of jobs
Other examples of Hadoop applications

Workshop: a real distributed application with Hadoop


2 days


£ 1275


Java Developers


Have followed the in-depth Java training or have equivalent knowledge




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JBoss Seam


- Master web application development with JBoss Seam


JEE: architecture and components
Contributions of MVC 2 frameworks
JSF: basic principles, implementation
EJB 3: functionalities, use
JBoss Seam: presentation, contributions and architecture
Development environment (Eclipse / SeamGen)

Practical workshop: Setting up the environment – Multiple JSF, EJB3 / JPA reminders – First Seam example

Integration of components: Facelets, Seam JSF components, …
Life cycle of Seam components
Validation of inputs
Request filters
Bijection and injection of dependencies
Business process
management PageFlows management (jPDL / Drools, Eclise IDE, returns)
Test expression : the SeamTest class, the embedded runtime
Packaging and deployment

Hands-on workshop: Implementing Seam in an application – using jPDL for navigation

EJB 3 Stateless vs Stateful: features, performance
Scope Conversation
Competition: contexts, management, exceptions
Definition of Workspace

Practical workshop: Using workspaces

EJB Entity / JPA persistence APIs , Hibernate
Transactions and concurrency
Cache usage

Practical workshop: Building a data access layer

Using Seam without
JavaScript / Ajax EJBs (Seam POJO) and Seam Remoting
Internationalization (i18n)
Security in a Seam application

Practical workshop: application of advanced concepts: ajax, i18n


4 days


£ 2475


Java Developers


Mastery of Java language, knowledge of JEE (JSF, EJB 3), AJAX




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- Learn to use JSF

- Discover the essentials of the possibilities of this Framework

- Build AJAX / JSF applications


History and versions, the different standards
Principle of a framework and other choices
Handling of the development environment and the server
Reminders: servlets, JSP, JDBC, Javabeans, XML

Principle of MVC architectures
Setting up a project
First displays
Facelets: facing JSPs, advantages, needs
Facelets and HTML, XHTML, HTML 5

Workshop: set up a project with Tomcat and test

Summary of taglibs
Display and blend with HTML; the on-board resources system
Internationalization of a site
Display organization: panels, tables
Display organization: the layout system

Workshop: display a home page

Return any content (except HTML)

Setting up JavaBeans, relations between objects
Properties and initialization
Displaying information from JavaBeans
Tests and loops on data

Workshop: display of texts, numbers, lists

From one page to another: navigation and creation of functional architectures
Parameterized links and retrieval
Creation of forms
Conversions and validation: several ways of doing
Conversions and validation: tailor-made methods
Assessment of interactions

Workshop: complete and complex site with JSF

Some libraries: MyFaces, Struts-faces, RichFaces, Ajax4Jsf
JSF in relation with other frameworks

Workshop: link the site in JSF to a database using JDBC

Introduction to Ajax, suitability of the two models
Perform Ajax requests from JSF elements
Complete the JavaScript

Workshop: a very practical form thanks to AJAX


3 days


£ 1995




Knowledge of servlets and JSP, JavaScript (optional)




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JSF (Java Server Faces)


- Learn to use JSF

- Discover the essentials of the possibilities of this Framework


History and versions, the different standards
Principle of a framework and other choices
Handling of the development environment and the server
Reminders: servlets, JSP, JDBC, Javabeans, XML

Principle of MVC architectures
Setting up a project
First displays
Facelets: facing JSPs, advantages, needs
Facelets and HTML, XHTML, HTML 5

Workshop: set up a project with Tomcat and test

Summary of taglibs
Display and blend with HTML; the on-board resources system
Internationalization of a site
Display organization: panels, tables
Display organization: the layout system

Workshop: display a home page

Return any content (except HTML)

Setting up JavaBeans, relations between objects
Properties and initialization
Displaying information from JavaBeans
Tests and loops on data

Workshop: display of texts, numbers, lists

From one page to another: navigation and creation of functional architectures
Parameterized links and retrieval
Creation of forms
Conversions and validation: several ways of doing
Conversions and validation: tailor-made methods
Assessment of interactions

Workshop: complete and complex site with JSF


2 days


£ 1495




Knowledge of servlets and JSP




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JSF 2 : Advanced


- Optimizing a JSF 2 application

- Coupling JSF 2 with Spring and JPA


Principle of MVC and MVC 2 architectures
Implementation of JSF 2 in a web application
Development environment, plugins, Java EE application server

Workshop: Presentation of the complete structure of a JSF 2 application

Management of page loading
Asynchronous requests:
– Communication (XMLHttpRequest object)
– Sending / processing of the response
– JSF AJAX / jQuery tags

Workshop: Implementation of asynchronous actions and partial data loads

Presentation of Spring Core (IoC): interest, configuration
Dependency injection by Xml or annotations
Context retrieval and beans injection

Workshop: Coupling JSF 2 with Spring

Java persistence techniques,
JPA object-relational mapping : presentation, versions (1.0 vs 2.0), existing frameworks (Hibernate, EclipseLink, EJB)
Integration of the JPA layer in a JEE application
Implementation of a persistent class, use of annotations
Development : Beans, serialization, associations Mapping of classes: id and properties, associations (embedded, one-to-one, one-to-many, …), inheritance etc …
Handling of persistent objects
Loading (reading techniques , strategies: lazy, eager)
Synchronization with the database (flushing)
Persistence cascade (write)
Queries (JPQL): queries, predications, projections, joins
Transactions and concurrency
Locking techniques

Workshops: Setting up a complete data access layer in a JSF 2 web application


2 days


£ 1250


Java Developers


Have taken the JSF 2 Initiation course or equivalent concepts




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JSF 2 : Initiation + Advanced


- Building robust JEE applications based on JSF 2


Principle of MVC and MVC 2 architectures
Overview of MVC2 frameworks: Struts, JSF, Spring MVC 
Presentation of JSF: versions, functionalities, positioning, implementations
Implementation of JSF 2 in a web application
Development environment, plugins, Java application server EE

Workshop: Installation of the development environment

JSF 2 project: libraries and dependencies
Log management
Configuration of the filter in the web.xml
Configuration of JSF 2 taglibs
file faces-config.xml
MVC chaining in JSF 2

Workshop: Creation and execution of a JSF 2 project

Lifecycle of a request and presentation of the JSF taglib
Graphic components, creation of
Managed Beans forms : creation, scopes, navigation rules
Validation of forms: JSF validators, Bean Validation (JSR 303)
Management of
Listeners error messages ,
Language EL interceptors : presentation, expressions, implicit objects
Internationalization (i18n) in a JSF 2 application
handling Properties files and internationalization of views (i18n)
Management of types and conversions
Definition and configuration of custom interceptors Upload

Workshop: Implementation of several forms: creation, validation, processing

Workshop: Using the available persistence spaces

Persistence spaces: page, request, session, application Session
handling: adding and retrieving attributes
Defining and using application variables
Creating and retrieving cookies

Workshop: Using the available persistence spaces

Facelets: presentation, layouts and custom components
Setup: configuration
Model page and use
Sitemesh: an alternative to Facelets

Workshop: Integration of templates and use

Management of page loading
Asynchronous requests:
– Communication (XMLHttpRequest object)
– Sending / processing of the response
– JSF AJAX / jQuery tags

Workshop: Implementation of asynchronous actions and partial data loads

Presentation of Spring Core (IoC): interest, configuration
Dependency injection by Xml or annotations
Context retrieval and beans injection

Workshop: Coupling JSF with Spring

Java persistence techniques,
JPA object-relational mapping : presentation, versions (1.0 vs 2.0), existing frameworks (Hibernate, EclipseLink, EJB)
Integration of the JPA layer in a JEE application
Implementation of a persistent class, use of annotations
Development : Beans, serialization, associations Mapping of classes: id and properties, associations (embedded, one-to-one, one-to-many, …), inheritance etc …
Handling of persistent objects
Loading (reading techniques , strategies: lazy, eager)
Synchronization with the database (flushing)
Persistence cascade (write)
Queries (JPQL): queries, predications, projections, joins
Transactions and concurrency
Locking techniques

Workshops: Setting up a complete data access layer in a JSF 2 web application


5 days


£ 2695


Java Developers


Proficient in Java




Contact us for more informations about session date

JSF 2 : Initiation


- Building robust JEE applications based on JSF 2


Principle of MVC and MVC 2 architectures
Overview of MVC2 frameworks: Struts, JSF, Spring MVC 
Presentation of JSF: versions, functionalities, positioning, implementations
Implementation of JSF 2 in a web application
Development environment, plugins, Java application server EE

Workshop: Installation of the development environment

JSF 2 project: libraries and dependencies
Log management
Configuration of the filter in the web.xml
Configuration of JSF 2 taglibs
file faces-config.xml
MVC chaining in JSF 2

Workshop: Creation and execution of a JSF 2 project

Lifecycle of a request and presentation of the JSF taglib
Graphic components, creation of
Managed Beans forms : creation, scopes, navigation rules
Validation of forms: JSF validators, Bean Validation (JSR 303)
Management of
Listeners error messages ,
Language EL interceptors : presentation, expressions, implicit objects
Internationalization (i18n) in a JSF 2 application
handling Properties files and internationalization of views (i18n)
Management of types and conversions
Definition and configuration of custom interceptors Upload

Workshop: Implementation of several forms: creation, validation, processing

Workshop: Using the available persistence spaces

Persistence spaces: page, request, session, application Session
handling: adding and retrieving attributes
Defining and using application variables
Creating and retrieving cookies

Workshop: Using the available persistence spaces

Facelets: presentation, layouts and custom components
Setup: configuration
Model page and use
Sitemesh: an alternative to Facelets

Workshop: Integration of templates and use


3 days


£ 1875


Java Developers


Proficient in Java




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Struts 2: Initiation + Advanced


- Discover the MVC and MVC architectures 2

- Learn to use the Struts Framework


Principle of MVC and MVC 2 architectures
Overview of MVC2 frameworks: Struts, JSF, Spring MVC
Struts 2: presentation / history, architecture, version
Development environment, plugins, JEE application server

Workshop: Installation of the development environment

Struts 2 project: libraries and dependencies
Log management
Configuration of the Struts 2 filter in the web.xml
Configuration of Struts taglibs
struts.xml file: structure, inclusions, constants, packages, actions
Sequence Action-Model-Vue and configuration

Workshop: Creation and execution of a Struts 2 project

Persistence spaces: page, request, session, application Session
handling: adding and retrieving attributes
Defining and using application variables
Creating and retrieving cookies

Workshop: Using the available persistence spaces

Struts 2 actions: types, implementation, constants
Management of parameters, return values
Mapping of actions by Xml
Mapping of actions by annotations
Dynamic management of the mapping
Types of results: dispatcher, redirect, redirectAction, chain, stream, …
Management of errors
Access to resources: request, response, context
Panorama of form tags
Integration of forms
Validation of forms
Management of error messages
Properties files and internationalization of views (i18n)
Management of types and conversions
Definition and configuration of custom interceptors
Management of the upload

Workshop: Implementation of several forms: creation, validation, processing

Management of page loading
Asynchronous requests:
– Communication (XMLHttpRequest object)
– Sending / processing of the response
– The Stream result action
– Struts AJAX / jQuery tags

Workshop: Implementation of asynchronous actions and partial data loads

Struts-Tiles: presentation, interest
Setup: configuration
Page model and use
Legacy of Tiles
Sitemesh: an alternative to Tiles

Workshop: Integration of templates and use

Presentation of Spring Core (IoC): interest, configuration
Dependency injection by Xml or annotations
Context retrieval and beans injection

Workshop: Coupling Struts with Spring

JPA: presentation, interest, implementations
Configuration of persistence in a Struts project
Mapping of entities
Queries and processing of results

Workshop: Implementing a DAO layer with JPA / Hibernate or JPA / EclipseLink


5 days


£ 2695


Java / JEE Developers


Knowledge of servlets and JSP




Contact us for more informations about session date

Struts 2: Advanced


- Mastering Struts 2

- Coupling Struts with other APIs: Spring, JPA


Principle of MVC and MVC 2 architectures
Actions and management of forms
Data persistence
Use of templates

Workshop: Installation of the development environment – presentation of the structure of a complete project

Management of page loading
Asynchronous requests:
– Communication (XMLHttpRequest object)
– Sending / processing of the response
– The Stream result action
– Struts AJAX / jQuery tags

Workshop: Implementation of asynchronous actions and partial data loads

Presentation of Spring Core (IoC): interest, configuration
Dependency injection by Xml or annotations
Context retrieval and beans injection

Workshop: Coupling Struts with Spring

JPA: presentation, interest, implementations
Configuration of persistence in a Struts project
Mapping of entities
Queries and processing of results

Workshop: Implementing a DAO layer with JPA / Hibernate or JPA / EclipseLink

Struts-Tiles: presentation, interest
Setup: configuration
Page model and use
Legacy of Tiles
Sitemesh: an alternative to Tiles

Workshop: Integration of templates and use


2 days


£ 1250


Java / JEE Developers


Have followed the Struts 2 Initiation course or equivalent concepts




Contact us for more informations about session date

Struts 2: Initiation


- Discover the MVC and MVC architectures 2

- Learn to use the Struts Framework


Principle of MVC and MVC 2 architectures
Overview of MVC2 frameworks: Struts, JSF, Spring MVC
Struts 2: presentation / history, architecture, version
Development environment, plugins, JEE application server

Workshop: Installation of the development environment

Struts 2 project: libraries and dependencies
Log management
Configuration of the Struts 2 filter in the web.xml
Configuration of Struts taglibs
struts.xml file: structure, inclusions, constants, packages, actions
Sequence Action-Model-Vue and configuration

Workshop: Creation and execution of a Struts 2 project

Struts 2 actions: types, implementation, constants
Management of parameters, return values
Mapping of actions by Xml
Mapping of actions by annotations
Dynamic management of the mapping
Types of results: dispatcher, redirect, redirectAction, chain, stream, …
Management of errors
Access to resources: request, response, context
Panorama of form tags
Integration of forms
Validation of forms
Management of error messages
Properties files and internationalization of views (i18n)
Management of types and conversions
Definition and configuration of custom interceptors
Management of the upload

Workshop: Implementation of several forms: creation, validation, processing

Persistence spaces: page, request, session, application Session
handling: adding and retrieving attributes
Defining and using application variables
Creating and retrieving cookies

Workshop: Using the available persistence spaces

Struts-Tiles: presentation, interest
Setup: configuration
Page model and use
Legacy of Tiles
Sitemesh: an alternative to Tiles

Workshop: Integration of templates and use


3 days


£ 1875


Java / JEE Developers


Knowledge of servlets and JSP




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring MVC + EJB 3


- Build robust JEE applications based on Spring MVC and EJB 3


Structure of a JEE web application
Principle of MVC and MVC 2
Spring architectures : presentation, building
blocks of Spring Ioc bases : concepts, implementation, structure of configuration files Contribution
of MVC 2 frameworks and positioning of Spring MVC
Implementation of Spring MVC
Organization of data access (Relational-Object Mapping – ORM)

Practical workshop: installation of the development and execution environment – construction of the minimal structure of a Spring MVC project

Configuration of beans and instantiation of the container
Dependency injection by mutator / constructor
Control of properties
Automatic linking of beans (XML configuration / annotations)
Configuration inheritance
Assignment of collections to the properties of a bean
Access to JNDI resources: configuration of data sources, email sessions
Transaction management

Practical workshop: Multiple bean configurations and JNDI access

Implementation of actions
Management of forms
Validation of forms and advanced interactions
Taglibs Spring
Management of types and conversions
Messages and internationalization
Development of interceptors
Use of Ajax
Templating: principle, implementation

Practical workshop: Building a complete management application

Presentation of EJBs: history and versions
Life cycle of EJBs
Application servers: JBoss, GlassFish, WebSphere, …
Structure of a web module based on EJBs, packaging and deployment
Types of EJBs: session, entity, message-driven
EJB calls (RMI / IIOP protocol), clients (heavy / light)
The Pattern Chain of Responsibility and presentation of interceptors (bean, interface, annotations)

EJBs Session:
– Implementations (stateless, stateful)
– Access to a EJB Session: visibility (local / remote / webService), choice of access type
– Concurrent access and optimizations at the container level
– Implementation of interceptors, change of default configurations

Entity EJBs service timers:
– Object relational mapping, ORM specification and frameworks
– Entity EJBs: functionalities, access
– JPA (Java Persistence API) annotations
– Context / persistence unit
– Management of the state of an EJB Entity
– Relations between entity beans (associations), cascading processing
– Inheritance management: SINGLE_TABLE, TABLE_PER_CLASS, JOINED
– EJB-QL (EJB Query Language): presentation, syntax and constructions of

EJB-MDB (Message-Driven Beans) requests :
– Definition
– Architecture (MOM, message models)
– Available APIs
– Overview of server implementations

Application security: presentation of APIs, management of users and
EJB roles and web services, protocols and clients (static / dynamic, synchronous / asynchronous)

Practical workshop: Deployment of web services based on EJB3 and writing of several clients – security of a distributed application


5 days


£ 2307


Java Developers


Mastery of Java, knowledge of Servlets and JSP




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring MVC + Hibernate


- Building robust JEE applications with Spring MVC and Hibernate


Structure of a JEE web application
Principle of MVC and MVC 2
Spring architectures : presentation, building
blocks of Spring Ioc bases : concepts, implementation, structure of configuration files Contribution
of MVC 2 frameworks and positioning of Spring MVC
Implementation of Spring MVC
Organization of data access (Relational-Object Mapping – ORM)
Hibernate: principle, versions, implementation Structure of a web project combining Spring MVC / Hibernate 3

Practical workshop: installation of the development and execution environment – construction of the minimal structure of a Spring MVC / Hibernate3 project

Configuration of beans and instantiation of the container
Dependency injection by mutator / constructor
Control of properties
Automatic linking of beans (XML configuration / annotations)
Configuration inheritance
Assignment of collections to the properties of a bean
Access to JNDI resources: configuration of data sources, email sessions
Transaction management

Practical workshop: Multiple bean configurations and JNDI access

Implementation of actions
Management of forms
Validation of forms and advanced interactions
Taglibs Spring
Management of types and conversions
Messages and internationalization
Development of interceptors
Use of Ajax
Templating: principle, implementation

Practical workshop: Building a complete management application

Configuration of object relational mapping (XML or annotations)
Management of unique identifier
Relations between objects: OneToOne, OneToMany, ManyToOne, ManyToMany
Strategies for loading collections (lazy / eager loading)
Management of object inheritance
HQL language: syntax , use
Use of native SQL queries
Parameterized queries, sorting and paging
Transaction management
Best practices and caching

Practical workshop: accessing data and using the HQL language


5 days


£ 2307




Knowledge of Servlets and JSP




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring MVC: Advanced


- Building robust Java EE applications based on Spring MVC and Spring ORM

- Implementing REST web services


Structure of a JEE web application
Principle of MVC and MVC 2
Spring architectures : presentation, building
blocks of Spring Ioc bases : concepts, implementation, structure of configuration files Contribution
of MVC 2 frameworks and positioning of Spring MVC
Implementation of Spring MVC
Organization of data access (Relational-Object Mapping – ORM)

Practical workshop: installation of the development and execution environment – construction of the minimal structure of a Spring MVC project

Management of page loading
Asynchronous requests:
– Communication (XMLHttpRequest object)
– Sending / processing of the response
– Specific tags

Workshop: Implementation of asynchronous actions and partial data loads

REST architecture: operation, HTTP methods
Spring RestController: annotations, mappings
Return of
interceptor objects and security
Writing REST clients

Workshop: REST web services with @RestController

Java persistence techniques,
JPA object-relational mapping : presentation, versions (1.0 vs 2.0), existing frameworks (Hibernate, EclipseLink, EJB)
Integration of the JPA layer in a Java EE application
Implementation of a persistent class, use of annotations
Development: Beans, serialization, associations Mapping of classes: id and properties, associations (embedded, one-to-one, one-to-many, …), inheritance etc …
Handling of persistent objects
Loading (techniques of reading, strategies: lazy, eager)
Synchronization with the database (flushing)
Persistence cascade (writing)
Queries (JPQL): queries, predications, projections, joins
Transactions and competition
Locking techniques

Workshops: Setting up a complete data access layer in a Spring MVC web application


2 days


£ 1070


Java EE Developers


Have taken Spring MVC Initiation training or equivalent concepts




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring MVC: Initiation


- Building robust Java EE applications based on Spring MVC


Structure of a JEE web application
Principle of MVC and MVC 2
Spring architectures : presentation, building
blocks of Spring Ioc bases : concepts, implementation, structure of configuration files Contribution
of MVC 2 frameworks and positioning of Spring MVC
Implementation of Spring MVC
Organization of data access (Relational-Object Mapping – ORM)

Practical workshop: installation of the development and execution environment – construction of the minimal structure of a Spring MVC project

Beans configuration and dependency injection
Control of properties
Configuration inheritance
Assigning collections to the properties of a bean
Access to JNDI resources: configuration of data sources, email sessions

Practical workshop: Multiple bean configurations

Lifecycle of a request and presentation of the Spring taglib
Graphic components, creation of forms
Spring MVC controllers: creation, mapping of actions
Validation of forms: JSF validators, Bean Validation (JSR 303)
Management of error messages
Listeners, Interceptors
Language EL: presentation, expressions, implicit objects
Internationalization (i18n) in a Spring MVC application
handling Type and conversion management
Definition and configuration of custom interceptors Upload

Workshop: Implementation of several forms: creation, validation, processing

Persistence spaces: page, request, session, application Session
handling: adding and retrieving attributes
Defining and using application variables
Creating and retrieving cookies

Workshop: Using the available persistence spaces

Presentation of templating solutions, layouts and custom components
Setup: configuration
Model page and use

Workshop: Integration of templates and use


3 days


£ 1605


Java Developers


Mastery of Java, knowledge of Servlets and JSP




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring MVC: Initiation + Advanced


- Building robust Java EE applications based on Spring MVC and Spring ORM

- Implementing REST web services


Structure of a JEE web application
Principle of MVC and MVC 2
Spring architectures : presentation, building
blocks of Spring Ioc bases : concepts, implementation, structure of configuration files Contribution
of MVC 2 frameworks and positioning of Spring MVC
Implementation of Spring MVC
Organization of data access (Relational-Object Mapping – ORM)

Practical workshop: installation of the development and execution environment – construction of the minimal structure of a Spring MVC project

Beans configuration and dependency injection
Control of properties
Configuration inheritance
Assigning collections to the properties of a bean
Access to JNDI resources: configuration of data sources, email sessions

Practical workshop: Multiple bean configurations

Lifecycle of a request and presentation of the Spring taglib
Graphic components, creation of forms
Spring MVC controllers: creation, mapping of actions
Validation of forms: JSF validators, Bean Validation (JSR 303)
Management of error messages
Listeners, Interceptors
Language EL: presentation, expressions, implicit objects
Internationalization (i18n) in a Spring MVC application
handling Type and conversion management
Definition and configuration of custom interceptors Upload

Workshop: Implementation of several forms: creation, validation, processing

Persistence spaces: page, request, session, application Session
handling: adding and retrieving attributes
Defining and using application variables
Creating and retrieving cookies

Workshop: Using the available persistence spaces

Presentation of templating solutions, layouts and custom components
Setup: configuration
Model page and use

Workshop: Integration of templates and use

Management of page loading
Asynchronous requests:
– Communication (XMLHttpRequest object)
– Sending / processing of the response
– Specific tags

Workshop: Implementation of asynchronous actions and partial data loads

REST architecture: operation, HTTP methods
Spring RestController: annotations, mappings
Return of
interceptor objects and security
Writing REST clients

Workshop: REST web services with @RestController

Java persistence techniques,
JPA object-relational mapping : presentation, versions (1.0 vs 2.0), existing frameworks (Hibernate, EclipseLink, EJB)
Integration of the JPA layer in a Java EE application
Implementation of a persistent class, use of annotations
Development: Beans, serialization, associations Mapping of classes: id and properties, associations (embedded, one-to-one, one-to-many, …), inheritance etc …
Handling of persistent objects
Loading (techniques of reading, strategies: lazy, eager)
Synchronization with the database (flushing)
Persistence cascade (writing)
Queries (JPQL): queries, predications, projections, joins
Transactions and competition
Locking techniques

Workshops: Setting up a complete data access layer in a Spring MVC web application


5 days


£ 2564


Java Developers


Mastery of Java, knowledge of Servlets and JSP




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring Security


- Building Secure Java EE Applications with Spring Security


Security aspects in a Java EE
Spring Security application: presentation, functions
Framework architecture
Dependencies, configuration (XML or annotations)

Authentication mechanisms (authenticationProvider):
– users in memory
– link to a database
– link to an LDAP directory
Login / logout pages
Spring objects: SecurityContext, Authentication

Implementation of web filters:
– main filters
– Basic vs Digest authentication
– Implementation of a Remember Me
– anonymous authentications Session
management: information, concurrency
Authorization management:
– on requests
– on objects and methods
– by role and by authentication type

Integration with the Servlet API
Password encoding
Localization of
Taglib Spring Security
Injection messages in a test context
Securing WebSockets
Management of CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) attacks
Configuration of http response headers: security, cache

Relational model vs document-oriented model (NoSQL)
MongoDB: presentation, functionalities, configuration
MangoDB infrastructure: definition, optimization
Mongo repositories
Inserting and modifying
Spring data MongoDB data: principle, functionalities
MongoDB – Spring coupling: dependencies, configuration
Queries and results processing
Management errors


2 days


£ 1241


Java EE Developers


Master object-oriented programming in Java




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Spring Batch


- Process data in batches with Spring Batch


Batch processing: principle and objectives, Java EE 7 standard
Batch processing implementations; Quartz, scripts, Spring Batch
Spring Batch: presentation, functionalities
Dependencies with Spring
Associated tools
Global architecture: Job, Step, Parameter
Fundamental objects of the framework (Executer, Launcher, Repository)
Installation and configuration of Spring Batch

Basic classes and interfaces
Job structure and sequence of steps
Implementation techniques
Reading, transforming and writing data (LTE); readers, processors, writers
Development of specific implementations
Access to data for batch processing
DAOs and templates provided by Spring Framework
Exception management and recovery after errors
Transaction management (job, step)
Batch historization: JobRepository, schema, interactions

Batch execution parameters
Available classes
Asynchronous batch launch


2 days


£ 1241


Java EE Developers


Master object-oriented programming in Java




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring Data


- Integrate different Spring Data modules into a Java SE / EE application


Galaxie Spring
Contribution of Spring Core
Spring Data: principle, features
Panorama of Spring Data modules:
– Main modules: Commons, Gemfire, JPA, JDBC, KeyValue, LDAP, MongoDB, REST, Redis, Cassandra, Solr
– Community modules: Aerospike, ArangoDB , Couchbase, Azure DocumentDB, DynamoDB, Elasticsearch, Hazelcast, Jest, Neo4j, Vault
– Others: JDBC Extensions, Spring for Apache Hadoop, Content
Environment installation and dependency configuration

Pattern DAO (Data Access Object) reminders
Spring Data JDBC: inputs, dependencies, configuration
Spring DAO input (JdbcTemplate)
Configuration of data sources and access to JNDI resources
Writing queries
Processing results
Managing transactions
Managing errors

Object Relational Mapping (ORM): principle, JPA (Java Persistence API) standard JPA
implementations: Hibernate, EclipseLink, OpenJPA, …
Implementation of JPA / Hibernate in a project: dependencies, configuration
Mapping of entities: keys, fields , association, inheritance
EntityManagerFactory, EntityManager, EntityTransaction, … Objects
Spring Data JPA: principle, contributions
Transposition of the configuration of the persistence unit in Spring Data JPA
Presentation of the available DAOs
Writing of requests and exploitation of results
Management of transactions by annotations
Exception management

LDAP: directory principle,
Spring structure LDAP: principle, contributions
Management of access to an LDAP directory
Spring Data LDAP: data integration with Spring LDAP
Manipulation of the directory and recovery of Java objects
Error management

Relational model vs document-oriented model (NoSQL)
MongoDB: presentation, functionalities, configuration
MangoDB infrastructure: definition, optimization
Mongo repositories
Inserting and modifying
Spring data MongoDB data: principle, functionalities
MongoDB – Spring coupling: dependencies, configuration
Queries and results processing
Management errors


3 days


£ 1840


Java EE Developers


-Master object-oriented programming in Java
- Notions of SQL
- Notions of Spring Core




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Microservices Architecture with Spring Boot


- Master the use of Spring Boot for building web services


Galaxie Spring: presentation,
Spring Core contributions : inversion of control and injection of
Spring Boot dependencies : principle, functionalities, prerequisites
Creation of a project with Spring Initializr
Integration with Maven
Structure of a Spring Boot application: standalone, webapp
The starters , Auto-configuration
Presentation of Spring CLI
Setting up the environment
Running a Spring Boot application via Spring CLI, via STS or Maven
Workshop: Installation of the IDE (Eclipse STS), definition of projects and use of starters

Options for configuration (.properties vs YAML)
ASCII banner
Default properties
Automatic start
Debug, Configuration of traces
Management of hot reloading
Persistence of sessions between restarts
Workshop: configuration of projects (.properties) and management of reloading

JPA: presentation, contributions
Available Providers: Hibernate, Eclipse Link
Configuration of Spring Boot properties
Mapping of entities
Mapping of properties: primary keys, column
Concurrency management: version, lock
Mapping of relations: OneToMany / ManyToOne, OneToOne, ManyToMany
Management of loading collections: lazy vs eager
Inheritance management: strategies, workshop implementation
: mapping of several physical data models

Creation of data access classes: @Repository
Learning the JPA-QL language
Implementation of personalized requests
Use of stored procedures
Organization of application layers: presentation / services / data access
Workshop: Implementation of a complete persistence layer

Use of RestController
Parameter and mapping
management Return type
management Error management
Web service documentation

Workshop: Writing micro-services with Spring web

Header data
management Security
management with Spring Security User and role management.

Workshop: Spring Security Integration

Test strategies, types supported
Application configuration
Mocking of application layers
Self-configured tests
Execution and reporting

Workshop: implementation and execution of tests

management Log management
Deployment: packaging, execution, profiles, Spring Boot Actuator

Workshop: deployment of micro-services

Jersey API
Using the client class
Managing the sending of parameters and types of returns

Workshop: implementing Java clients for a REST service


5 days


£ 2975


Java EE Developers


- Master object-oriented programming in Java
- Mastery Spring Core




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring Boot


- Master the use of Spring Boot in a Java EE application


Galaxie Spring: presentation,
Spring Core contributions : inversion of control and injection of dependencies
Spring Boot: principle, functionalities, prerequisites
Creation of a project with Spring Initializr
Integration with Maven
Structure of a Spring Boot application: standalone, webapp
The starters , Auto-configuration
Presentation of Spring CLI
Setting up the environment
Running a Spring Boot application via Spring CLI, via STS or Maven

Options for the configuration (.properties vs YAML)
ASCII banner
Default properties
Automatic start
Debug, Configuration of traces
Management of hot reloading
Persistence of sessions between restarts
Configuration of a Java EE application via YAML

Data persistence with Spring Data JPA
Security management with Spring Security
REST web services support
management Log management
Deployment: packaging, execution, profiles, Spring Boot Actuator

Test strategies, types supported
Application configuration
Mocking of application layers
Self-configured tests
Execution and reporting


2 days


£ 1412


Java EE Developers


- Master object-oriented programming in Java
- Mastery Spring Core




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring Advanced


- Use Spring in any environments in order to have an efficient architecture

- Realize a dynamic website quickly with Spring

- Ensure that this site is maintainable and efficient


Reminders of the fundamental mechanisms

Spring MVC architecture
Implementation of actions
Management of forms
Validation of forms and advanced interactions
Taglibs Spring
Management of types and conversions
Messages and internationalization
Development of interceptors
Use of Ajax
Templating: principle, implementation

Workshop: Building a management application

Spring Security: management of authentication and authorizations
Spring Remoting: remote access, WebServices
Spring JMS: management of
Spring JMX messages : administration

Workshop: Using advanced APIs


2 days


£ 963




Have followed the "Spring Initiation" training or have equivalent knowledge




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring Initiation


- Build a dynamic website quickly with Spring


Inversion Of Control (dependency injection)
Role of a light container, frameworks available
Presentation of Spring, versions, uses
Panorama of the different bricks: Core, Web, ORM, AOP, …
Setting up the environment, necessary libraries

Workshop: Installation of the environment (Spring STS) and configuration of a Spring project

Configuration of beans and instantiation of the container
Dependency injection by mutator / constructor
Control of properties
Automatic linking of beans (XML configuration / annotations)
Configuration inheritance
Assignment of collections to the properties of a bean
Access to JNDI resources
Transaction management

Workshop: Multiple creations and configurations of beans, instantiations

JUnit unit tests, Mocks
Configuration by announcements
Execution, reports

Workshop: Implementation of Spring JUnit unit tests

Reminders of JDBC and Pattern DAO (Data Access Object)
Contribution of Spring DAO (JdbcTemplate)
Configuration of data sources and access to JNDI resources
Coupling of Spring with ORM frameworks
Transaction management by annotations

Workshop: Spring DAO implementation, Spring / JPA-Hibernate coupling


3 days


£ 1605




Knowledge of servlets and JSP




Contact us for more informations about session date

Spring Initiation + Advanced


- Use Spring in any environments in order to have an efficient architecture

- Realize a dynamic website quickly with Spring

- Ensure that this site is maintainable and efficient


Inversion Of Control (dependency injection)
Role of a light container, frameworks available
Presentation of Spring, versions, uses
Panorama of the different bricks: Core, Web, ORM, AOP, …
Setting up the environment, necessary libraries

Workshop: Installation of the environment (Spring STS) and configuration of a Spring project

Configuration of beans and instantiation of the container
Dependency injection by mutator / constructor
Control of properties
Automatic linking of beans (XML configuration / annotations)
Configuration inheritance
Assignment of collections to the properties of a bean
Access to JNDI resources
Transaction management

Workshop: Multiple creations and configurations of beans, instantiations

JUnit unit tests, Mocks
Configuration by announcements
Execution, reports

Workshop: Implementation of Spring JUnit unit tests

Reminders of JDBC and Pattern DAO (Data Access Object)
Contribution of Spring DAO (JdbcTemplate)
Configuration of data sources and access to JNDI resources
Coupling of Spring with ORM frameworks
Transaction management by annotations

Workshop: Spring DAO implementation, Spring / JPA-Hibernate coupling

Spring MVC architecture
Implementation of actions
Management of forms
Validation of forms and advanced interactions
Taglibs Spring
Management of types and conversions
Messages and internationalization
Development of interceptors
Use of Ajax
Templating: principle, implementation

Workshop: Building a management application

Spring Security: management of authentication and authorizations
Spring Remoting: remote access, WebServices
Spring JMS: management of
Spring JMX messages : administration

Workshop: Using advanced APIs


5 days


£ 2307




Mastery of object programming in Java - Web concepts




Contact us for more informations about session date

Java EE 7 : Web applications


- Discover and implement what's new in Java EE 7


Enterprise application architecture
Java EE 7 specification: new features, evolutions
JEE 7 servers

Workshop: Installation of the development environment: IDE, application server, database server

Batch Applications: process manipulations Batch
Java API for JSON: main interfaces, creation / parsing of
Java API for WebSocket flows : presentation, communication, creation of EndPoints
Concurrency Utilities: Executors, Thread Pooling

Workshop: Implementing WebSocket – Using the JSON API – creating tasks

Web services: architectures (SOAP / RESTful)
Java API for RESTful Web Services 2.0: API and annotations, implementation
Creation of a web service client
Processing of a JSON response

Workshop: Implementation of RESTful web services and queries

Asynchronous communication and JMS
EJB MD and JMS 2.0 new features
Sending JMS messages to a topic or a queue
Consuming messages

Workshop: Implementation of sending and consuming JMS messages

JSP 2.2: specification, new features
New EL 3.0 operators
Static elements and method references
Custom converters
Lambda expressions
Building and operations on collections

Workshop: Multiple examples of using EL 3.0

Servlet 3.1: asynchronous request (Non-blocking I / O), HttpUpgradeHandler interfaces, WebConnection, security,
JPA 2.1 reset : callback, converters, update / delete criteria, stored procedures, EntityListeners, …
EJB 3.2: evolution, types, communication asynchronous,
CDI 1.1 timers : dependency injection, scopes, interceptors, decorators
JSF 2.2: HTML5 support, multi-templating, Faces Flows, Stateless views

Lab: EJB Lite component implementation – database mapping (JPA) – JSF views implementation


5 days


£ 2050


Java / JEE developers, architects


Mastery of the object in Java - knowledge of JSP and Servlet




Contact us for more informations about session date

Java EE 6 : Architecture of an application


- Discover the new features of JEE 6 - Successfully migrate to JEE 6


Overview of JEE’s contributions 6
Cost of migration: project, learning, constraints

Organization of the
EJB Singleton
EJB Lite interfaces
Simplification of the packaging
New in the Timer Service
JNDI naming
EJB invocations: asynchronous, without container

Presentation of the
Panorama API of available tags
Customization of error messages

Advanced support for collections (map)
Management of compound keys and sequences
Management of aggregations (nested embeddable)
Mapping of collections (Basic, Embeddable) and sorts (OrderColumn)
OneToMany Undirectionel
Automatic deletion of objects removed from relationships (Orphan removal)
Locks on objects (Pessimistic Locking)
Changes to the EntityManager API
Using the Cache API
Using properties to configure the
Criterias persistence unit
What’s new in JPQL

REST architecture: presentation, components and characteristics
Contexts of use
REST service implementation, description (WADL) and deployment
Implementation of a REST service client
Advanced concepts : exceptions, selections, context, security


2 days


£ 1091


Java / JEE Developers


Mastery of Java, Notions of Servlet / JSP, MVC frameworks and data persistence




Contact us for more informations about session date

EJB 3 Initiation + Advanced


- Master the development of EJB 3 - Manage the performance of a distributed application

- Set up a complete JEE architecture


JEE specifications: components, containers
Principle of n-tier architectures (distributed applications), solutions
Presentation of EJBs: history and versions
Life cycle of EJBs
Application servers: JBoss, GlassFish, WebSphere, …

Choice of the development environment (Eclipse / Netbeans), available plugins
Installation of the runtime environment, specific contributions to each container
Structure of a web module based on EJBs, packaging and deployment
Reminders on servlets and JSPs (chaining, persistence in memory, …)

Practical workshop: preparation of a development / test platform – handling of the environment – multiple examples: java (annotations), servlets and jsp

Architecture (bean, interfaces, annotations), role of object container
EJB types: session, entity, message-driven
EJB calls (RMI / IIOP protol), clients (heavy / light)
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) and collaboration between tools (localization of resources)
The Pattern Chain of Responsibility and presentation of interceptors (bean, interface, annotations)

Practical workshop: implementation of the design pattern chain of responsibility – introduction to interceptors

Definition, interaction and calculations
Available types (stateless, stateful), life cycle
Access to an EJB Session: visibility (local / remote / webService), choice of access type
Concurrent access and optimizations at the container level
Implementation of interceptors, change of default configurations
Timers services

Practical workshop: implementation of several Session EJBs (stateless / stateful) + interceptor – deployment and writing of various types of clients

Object relational mapping, specification and ORM frameworks
EJBs entities: functionalities, access
JPA annotations (Java Persistence API)
Context / persistence unit
Management of the state of an EJB Entity
Relations between entity beans (associations), cascading processes
Management of the ‘inheritance: SINGLE_TABLE, TABLE_PER_CLASS, JOINED
EJB-QL (EJB Query Language): presentation, syntax and constructs of queries

Practical workshop: Development of MVC web applications with interactions between session EJBs and various Entity beans – use of the EJB-QL language

Definition, Architecture (MOM, message models), APIs available
Overview of server implementations
Implementation of message exchanges (destination, sending, reception, recovery by injection)
Transaction management

Practical workshop: Setting up an application based on EJB messages, multiple exchanges and transactions

Application security: presentation of APIs, user and role management
Securing access to interfaces of EJBs
EJB and web services, protocols and clients (static / dynamic, synchronous / asynchronous)
EJB2 and EJB3: differences, choices, evolution (migration)

Practical workshop: Deployment of web services based on EJB3 and writing of several clients – security of a distributed application


5 days


£ 2307




Knowledge of servlets and JSP - Mastery of Java language




Contact us for more informations about session date

EJB 3 Advanced


- Obtain a maintainable and efficient EJB system

- Set up a complete JEE architecture with JBoss or Glassfish


Reminders of EJB 3 specifications: architecture (bean, interfaces, annotations), role of the object container
The Pattern Chain of Responsibility and presentation of interceptors (bean, interface, annotations)

Practical workshop: implementation of the design pattern chain of responsibility – introduction to interceptors

Reminder of the basics: implementation, access
Implementation of interceptors, change of default configurations
Timers services

Practical workshop: implementation of several Session EJBs (stateless / stateful) + interceptor

Managing the state of an Entity EJB and concurrent access
Advanced relationships between entity beans (associations), cascading processes
EJB-QL (EJB Query Language): presentation, syntax and constructions requests

Practical workshop: Development of MVC web applications with interactions between session EJBs and various Entity beans – use of the EJB-QL language

Definition, Architecture (MOM, message models), APIs available
Overview of server implementations
Implementation of message exchanges (destination, sending, reception, recovery by injection)
Transaction management

Practical workshop: Setting up an application based on EJB messages, multiple exchanges and transactions

Application security: presentation of APIs, user and role management
Securing access to interfaces of EJBs
EJB and web services, protocols and clients (static / dynamic, synchronous / asynchronous)
EJB2 and EJB3: differences, choices, evolution (migration)

Practical workshop: Deployment of web services based on EJB3 and writing of several clients – security of a distributed application


2 days


£ 963




Have taken the JEE - EJB course or equivalent knowledge




Contact us for more informations about session date

EJB 3 Initiation


- Master the development of EJB 3

- Manage the performance of a distributed application

- Set up a complete JEE architecture


JEE specifications: components, containers
Principle of n-tier architectures (distributed applications), solutions
Presentation of EJBs: history and versions
Life cycle of EJBs
Application servers: JBoss, GlassFish, WebSphere, …

Choice of the development environment (Eclipse / Netbeans), available plugins
Installation of the runtime environment, specific contributions to each container
Structure of a web module based on EJBs, packaging and deployment
Reminders on Servlets and JSPs (chaining, persistence in memory, …)

Practical workshop: preparation of a development / test platform – handling of the environment – multiple examples: java (annotations), Servlets and JSP

Architecture (bean, interfaces, annotations), role of object container
EJB types: session, entity, message-driven
EJB calls (RMI / IIOP protol), clients (heavy / light)
JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) and collaboration between tools (localization of resources)

Definition, interaction and calculations
Available types (stateless, stateful), lifecycle
Access to an EJB Session: visibility (local / remote / webService), choice of access type
Concurrent access and optimizations at the container level

Practical workshop: implementation of several Session EJBs (stateless / stateful) – deployment and writing of various types of clients

Object relational mapping, specification and ORM frameworks
Entity EJBs: functionalities, access
JPA annotations (Java Persistence API)
Context / persistence unit
Management of the state of an Entity EJB
Relations between entity beans (associations), cascading processes

Practical workshop: Development of MVC web applications with interactions between session EJBs and various Entity beans


3 days


£ 1605




Knowledge of servlets and JSP - Mastery of Java language



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Java EE – Servlets and JSP Initiation + Advanced


- Know how to architect and design high-performance JEE web projects based on Servlets and JSP

- Set up the MVC pattern


Development of dynamic web applications: overview of existing technologies
JEE platform: architecture, APIs and runtime environment
Servlets and JSP compared to other web services

Development environment (Eclipse / NetBeans)
Basic elements and development optimization
Servlet and JSP engines: presentation, choice (Tomcat, GlassFish, …)
Structure of a web module; component lifecycle
Packaging and deploying a web application

Practical workshop: installation of development and execution environments; first minimal web project

Specification and lifecycle Page
chaining: links and forms
Reminder of the interaction mechanisms and standards of the HTTP protocol
Handling of http errors and logging
Sessions, cookies and other
JDBC persistence spaces for accessing a database from a
JavaMail servlet for sending mail from a
Multi-threading form with servlets
Advanced deployment configurations

Practical workshop: creation, deployment and testing of a complete Servlet-based project including management features with access to a database, use of the session and sending emails

General principle and comparison with Servlets
Expressions: display dynamic data in the middle of XHTML
Scriptlets – use and limits
Declarations and directives: the JSP is a class
Inclusions and reuse mechanisms
Javabeans: presentation, creation
Access and manipulation of Javabeans from JSP and Servlets
MVC model
Complete case study – Servlets and JSP in collaboration
Server memory organization
Error handling

Practical workshop: Development of web applications with an MVC architecture and an advanced presentation based on JSP

Overview of available taglibs
Installation, use of a
JSTL tag library (JSP Standard Tag Lib): presentation and test
The language of expressions (EL)
Definition of functions, creation of TLDs and calls from a JSP
Creation of taglibs: principle and apis available

Practical workshop: integration of taglibs in JSPs – implementation of a custom library of tags

Templating: mechanism, available
JNDI frameworks and configuration of resources (JDBC, mails, etc.) at the application server level Application
security: presentation of APIs, user and role
management Management of a web project: from analysis to test

Practical workshop: server configuration and use of JNDI resources – Using a template engine


5 days


£ 2136




Mastery of the basics of Java language and knowledge of XHTML




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Java EE : Servlets and JSP Advanced


- Know how to architect and design high-performance JEE web projects based on Servlets and JSP

- Set up the MVC pattern


JEE platform: architecture, APIs and runtime environment
Reminders of Servlets and JSPs

Sessions, cookies and other
JDBC persistence spaces for accessing a database from a
JavaMail servlet for sending mail from a form
Handling http errors and logging
Multi-threading with servlets
Advanced deployment configurations

Practical workshop: creation, deployment and testing of a complete servlet-based project including management features with access to a database, use of the session and sending emails

Javabeans: presentation, creation
Access and manipulation of Javabeans from JSP and servlets
MVC model
Complete case study – Servlets and JSP in collaboration
Server memory organization
Error management

Practical workshop: Development of web applications with an MVC architecture and an advanced presentation based on JSP

Overview of available taglibs
Installation, use of a
JSTL tag library (JSP Standard Tag Lib): presentation and test
The expression language (EL)
Definition of functions, creation of TLDs and calls from a JSP
Creation of taglibs: principle and apis available

Practical workshop: integration of taglibs in JSPs – implementation of a custom library of tags

Templating: mechanism, available
JNDI frameworks and configuration of resources (JDBC, mails, etc.) at the application server level Application
security: presentation of APIs, user and role
management Management of a web project: from analysis to test

Practical workshop: server configuration and use of JNDI resources – Using a template engine


2 days


£ 963




Have taken the JEE initiation course or equivalent knowledge




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Java EE: Servlets and JSP Initiation


- Know how to architect and design high-performance JEE web projects based on Servlets and JSP

- Set up the MVC pattern


Development of dynamic web applications: overview of existing technologies
JEE platform: architecture, APIs and runtime environment
Servlets and JSP compared to other web services

Development environment (Eclipse / NetBeans)
Basic elements and development optimization
Servlet and JSP engines: presentation, choice (Tomcat, GlassFish, …)
Structure of a web module; component lifecycle
Packaging and deploying a web application

Practical workshop: installation of development and execution environments; first minimal web project

Specification and lifecycle Page
chaining: links and forms
Reminder of the interaction mechanisms and standards of the HTTP protocol
Handling of http errors and logging
Sessions, cookies and other persistence spaces

Practical workshop: creation, deployment and testing of a complete servlet-based project including management features

General principle and comparison with Servlets
Expressions: display dynamic data in the middle of XHTML
Scriptlets – use and limits
Declarations and directives: the JSP is a class
Inclusions and reuse mechanisms
Complete case study – Servlets and JSP in collaboration

Practical workshop: Development of web applications with an MVC architecture


3 days


£ 1391




Mastery of the basics of Java language and knowledge of XHTML




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Java SE 8 to 12


- Master the changes brought about by the new versions of Java

- Be able to migrate code from version 8 to 12


History, versions
Java editions: Java SE, Java EE, Java ME
Compilation and interpretation by the JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
Java technologies / frameworks and positioning
Development environment
Packaging and deployment of a Java application

Workshop: Installation of the JDK (Java Development Kit) and an IDE (Eclipse / NetBeans) – Structure of a project, buildPath, …

Modularity of the JDK (JEP 200 – Jigsaw / JSR 376)
Inference of the type of variable (JEP 193)
Improvement of the use of collections (JEP 269)
New in the API of processes (JEP 202)
Depreciation management (JEP 277 )
Improvement on threads: spin-wait (JEP 285)
Variables and methods Handle (JEP 193, 274) Support of HTTP2 and WebSockets (JEP 110)
JavaScript engine: ES 6 (JEP 236, 292)
Improvements of Javadoc for the support de HTML5 (JEP 224, 225, 254)
Image support: multi-resolution (JEP 251), formats (JEP 262)
API for accessing the specifications of the OS desktop (JEP 272)
Improvements made to JavaFx
Log unification (JEP 158, 264, 271)

Variable type inference (JEP 286)
Application Class-Data Sharing (JEP 310)
Release versioning (JEP 322)
Improvements related to Garbage Collector (JEP 307, JEP 304)
JEP 319: Root Certificates
New methods in the Collectors class
New method in the Optional class
New methods in the Objects class

Marketing of JDK 11 by Oracle
Consequences of Long Term Support of Oracle
JDK11 of Oracle vs Open JDK 11
Use of var in lambdas
Standardization of the new HTTP client
Direct execution of a source file
Removal of JavaFX, Java EE and CORBA modules

Collectors: Teeing Collector Improvements on character strings File comparison Compact number formatting Unicode 11 adoption Unicode 11 preview Functions and APIs removed: Java6, finalization methods, …


3 days


£ 1685


Java Developers


Knowledge of Java object-oriented programming




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Java SE 7


- Master the evolutions brought by Java 7


Java 7: presentation, evolutions
Syntactic contributions:
– Use of strings in the switch control structure
– Operators and numeric literals
– Exception management
– …

Practical workshop: Overview of the novelties of the language

New in Swing
Theme management (look and feel)
Appearance / transparency management
Components and JLayer

Practical workshop: Creation of a graphical application implementing the new Swing features in Java 7

Presentation of the new classes (java.nio.file)
Path processing
Managing access to files
Notification of changes to a file

Practical workshop: Advanced flow manipulation

Driver loading
Improved exception
handling Using javax.sql.rowset

Practical workshop: Application of the contributions of JDBC 4.1

Process management (Fork and Join)
Internationalization in Java 7
Application security and cryptography
Network programming
Class loading
Improvement of the JVM and invocation of dynamic languages

Practical workshop: Multiple examples of use


3 days


£ 2785


Java Developers


Knowledge of Java 5/6




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Java SE / Java EE Security


- Know the security risks of a site made with JEE

- Know how to set up and maintain the security of a JEE application


Theoretical needs
Safety policy
Risk assessment
General methods

JVM tools Compile

Monitoring software

security JVM security under Java
Access rights of an applet

Asymmetric encryption
Bouncy Castle

Security provider

Digital signature
Example X509
Extraction from the
JarSigner keystore

Obfuscation techniques
Commercial solutions

JAAS presentation

WEB and EJB security
Securing a WEB application
Securing an EJB

The notion of cluster
Level 7 routing
Example with Apache front-end
Concept of distributed sessions and replicated sessions
Example with a cluster of Tomcat servers
Replication of EJBs in cluster mode.


2 days


£ 1275




Knowledge of Java, notions of JEE




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Multi-threading and memory management in Java


- Master the implementation of multi-threading in Java

- Effectively manage concurrency and memory


Notions of threads and processes
The Switching Context: operation, consequences
Parallelism and concurrent access
Java synchronization: locks, synchronized, volatile
Good synchronization practices and errors to avoid (Deadlock)
Implementation of coordination of threads
Immutability: publications, encapusulation, confinement
Synchronized collections, competing collections
Lock, Semaphore
Pooling of threads, executors 

Workshop: implementation of multi-threaded scenarios, synchronization – use of executors.

JVM memory organization: stack, heap
Presentation of the garbage collector mechanism
Operation of the Garbage
Collector Generational
Garbage Collectors Garbage Collector and memory leaks
JVM configuration to optimize the memory footprint
Presentation of the JVM tools to monitor an application : jConsole, jVisualVM

Workshop: optimization of the JVM for an application – monitoring: dump and code analysis. 


2 days


£ 1085


Java developers and analysts


Have followed the « Java initiation » course or have equivalent knowledge




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Advanced Java


- Know and master advanced language concepts


Permgen space disappearance Default
Repeated annotations, type annotations Method references, Interface with default
methods Interface private methods Freeing
CompletableFuture API
Garbage collector improvements
Modularity of the jdk

Workshop: Environment installation – functionalities demonstration – code profiling and performance improvement.

Handling dates and durations with the new time API
Weaknesses of the current library
New classes and interfaces
Technical choice between durations, instants and local dates
Management of time zones

Workshop: Use and formatting of dates, operations on dates and durations

Lambda expressions: definition, interest
Writing rules, declarations
Functional interface: principle, compatibility
Access to the state encompassing a lambda expression
Implementation and performance.
Evolution of the Atelier Collection API

: use of new patterns and functional interfaces introduced since Java 8

New features
Use of Patterns for-each, replace-if, do-if-absent, do-if-present
Merging of
Stream API collections : principle, interest
Patterns for creating streams
Intermediate and terminal operations on streams
Management of specific cases: empty streams, optional
Use of parallel streams

Workshop: use of streams with different collectors – use of resources with parallel streams – use of patterns

Genericity: typing principle, uses
Generic classes and constraints on types
Implementation of generic methods Generic
interfaces and polymorphism
Reflection and available classes
Dynamic introspection of objects
Invocation of members of an object
Dynamic instantiation of objects

Workshop: writing generic methods to manage imports / exports and serializations of data – Patterns and genericity

Nashorn: presentation, use case
jjs command line
JavaScript code interpretation
Calling Java code from JavaScript

Workshop: Instantiating and using the Nashorn engine, using Java objects in JavaScript – calling JavaScript functions and managing parameters

initiation ProcessHandle and ProcessHandle.inf
The concurrency API: different types of executors
Choice of interfaces Runnable, Future, Callable
Multithreading application and use of Lambda expressions
Asynchronous mode and timeout management
Queues and classes atomic
Thread Pool Management

Lab: Coding of scheduled tasks using executors – multitasking implementation with the use of threads and synchronization


5 days


£ 2540


Java Developers


Have followed the « Java initiation + deepening » course or have equivalent knowledge




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Java SE 8 + Eclipse (Advanced Use)


- Master the evolutions brought by Java 8

- Master the Eclipse environment: configuration, unit tests, version management, task automation


JavaScript processing for Java (Nashorn)
Disappearance of permgen space
The new API for handling dates / times
Default methods
Repeated annotations, type annotations Method references
Lambdas expressions

Workshop: Multiple demonstrations of new features of the Java 8 language

Weaknesses of the current library
New classes and interfaces introduced by Java 8
Technical choice between durations, instants and local dates

Workshop: Use and formatting of dates, operations on dates and durations

Presentation of the syntax and interests
Labdas expressions in the
Streams collections and functional interfaces

Lab: Using Lambdas expressions, flows with collections

What’s New in JavaFX
Deploying Applications with Compact Profiles

Workshop: Running JavaScript code from a Java application, deploying applications

Environment and views
Properties: character encoding, JRE, servers, shortcuts, …
Launching Eclipse with different JREs
Creation and configuration of projects
IDE help, research
Addition of
Eclipse Plugins and Features and UML modeling

Workshop: Eclipse configuration, creation of projects, addition of plugins

Code organization, editing (opening modes)
Configuration of libraries (buildPath) and associated JavaDoc (online / archive)
Completion, access to the JavaDoc and assisted correction
Refactoring functions
Debug your code: breakpoints, variable inspection , execution stack
Unit tests with jUnit: TestCase, TestSuite, execution

Workshop: Putting into practice the different functions in an application

Software configuration management (SCM): presentation, positioning, tools
GCL terminology: Branch, Tag, Checkout, Commit, Merge, …
SCM (SVN, Git, TFS): functionalities, components
Global architecture and implementation of a data repository
SCM clients, plugins for Eclipse
Perspectives, Eclipse operations, conflict management

Workshop: Version management of an application

Where to use Maven? Where not to use it?
Eclipse plugins: m2Eclipse or q4e
Principle of repositories; choice of a simple physical architecture
Setting up a project, structure
Accessing the project
Building the project
User systematisms; additional actions available
Dependencies between projects
Predefined tasks: compilation, generation of archives …

Workshop: Application building with Eclipse / Maven

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


4 days


£ 2195


Java developers


Knowledge of Java object-oriented programming




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Eclipse : Advanced use


- Master the Eclipse environment: configuration, unit tests, version management, task automation


Environment and views
Properties: character encoding, JRE, servers, shortcuts, …
Launching Eclipse with different JREs
Creation and configuration of projects
IDE help, research
Addition of
Eclipse Plugins and Features and UML modeling

Workshop: Eclipse configuration, creation of projects, addition of plugins

Code organization, editing (opening modes)
Configuration of libraries (buildPath) and associated JavaDoc (online / archive)
Completion, access to the JavaDoc and assisted correction
Refactoring functions
Debug your code: breakpoints, variable inspection , execution stack
Unit tests with jUnit: TestCase, TestSuite, execution

Workshop: Putting into practice the different functions in an application

Software configuration management (SCM): presentation, positioning, tools
GCL terminology: Branch, Tag, Checkout, Commit, Merge, …
SCM (SVN, Git, TFS): functionalities, components
Global architecture and implementation of a data repository
SCM clients, plugins for Eclipse
Perspectives, Eclipse operations, conflict management

Workshop: Version management of an application

Where to use Maven? Where not to use it?
Eclipse plugins: m2Eclipse or q4e
Principle of repositories; choice of a simple physical architecture
Setting up a project, structure
Accessing the project
Building the project
User systematisms; additional actions available
Dependencies between projects
Predefined tasks: compilation, generation of archives …

Workshop: Application building with Eclipse / Maven


2 days


£ 1085


Java Developers


Knowledge of Java




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Java SE 8


- Master the changes brought by Java 8


JavaScript processing for Java (Nashorn)
Disappearance of permgen space
The new API for handling dates / times
Default methods
Repeated annotations, type annotations Method references
Lambdas expressions

Workshop: Multiple demonstrations of new features of the Java 8 language

Weaknesses of the current library
New classes and interfaces introduced by Java 8
Technical choice between durations, instants and local dates

Workshop: Use and formatting of dates, operations on dates and durations

Presentation of the syntax and interests
Labdas expressions in the
Streams collections and functional interfaces

Lab: Using Lambdas expressions, flows with collections

What’s New in JavaFX
Deploying Applications with Compact Profiles

Workshop: Running JavaScript code from a Java application, deploying applications

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


2 days


£ 1085


Java Developers


Knowledge of Java object-oriented programming




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Java Initiation: Programming as an object


- Great beginners: discover object-oriented programming through the Java language Build a first complete application


History, versions
Java editions: Java SE, Java EE, Java ME
Compilation and interpretation by the JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
Java technologies / frameworks and positioning
Development environment
Packaging and deployment of a Java application

Workshop: Installation of the JDK (Java Development Kit) and an IDE (Eclipse / NetBeans) – Structure of a project, buildPath, …

Main views, perspectives
Useful shortcuts
Using the debugger
Using the IDE to increase productivity: snippets, refactoring, automatic code generation

Use of variables, constants, operators
Simple types and reference types
Explicit, implicit cast, wrappers
Execution priorities
Condition expression: if / else, switch, ternary operator
Use of loops: for, while, do while Array
Code factorization with
Overload methods , variable arguments, recursion
Comment and document code

Workshop: Multiple examples of manipulation of control structures and functions

Definition of classes, POJO vs JavaBean
Declaration of instance / class members (static)
Constructors and instantiation
Lifecycle of an object in memory
Class diagram (UML)
Aggregation of objects (association)
Encapsulation: getters and setters
Extension of classes (Inheritance)
Object comparison
Abstract classes
Interfaces and implementation

Workshop: Modeling of problems into objects

Definition, types of exceptions
Catch and process an exception (try / catch / finally)
Throw / Raise an exception (throw / throws)
Create exceptions

Workshop: Managing exceptions that may be triggered in an application

Presentation of the available API,
Comparative generics , choice of a type of collection
Essential classes: ArrayList, HashMap, … Browsing
, operations on collections and sorting

Workshop: Handling of collections of objects

Binary / character
streams Reading and writing of files
Using buffers
Manipulating paths, directories, monitoring
Serialization of objects: binary, XML
Externalization of configuration in .properties
Log management: java.util.logging, Log4j

Workshop: Implementation of exports and imports from files

Notions on data repository and branches
Challenges of configuration management
Check the status of the working copy: status
Index your modifications: add
Validate your modifications: commit
Pull, push and delete a remote branch

Network communications
Process management
JVM options
Code optimization, genericity
Introspection (Reflection API) 

Workshop: code optimization and deployments

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


5 days


£ 2025




Basic computer knowledge, elementary algorithmic knowledge




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Swing / MVC: creation of graphical interfaces


- Develop graphical interfaces with Swing

- Carry out unit tests for HMI


Presentation of the Java Foundation Classes:
(AWT, Swing, Java2D, DragAndDrop, Accessibility and Internationalization)
Comparison of AWT and SWING models
Reminders of the main design patterns used in Java

The fundamental bases
The MVC pattern (Model-View-Controller)
Parametrization of graphic charters (Pluggable look and feel)
Organization of graphical interfaces with event management
Construction of GUI with NetBeans

High level
containers Utility containers (general and specific)

Overview of available components
Construction of multiple graphical interfaces

Layouts managers: definition
The most common managers (absolute, BorderLayout, FlowLayout, GridLayout, ..)
Other managers used in WYSIWYG

Fundamental classes
Available listeners
Separation presentation / treatment
Multiple examples

Unit tests with JFC Unit
Customizations, internationalization
Print and copy management

Architecture and implementation of a complete application


3 days


£ 1385




Know the basics of Java




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