Man in a suit standing


- Manage a BIM project internally

- Participate in the establishment of the specifications of a BIM project

- Collaborate with customers and partners


Discover the basics of the BIM methodology and its impact on the entire building life cycle on all phases of a project. From the establishment of the program, design, implementation to management and maintenance.
Prepare for the change in the role of « project manager » in agencies and design offices that will apply BIM.
Understand the classic path of a collaborative BIM project, the digital model, the extraction of data in IFC exchange files and the management of data within the meaning of PLM.
Master the « process » of a BIM project and the communication and data sharing reports between the various stakeholders depending on the level applied up to the « open source » methodology
Master the new management techniques of a project adapted to this new method, in each phase of the project and of the site and adapted to the type of program developed (New construction program, in rehabilitation, etc., etc.)
Understand everything the information system and data flow, legal aspects and the normative context in France and internationally.

The fields: Geometry
Spatial relations
Analyzes (Lights, thermics, fluids, structure)
Geographic and topographic information
Quantitative analyzes (Surfaces, volumes, materials)
Exchanges around a digital model: Architect, Master of ‘book, BET economists, companies, operator, industrialists, customers,
Data exchanges and PML
The different levels up to the « open source » system.
Discussions around the “digital model”
BIM and urban architecture. The MNU
The multi-scale management of the CityGML
The standards

Case studies: Comparative analysis of the methodology applied to various projects chosen according to the differences observed in the application of BIM.
Exercise: Realization of a flow diagram of the BIM methodology to be applied according to the type of project approached.

Strategies and development of BIM
Innovation in a BIM project.
Legal aspects and intellectual property in a BIM project from 1st, 2nd. and 3rd Level
The PICAN report of January 31, 2016
Differences between the traditional method of piloting a project and that adapted to this new method by following each phase of the development of a project.
The new technique for producing summary documents from the digital model.
The role of the project manager in the development of « guide plans » extracted from the digital model from the synthesis.

Carrying out an in-depth analysis of the complete “process” applied for the realization of a concrete project, step by step.

Preparation of a shared work template file
From the program, the Specifications and the tables and diagrams proposed by the Client.
Realization of the BIM organization chart
Validation of the feasibility in relation to the implementation, the budget and the normative constraints of the project.
The preparation of parametric families on Revit adapted to the project to be shared. The notion of sheets, labels and the different types of parameters
Creation of a template file for the realization of exercise 1

Realization of a digital model with files inserted from other software – families of BIM objects inserted from the Internet
Realization of a simple example of the project from the insertion of a CAD dwg file.
Construction of the model on Revit.
Realization of sections and elevations.
Creation of views by level in axonometric breakdown.
Realization of perspectives.
Realization of the presentation of the sheets from the templates created the day before.

Carrying out studies of surfaces, parts. Creation of nomenclature tables.
Database filters and structuring criteria for exporting.
Realization of plan of surfaces, parts and organization of color schemes.
Criteria for structuring material IDs. Organization of a special CCTP for a specific project.
Labeling of materials, doors, windows and the creation of dedicated tables.

Surface analysis workshop and creation of nomenclature tables on the digital model developed previously.

Getting started with the software.
Visualization tools and dedicated to virtual tours of inserted models.
The tree structure of each model and the insulation of a particular aspect.
Comparative analysis of digital models.
Reading and interpretation of imported data.
The detection of conflicts between the architectural model, structure, fluids, thermal, etc., etc.


5 days


£ 2021


Draftsmen – designers / Engineers / Architects


Have led a project and / or operation piloting in the design phase. Know the technical, administrative, legal and financial management elements of an achievement from the drafting of the CDC to the ten-year guarantee. Knowledge of CAD-CAD software (Autocad / Revit Architecture)





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