- To use the advantages of the Select and Mask function to carry out, in particular, complex clipping
Understand the fundamentals of Select and Hide
Explore the interface
Use the quick selection tool
Use the outline enhancement tool
Use the brush
Clean and enhance the selection
Edit and redefine the edges of the selection using the settings panel
Perform complex cropping of a portrait
Create an initial selection of the desired element
Open the image in Select and hide
Use the different view modes of the selection
Smooth out the outlines
Reduce an excessively sharp outline
Increase the contrasts
Reduce or dilate the selection area
Workshop: Cut out a portrait to make a photomontage
Edit the layer mask
Use view mode On layers
Improve outlines using tools
Finalize outline using the settings panel
Decontaminate colors for efficient clipping
Workshop: Improve and finalize the photomontage
0.25 day
£ 195
Graphic designers, communication department, webmaster, and anyone wishing to use Photoshop
Know the Photoshop interface and know how to create a new document
Contact us for more informations about session date