- Understanding the challenges of maintaining a JBoss application server
- Knowing how to administer a server or a set of JBoss servers
History and versions available
Other servers available
Summary on servlets, JSP, EJB
General architecture
The principles of servers and services
General tree structure of JBoss; what to save
Remote access to services – maintenance and MBeans
Practical workshop: server installation and testing
Sequence of the project, from specifications to maintenance
Setting up a JEE project
The different types of archives and their qualities during deployment
The project libraries and any classes
The URLs of the project
Practical workshop: deployment of applications (.jar , .ear, .war)
Return on the JARs of the applications
Relations between multiple projects and other resources
The JNDI server; JNDI over HTTP
JDBC; data sources
Using Hypersonic
Web services
Practical workshop: resource configuration and use – Deployment of web services
Principle of permissions
Project security; security domains
Multiple authentication services
Worst scenarios and some solutions
Practical workshop: security management with JBoss
Hardware resources and Java; memory,
Profiling process in simple Java and with Eclipse
Log mechanisms
Feedback on JMX and MBeans
Practical workshop: optimization – Log management and monitoring
Objectives, strategy and principles of a replication
How to split an application – multitiers, web services, Corba and replication
Clustering of particular services: EJB, HTTP, JMS
Practical workshop: setting up a cluster – deploying applications and managing load distribution
2 days
£ 1495
Notions of JEE
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