- Discover the MVC and MVC architectures 2
- Learn to use the Struts Framework
Principle of MVC and MVC 2 architectures
Overview of MVC2 frameworks: Struts, JSF, Spring MVC
Struts 2: presentation / history, architecture, version
Development environment, plugins, JEE application server
Workshop: Installation of the development environment
Struts 2 project: libraries and dependencies
Log management
Configuration of the Struts 2 filter in the web.xml
Configuration of Struts taglibs
struts.xml file: structure, inclusions, constants, packages, actions
Sequence Action-Model-Vue and configuration
Workshop: Creation and execution of a Struts 2 project
Struts 2 actions: types, implementation, constants
Management of parameters, return values
Mapping of actions by Xml
Mapping of actions by annotations
Dynamic management of the mapping
Types of results: dispatcher, redirect, redirectAction, chain, stream, …
Management of errors
Access to resources: request, response, context
Panorama of form tags
Integration of forms
Validation of forms
Management of error messages
Properties files and internationalization of views (i18n)
Management of types and conversions
Definition and configuration of custom interceptors
Management of the upload
Workshop: Implementation of several forms: creation, validation, processing
Persistence spaces: page, request, session, application Session
handling: adding and retrieving attributes
Defining and using application variables
Creating and retrieving cookies
Workshop: Using the available persistence spaces
Struts-Tiles: presentation, interest
Setup: configuration
Page model and use
Legacy of Tiles
Sitemesh: an alternative to Tiles
Workshop: Integration of templates and use
3 days
£ 1875
Java / JEE Developers
Knowledge of servlets and JSP
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