

- Import a Revit model into a Blender project to apply materials, textures, lights to it, then generate a photo-realistic rendering with the Cycles rendering engine and integrate it into a static photograph


Why use Cycles as a renderer and Blender as a post-production tool after modeling in Revit?
Which format to use to export your REvit model: .dae / .fbx / .obj / .3ds
Clean up the Revit model
Clean up the Revit materials
Reorganize the Revit model on the Blender layers
Apply the origins to the objects

Practical workshop: choice of format and export from Revit. Import into Blender. Model preparation

Presentation of the interface
Basic Blender settings / options
Switch to metric system
Basic operators: Grab / Scale / Rotate
Object mode / edit
mode Selection mode: vertices, edges, faces
Selection tools
Removal of duplicates
From triangle to quads
Loop , cut and slide

Practical workshop: appropriating a Revit model in Blender

Creation and assignment of materials
The Node Editor
The different shaders
textures Procedural textures
Light path
Layer weight
Info object
Vectors and material maps: why multiple maps for a material?
Generate different textures with Insane Bump in the Gimp
Bump mapping monochrome
Normal map
Specular map
Height map
Alpha Channel
UV Mapping
Editor UV

Lab: Create and apply materials réalistesaux different model objects

Traditional Blender lights: point, spot, sun, hemi, area
Mesh behavior in Emission mode
Influence of scale, power
Use of historical lights
Light Fall off
Installation of lighting systems:
Lights 3
Key light points
Fill light

Practical workshop: Stage lighting, the various interior / exterior lighting devices

Download and install the addon
Connect to OSM
Download OSM data
Import into Blender options and usage precautions
And the North …
Scaling the 3D model

Download and install the addon
Import the reference photo
Choice of the number of vanishing points
Follow the lines of perspectives
Camera resolution
Position a sun-type light

Practical workshop: integrate the scene into the reference image

Using layers
Principle of compositing nodes
Combining nodes: the editor node
nodes Output nodes
nodes Color
nodes Vector
nodes Filter
nodes Masking
nodes Deformation nodes
Value nodes
Group creations
Material index
Objects index
Ambient Occlusion Map
Effects filters, glare, blur, lens distortion, ect.

Practical workshop: post production for a perfect integration of the scene in the reference image or how to edit images with Blender as in Photoshop or The Gimp.


5 days


£ 2114


Designers, graphic designers, architects, interior architects


Master Revit




Contact us for more informations about session date