- Master the basic functions of the Photoshop, Illustator and InDesign trilogy to be able to create more or less complex graphic documents
The fundamentals of the Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / InDesign Suite
About the DTP Adobe, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign suite: History, Use, Features, Day-to-day, References.
Discern Matrix or Vector
Understand the colorimetric modes: RGB, CMYK and the different representations of color.
Distinguish between working formats: .psd, .psb, .indd, .ai, .pdf, ect.
bar Options
bar Toolbar
Panel columns
Create a new “default” document
Open an image
Discover the characteristics of an image: Image size and resolution
Modify the work area
Workshop: Crop, straighten an image
Differentiate between quick selection tools and magic wand
Create a layer by copying
Pass a layer from one document to another
Apply a manual transformation
Rename the layers
Change the order of the layers
Basic recording
Photomontage workshops: Layers from one image to another the other, the basics of photomontage
Create a new document
Work with the rulers, rulers origin, guides and smart guides
Navigate the work plane
Create simple shapes Understand the
color picker
Differentiate the selection tool and direct selection tool
Understand the notion of anchor point
Move and transform simple shapes:
– The Rotate tool
– The Scale
tool – The deformation tools
Use layers
Discover the “Bézier curves” tools
Workshop: Create a pictogram with simple shapes
Modify the outline color
Modify the fill color
Work with the swatch panel
Add an outline
Work with the text in Illustrator
Configure the character formatting: font style, size, approach, kerning, line spacing … Free text, captive and curvilinear
Workshop: Create a vector logo
Create a new document
Work with rulers, rulers origin, guides and smart guides
Navigate the work plane
Understand graphics block tools
Differentiate selection tool and direct selection tool
Color outline and fill
Change outline thickness and color
Transform objects
Work with text in InDesign
Configure character formatting: font style, size, approach, kerning, line spacing …
Workshop: Business card
Import images from InDesign
Import multiple images
Import Photoshop compositions
Import Illustrator vector illustrations
Master the Links palette
Modify links
Embed an image
Workshop: Make an A3 poster
Work with text blocks and options: texts in columns, chaining
Import text: with formatting / without formatting
Link a text file
Workshop: Make a double-sided A4 brochure 3 pane
Handling the Pages panel
Navigating between pages
Inserting pages
Moving pages
Deleting pages
Workshop: Formatting an article on 2 double pages
Preflight and assembly
Export to pdf
Reminders on the basic selection tools
Create a layer by copying
Add / remove selection areas
Discover the photo editing tools
Fill with the content taken into account
Paint and change colors
Correct images: Corrector tool, localized corrector tool, part tool , Stamp tool
Workshop: Retouch a photo
Reminders on text formatting
Use paragraph styles
Define a character style
Define a paragraph style
Reminders on image imports
Dress up text with images
Workshop: Format a promotion brochure
Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).
5 days
£ 2138
Knowledge of the PC or Mac environment
Contact us for more informations about session date