Inkscape logo


- Produce vector illustrations: logos, pictograms, layout …


About Inkscape, open source software
History, use, features
What is « DAO »?

Integrate Inkscape into the graphic chain (GIMP-Inkscape-Scribus trilogy)

Differentiate between the types of images: bitmap and vector / capture, display and printing devices
RGB and CMYK color modes
The chromatic circle and the different representations of color

Master the main graphics formats: Inkscape’s native file formats, .svg / svgz. Other common graphic formats: PDF, EPS, PNG, etc.

Discover the interface and tools
Use the menu bar, the command bar and the snap command bar, the toolbox
Customize the workspace or the canvas
Use the default color palette
Use the toolbar status and information
Navigate the workspace

Use the selection and transformation
tool Use the shape and path creation tools
Use the Bézier curve tool
Use the node and handle editing tool
Understand the logic of nodes: hard / soft nodes, add / remove / node conversion
Modify segments: add / delete / transform

Workshop: create and manipulate simple vector paths

Create and use primitive shapes and paths
Use the object and path adjustment
tool Use the rectangles tool and squares
Use the 3D box tool
Use the ellipses / arcs and pie charts tool
Use thestars and polygons
tool Use the spiral tool
Use the pencil tool or freehand line drawing
Use the calligraphy tool

Workshop: make a simple illustration

Modify the background: colors, gradients, patterns, opacity
Modify the contours: colors, gradients, patterns, opacity
Use The default color palette
Adapt the colors according to its mode: RGB, CMYK, HSL, color wheel
Create a personalized swatch (.gpl)
Exploit swatch exchange with GIMP

Exploit color gradients
Use the gradient editor
Create and save gradients

Use the paint
bucket tool Use the eyedropper tool

Create flowcharts
Connect shapes to each other
Modify and adapt the connections
Create and use arrows for your Workshop flowcharts

:make an advanced illustration

Understand and use layers
Modify layer parameters
Organize layers: define hierarchical levels and planes
Modify blending modes
Modify opacity

Create a free text
Create a captive text: text blocks
Create a text on a path
Format the text
Define its parameters: font, styles, sizes, alignments …
Vectorize a text
Distort a text (interpolation)

Workshop: make an A4 poster document

Move, copy Contract, expand Create dynamic offset Create linked offset Create symmetry Rotate Decompose Transform Align, distribute Organize Group, ungroup

Exploiting cloning
Creating a tiling of clones
Editing cloned objects

Workshop: creating a background illustration using a tiling of clones

Modify an object along the way
Modify a contour along the way

Unite, subtract
Create an intersection, exclude
Divide, cut
Combine, separate
Use Boolean operations adaptable

Workshop: create a complex illustration from simple shapes

Add an image to a document
Vectorize an image: paint bucket tool or vectorize the image

Workshop: create a page layout for a document including images

Use distortion
Use blur filters
Use image effect filters Use texture
filters Add filters
Edit filters

Workshop: download and use new plugins

Export for screen display or website
Export for print

Workshop: exporting your project for screen and printing


3 days


£ 1292


graphic designers, illustrators, designers, architects, decorator, publishing professionals …


Mastery of PC and Mac interfaces. Notions of graphics are a plus




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