- Set up a service-oriented architecture with Java web services
- Optimize and secure web services
JEE architecture: multi-tier, distributed components
Service-oriented architecture (SOA): components, technologies
Presentation of Web Services (WS): operation, interest, interoperability
Technologies: SOAP protocol, REST architecture
Web service platforms
Choice of implementation : Axis, CXF, JBossWS, Metro …
List of Java APIs
Workshop: Installation of the development and execution environment, choice of a WS implementation, description of a service
Context for using XML and JSON in Web Services
Structure of a SOAP request / response
Reminders of XML fundamentals: prolog, elements and attributes, namespaces
Schemas (XSD)
XML parsers: SAX, DOM
Push parsing and pull parsing (StAX)
Java APIs for parsing and XML transformation XML
Mapping xml-object with JAXB
Structure JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
Java API for JSON Processing
Workshop: Handling XML data via SAX, DOM and JAXB APIs. Process the XML information exchanged via the SOAP protocol
SOAP protocol: description, structures
SOAP error handling Faults WSDL
(Web Services Description Language): structure, associated schemas
eb service directories: UDDI, WS-Inspection, OSS governance solutions (Mule Galaxy) …
Implementation of a SOAP web service with JAX-WS
XML / Java data correspondence
Available platforms: JAX-WS-RI, Axis, CXF, …
Apache SOAP server / client stub generation
tools Web service test tools
Client implementation web service
Call restriction from a mobile terminal
Authentication management
Workshop: Creation and query of SOAP web services
REST architecture: components, call methods Java API
error management
for RESTful services
Available implementations: Jersey, Restlet, …
Development of RESTful services
Xml-Java, JSON-Java serialization
Sending of parameters, validations
Response type, format
Deployment of a RESTful service
Query of REST web services
Workshop: Creation and query of REST web services
Security levels
Authentication management in a web service
Rights management
Message level cryptography Message
Available security standards
Workshop: global security of the web application
3 days
£ 1810
Java / JEE Developers, Project Manager, Architects
Mastery of object-oriented programming in Java, notions of JEE and XML
Contact us for more informations about session date