• Reset research
  • Trainings

  • Difficulty

Hadoop : Install and administer a cluster of nodes

Objectives : 
- Install the services of a Hadoop node
- Assemble several Hadoop nodes
- Deploy a new application on an existing cluster
- Perform a data restoration following disaster recovery
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1994
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Project Management

Data Science (R and Hadoop)

Objectives : 
- Apply data mining techniques to improve business decision making from internal and external data sources
- Get a head start on your competition with structured and unstructured data analysis
- Predict an outcome by using supervised machine learning techniques
Duration : 5 days
Price : £ 2956
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Project Management

Other Office

Objectives : 
Office Automation
Office Training

Python : Other courses

Python: other courses

Pig, Hive and Impala

Objectives : 
- Handle complex data sets stored in Hadoop without having to write complex code with Java
- Automate the transfer of data into Hadoop storage with Flume and Sqoop
- Filter data with Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) operations with Pig
- Query multiple datasets for analysis with Pig and Hive
Duration : 4 days
Price : £ 2367
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Project Management

Python Initiation + Advanced

Objectives : 
- Know the possibilities and limits of Python
- Master the essential syntax of Python
- Be able to create and maintain complete and complex applications in Python
Duration : 5 days
Price : £ 2564
First steps for beginners


Objectives : 
- Structure and design Cassandra databases to stay ahead of your competitors
- Apply query models to model the data of your Cassandra databases
- Access Cassandra databases with CQL and Java
- Find the right balance between read / write speed and data consistency
- Integrate Cassandra with Hadoop, Pig and Hive
- Implement the most common Cassandra design patterns
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1775
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Project Management

Outlook Initiation

Objectives : 
- Know how to use your email
- Get organized using contact lists, calendar, agenda …
Duration : 1 day
Price : £ 2495
Office Automation
Office Training
Other Office training

Programming Hadoop in Java

Objectives : 
- Develop efficient parallel algorithms
- Analyze unstructured files and develop MapReduce Java tasks
- Load and retrieve data from HBase and Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)
- User Defined Functions from Hive and Pig
Duration : 4 days
Price : £ 2821
Big Data
Business Intelligence
Project Management

Python Initiation

Objectives : 
- Know the possibilities and limits of Python
- Master the essential syntax of Python
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1708
First steps for beginners