About Dreamweaver
Created in 1997, Dreamweaver makes designing websites quick and easy.
Dreamweaver is WysiWyg (What You See Is What You Get) software: it allows you to create web pages visually, without having to go through the HTML code.
In practice, it is essential to know the basics of HTML to fully grasp and understand Dreamweaver and effectively build web pages using CSS style sheets.
Our Dreamweaver training
Our initiations are punctuated by a succession of practical exercises (around ten sites are created in the 5-day initiation) to meet the basic objectives:
- know how to create a website
- know how to put your website online
- know how to optimize and reference your website for search engines like Google
You will progress throughout the week, starting by creating sites of a few pages to gradually discover the ergonomic techniques that allow you to manage sites of several hundred pages. At the end of the internship, you will know how to create sites with secondary menus, dynamic menus, sprys menus, etc.
7 training to see :
Dreamweaver CC Initiation
Duration : 0.25 day
Goals :
- Master the main features of Dreamweaver
- Learn how to design a website with this software, from page creation to uploading
Dreamweaver CC Advanced
Duration : 2 days
Goals :
- Savoir créer un site complexe avec Dreamweaver
- Maîtriser l’utilisation avancée des CSS
- Découvrir les étapes clés d’un bon référencement
- Se familiariser avec la Gestion de projet Web
Dreamweaver CC Initiation + Advanced
Duration : 5 days
Goals :
- Master the main features of Dreamweaver
- Learn how to design a website with this software, from page creation to upload
- Master the advanced use of CSS
- Discover the key steps of a good SEO
- Become familiar with Web Project Management
Dreamweaver Advanced : Prepare for Certification (Adobe)
Duration : 5 days
Goals :
- Master the advanced features of Dreamweaver and prepare for certificationDreamweaver Advanced : HTML5 / CSS3, Javascript and Responsive Design
Duration : 3 days
Goals :
- Learn more about the main features of Dreamweaver
- Discover the potential of new HTML5 / CSS3 standard
- Learn how to build multiplatform sites: smartphone, tablet, …
Dreamweaver Advanced : XML, Ajax and jQuery
Duration : 2 days
Goals :
- Discover XML, Ajax and jQueryDreamweaver Advanced : HTML5 / CSS3, Javascript and Responsive Design + XML, Ajax and jQuery
Duration : 5 days
Goals :
- Learn more about the main features of Dreamweaver
- Discover the new feature
- Master the advanced use of CSS
- Discover the key stages of SEO
- Discover the potential of new HTML5 / CSS3 standards
- Learn how to build multiplatform sites: smartphone, tablet, etc.