bright idea


- Discover Webintelligence XI

- Use data

- Generate graphs

- Create reports


What is business intelligence?
What is Business Objects  ?
Other Business Objects software
The question: who does what?
The specificity of Business Objects  : the
Vocabulary semantic layer

Connect to Infoview
The homepage
Set InfoView and WebIntelligence
View / edit a document WebIntelligence
Save a public document in my files
Export a document to Excel or PDF
Configure  » My Infoview « 
Use with the Infoview

Create a new WebI document
Know the elements available in a universe
The java query editor
Description of the training universe
Create a query and run it
To the report! Manipulate data
Duplicate a report (manage document reports)
Transform a vertical table into a crosstab
Transform a vertical table into a graphic
Print a document
Save a document
Create a personal folder
Organize your documents

Handling blocks
The report editor
Create several blocks
Insert an object in an existing table
Modify the structure of a crosstab
Display the structure
Delete a column
Delete a table

Create a chart
Turn a table into a chart
Change the structure of a chart
Format a chart
Change properties

Create a query filter
Use the « Equal to »
operator Use the « In list »
operator Use the « Match the model
 » operator Use the « between » operator
Create a query filter with a prompt
Apply multiple query filters
Connect filters by « and »
Connect filters by « or »
Manage the priorities between the filters
Concept of context

The challenges of the multi-query
Create a new document
Add a second query
Introduction to the insertion
mode Choose the insertion mode of the new block
Name the queries and rerun them
Manage the queries
Presentation of merging dimensions

Create a new document with several blocks
Insert a break
Insert a simple calculation
Insert a sort
Insert a custom sort
Insert / Remove an express filter
Apply a global filter
Manage the report filters
Insert a section
Perform a calculation in a section
Insert a new block in a section
Modify the master
Insert alerters
Manage alerters
Insert a classification

Format tables
Modify the « general » and « display » properties of a table
Modify the « appearance » properties of a table
Modify the « page » and « position » properties of a table
Modify the « break » and « sorts » of a table
Format cells
Modify the « general » and « display » properties of a cell
Modify the « appearance » properties of a cell
Modify the number format of a cell
Modify the « break » properties « of a cell
Modify the » page « propertiesof a cell
Format sections
Modify the properties of a section

Insert a column in a table to place a calculation
Presentation of the formula editor
Create a formula
Transform a formula into a variable
Use functions (examples)
Manage variables

Define the scope of analysis
Explore in a table
Explore in a chart
Freeze an exploration level
Modify the scope of analysis
Insert exploration filters


2 days


£ 943


Users, Business Intelligence Project Manager


Spreadsheet knowledge




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