• Reset research
  • Trainings

  • Difficulty

Crystal Reports : Initiation

Objectives : 
- Discover Crystal Reports All versions
- Create reports
- Create formulas and charts
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 943
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management

Crystal Reports : Advanced

Objectives : 
- Improve performance on Crystal Reports All versions
- Create reports
- Advanced functions
Duration : 4 days
Price : £ 943
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management


Objectives : 
- Validate and certify the skills acquired in Excel, Word and Powerpoint in comparison with the expectations of a profession.
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 2495
Office Automation
Office Training
Other Office training

MOS Certification

Objectives : 
- Prepare for MOS certification
- Microsoft Office Specialist
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 2495
Office Automation
Office Training
Other Office training

MS Project Server - Administration

Objectives : 
- Efficiently administer and pilot MS Project Server
- Optimize the management of complex projects with MS Project Server
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1698
Project Management
Project Management & IS
Project management tools

Visio initiation

Objectives : 
- Know the current use of Visio 2013
- Know how to choose and create any diagrams in relation to his activity
Duration : 2 days
Price : £ 845
Project Management
Project Management & IS
Project management tools

Software Factory

Objectives : 
- Understand DevOps principles
- Set up a software configuration solution based on Git
- Manage versions of data repository projects
- Implement and operate a continuous integration server
- Manage interconnections with a system? me of build and tests
Duration : 5 days
Price : £ 2532
Project Management
Project Management & IS
Project management tools

Crystal Reports : Initiation + Advanced

Objectives : 
- Improve performance on Crystal Reports All versions
- Create reports
- Advanced functions
Duration : 4 days
Price : £ 1878
Business Intelligence
Business Objects
Project Management


Business Intelligence
Office Automation

Qlikview Designer

Objectives : 
- Understand the basic concepts of Qlikview
- Adapt graphics according to data
Duration : 3 days
Price : £ 1415
Business Intelligence
Project Management