- Master the development of ASP.Net MVC Core applications with the Razor view engine and a data access layer driven by Entity Framework
Pattern MVC: architecture, contributions
Creation of web applications .Net
.NET Core vs .NET Framework
ASP.Net MVC: presentation, versions, technologies used
Structure of an ASP.Net MVC project, choice of view engine
Global configuration: dependencies , bundles, filters, global configuration class
Available resources (documentation)
Workshop: Creation of an ASP.NET MVC Core project, detail of the structure
ASP.NET controller: implementation,
Route naming : default configuration, syntax
Passing and retrieving parameters in controller actions
Parameter mapping and routing modification in the RouteConfig
Choice of the result type of the action: ActionResult, FileContentResult,. ..
Download management
Workshop: Creating controllers, routing and retrieving parameters
Management of redirects from the controller: to a view, to an action, to a stream
Razor view engine: presentation, syntax
Templating views: _ViewStart (default template), custom _Layout
Access to bundles: styles, scripts
Creation of views: association with a template, structure of the
Bootstrap page : responsive design grid, main classes, available components
Management of CSS of the view
Creation of model classes, sending in the controller and retrieving in the view
Creation of forms: basic controls, restoration of values after Postback
Validation of entries: management in the model and display of errors
Generation of views associated with a model with the
Internationalization of the view
Management of HTTP sessions, access in the view
Manipulation of global variables
Creation and retrieval of cookies
Management of the upload
Management of asynchronous AJAX requests
View debug: helpers (ServerInfo , ObjectInfo)
Workshop: Implementation of a complete MVC CRUD, validation of entries and imports / exports
Authentication management: available methods, selection criteria
Implementation of an authentication strategy, management of roles
Authentication filters
Security of forms against
AntiForgeryToken injections : interest, implementation
Workshop: Implementation of an authentication strategy, secure forms against injections
Setting up a cache
Traffic analysis
Resource management (Minify, Bundle) in a Razor view
Publishing the application
Workshop: Setting up a cache, multiple optimizations of the application
Architecture and technologies of access to data
Object relational mapping
Presentation of the framework, tools
Entity framework vs other ORMs (NHibernate)
Entity Data Model vs Code First
Context and connection chain
Workshop: Setting up the Entity Framework in a project in Visual Studio
Definition of the context class (DbContext), life cycle
Log management
Definition of model classes and addition in the context
Database initializers Available
conventions, additions, management of datetime2
Mapping of tables: Attributes and Fluent API
Management of primary keys: simple, compound
Concurrency management: Concurrency Check, Timestamp
Mapping of calculated columns
Relations: OneToMany / ManyToOne, OneToOne, ManyToMany Inheritance
mapping strategies: TPH, TPC, TPS
Generation of CRUD actions in a controller
Backup management in asynchronous mode
Workshop: Creation, modification of a complete data model
Migrations: definition, interests
Activation of migrations, initial migration
Adding a migration and modification of the code: SQL queries
Applying a migration: update or regression of version
Going into production at a specified migration
Workshop: Creation of database manipulation with migrations
Understand the execution of queries
Management of connections
Control of transactions
Passage of an existing connection
Methods available from the DbContext: Creation, update and deletion
Management of association loads: Lazy vs Eager
Generation of stored procedures for the entities of the model and use
Optimizing the context cache, mistakes to avoid
Workshop: Updating data and modifying the model
Overview of available data retrieval methods
Using LINQ to Entities, errors to avoid
Queries with Entity SQL
Stored procedures and handling multiple results
Queries and changes to data using ADO.Net commands
Using DataSets
Using LINQ to SQL
Managing performance
Workshop: Writing multiple queries and processing results – pagination management / creation of views
Build Optimized Solutions Using Object Services
Using Design-
Generated Entity Framework Views Performance Monitoring
Perform Asynchronous Data Changes
Offline Data Caching Using XML
Workshop: Query optimizations, offline data monitoring and caching
5 days
£ 2750
.Net Developers (C # or VB.Net)
Mastery of the object (C # or VB.Net), knowledge of HTML / CSS / JS
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