ASP.NET MVC Initiation + Advanced


- Master the development of ASP.Net MVC applications with the Razor view engine and a data access layer driven by Entity Framework


Pattern MVC: architecture, contributions
Creation of web applications .Net
ASP.Net MVC: presentation, versions, technologies used
Structure of an ASP.Net MVC project, choice of view engine
Global configuration: dependencies, bundles, filters, class of global configuration
Available resources (documentation)

Workshop: Creation of an ASP.Net MVC project, detail of the structure

ASP.Net controller: implementation,
Route naming : default configuration, syntax
Passing and retrieving parameters in controller actions
Parameter mapping and routing modification in RouteConfig
Choice of the type of result of the action: ActionResult, FileContentResult,. ..
Download management

Workshop: Creating controllers, routing and retrieving parameters

Management of redirects from the controller: to a view, to an action, to a stream
Razor view engine: presentation, syntax
Templating views: _ViewStart (default template), custom _Layout
Access to bundles: styles, scripts
Creation of views: association with a template, structure of the
Bootstrap page : responsive design grid, main classes, available components
Management of CSS of the view
Creation of model classes, sending in the controller and retrieving in the view
Creation of forms: basic controls, restoration of values ​​after Postback
Validation of entries: management in the model and display of errors
Generation of views associated with a model with the
Internationalization of the view
Management of HTTP sessions, access in the view
Manipulation of global variables
Creation and retrieval of cookies
Management of the upload
Management of asynchronous AJAX requests
View debug: helpers (ServerInfo , ObjectInfo)

Workshop: Implementation of a complete MVC CRUD, validation of entries and imports / exports

Authentication management: available methods, selection criteria
Implementation of an authentication strategy, management of roles
Authentication filters
Security of forms against
AntiForgeryToken injections : interest, implementation

Workshop: Implementation of an authentication strategy, secure forms against injections

Setting up a cache
Traffic analysis
Resource management (Minify, Bundle) in a Razor view
Publishing the application

Workshop: Setting up a cache, multiple optimizations of the application

Architecture and technologies of access to data
Object relational mapping
Presentation of the framework, tools
Entity framework vs other ORMs (NHibernate)
Entity Data Model vs Code First
Context and connection chain

Workshop: Setting up the Entity Framework in a project in Visual Studio

Definition of the context class (DbContext), life cycle
Log management
Definition of model classes and addition in the context
Database initializers Available
conventions, additions, management of datetime2
Mapping of tables: Attributes and Fluent API
Management of primary keys: simple, compound
Concurrency management: Concurrency Check, Timestamp
Mapping of calculated columns
Relations: OneToMany / ManyToOne, OneToOne, ManyToMany Inheritance
mapping strategies: TPH, TPC, TPS
Generation of CRUD actions in a controller
Backup management in asynchronous mode

Workshop: Creation, modification of a complete data model

Migrations: definition, interests
Activation of migrations, initial migration
Adding a migration and modification of the code: SQL queries
Applying a migration: update or regression of version
Going into production at a specified migration

Workshop: Creation of database manipulation with migrations

Understand the execution of queries
Management of connections
Control of transactions
Passage of an existing connection
Methods available from the DbContext: Creation, update and deletion
Management of association loads: Lazy vs Eager
Generation of stored procedures for the entities of the model and use
Optimizing the context cache, mistakes to avoid

Workshop: Updating data and modifying the model

Overview of available data retrieval methods
Using LINQ to Entities, errors to avoid
Queries with Entity SQL
Stored procedures and handling multiple results
Queries and changes to data using ADO.Net commands
Using DataSets
Using LINQ to SQL
Managing performance

Workshop: Writing multiple queries and processing results – pagination management / creation of views

Build Optimized Solutions Using Object Services
Using Design-
Generated Entity Framework Views Performance Monitoring
Perform Asynchronous Data Changes
Offline Data Caching Using XML
Using Sync Framework

Workshop: Query optimizations, offline data monitoring and caching


5 days


£ 2750


.NET Developers (C # or VB.Net)


Mastery of the object (C # or VB.Net), knowledge of HTML / CSS / JS




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Advanced C # : Building a Multitasking Graphical Application with WPF


- Know how to create a graphical interface for C # or application with WPF


Windows Presentation Foundation and other .Net 3
WPF libraries versus Windows Forms
Development environment: Visual Studio, Expression Blend
Structure of a WPF project

Workshop: creation of a WPF application – structure study and resource management

An automatically created window
Choice of window type: Window vs Page
Complete XAML syntax
Main controls and their properties
management in WPF Event management
Validation of user controls
Creation of custom controls and use

Workshop: creation of a navigation system for various windows with WPF

Drawing, brushes, brushes, transformations …
Animations from drawing, and fluidity
Free forms, from graphic models
The style system
Advice for graphic designers

Workshop: use and application of styles

Feedback on resources in a WPF application
Data links for display
Data modification by automatic link
Assessment against a
Pattern MVVM database : principles, implementation, management of actions

Workshop: Data binding – implementation of the MVVM pattern

Multi-threading and synchronization

Workshop: introduction of parallelism in processing – management of background tasks


5 days


£ 2495


.NET Developers


Have taken the C # training: Programming in an object or equivalent concepts




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Programming AutoCAD with .NET


- Understand the principles of interaction between AutoCAD and .NET

- Know how to plan, create and maintain a .NET module integrated into AutoCAD


Exploration of the development environment
Reminders about .NET
Handling of AutoCAD and versions
Communication principle between .Net and AutoCAD
Disctinguer Interop of .Net libraries

Principle of an SDK
Import AutoCAD classes
Access AutoCAD objects using ObjectARX
The database of a DWG
Maintain transactions for the database

Workshop: a first module, display of a text in the AutoCAD drawing

Presentation of classes
Use of classes
The main classes of ObjectARX: use, create, search, read, delete graphic elements

Workshop: creation of multiple 2d and 3d shapes

Various tables: UCS, layers, …
Event retrieval
Data and file recording
AutoCAD palettes for user interfaces

Workshop: multiple additions to the created module


3 days


£ 1995




Knowledge of VB.NET or C #




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- To be able to create, modify, maintain an application with Silverlight

- To know the usefulness, the context, the limits and alternatives to Silverlight


History, versions, specificities of Silverlight 3
Reminders of .NET
A minimal project – environment, start-up, debug

Code / presentation separation
Events in the application
Special events: the keyboard, mouse limits
Access the presentation from the code and modify

Practical workshop: an application filled at start-up 

Standard components for layout and user interaction
Graphics: drawing, paths, transformations, brushes, images
Repetitive graphics: styles and templates
Animations: storyboard – setup and control

Practical workshop: a dynamic and graphic application

File formats
Media objects
Video events
Timeline and association with events

Navigation via a menu (pages and frame)
Collaboration with the browser: progressive loading
The parameters and HtmlPage; another menu
Isolated storage

Practical workshop: several applications in the same page

HttpWebRequest: call of any page
Asynchronism (multithreading)
Web and WCF services

Practical workshop: complex communication between the application and its server

Use Linq, access to an XML file
The Datacontext, creation of data tables
Link in both directions, simplification of forms

Practical workshop: an application associated with a database table


5 days


£ 2475




Knowledge of or C #




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ADO.NET Entity Framework (Code First)


- Master the implementation of an optimized access layer with Entity Framework (Code First)


Architecture and technologies of access to data
Object relational mapping
Presentation of the framework, tools
Entity framework vs other ORMs (NHibernate)
Entity Data Model vs Code First
Context and connection chain

Workshop: Setting up the Entity Framework in a project in Visual Studio

Definition of the context class (DbContext), life cycle
Log management
Definition of model classes and addition in the context
Database initializers Available
conventions, additions, management of datetime2
Mapping of tables: Attributes and Fluent API
Management of primary keys: simple, compound
Concurrency management: Concurrency Check, Timestamp
Mapping of calculated columns
Relations: OneToMany / ManyToOne, OneToOne, ManyToMany Inheritance
mapping strategies: TPH, TPC, TPS

Workshop: Creation, modification of a complete data model

Migrations: definition, interests
Activation of migrations, initial migration
Adding a migration and modification of the code: SQL queries
Applying a migration: update or regression of version
Going into production at a specified migration

Workshop: Creation of database manipulation with migrations

Understand the execution of queries
Management of connections
Control of transactions
Passage of an existing connection
Methods available from the DbContext: Creation, update and deletion
Management of association loads: Lazy vs Eager
Generation of stored procedures for the entities of the model and use
Optimizing the context cache, mistakes to avoid

Workshop: Updating data and modifying the model

Overview of available data retrieval methods
Using LINQ to Entities, errors to avoid
Queries with Entity SQL
Stored procedures and handling multiple results
Queries and changes to data using ADO.Net commands
Using DataSets
Using LINQ to SQL
Managing performance

Workshop: Writing multiple queries and processing results

Build Optimized Solutions Using Object Services

Using Design-

Generated Entity Framework Views Performance Monitoring

Perform Asynchronous Data Changes

Offline Data Caching Using XML

Using Sync Framework

Workshop: Query optimizations, offline data monitoring and caching


2 days


£ 1500


.NET Developers


Good knowledge of C # or VB.Net




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ADO.NET Entity Framework


- Master the implementation of an optimized access layer with Entity Framework


Architecture and data access technologies
Object relational mapping
Presentation of the framework,
Entity framework tools vs other ORMs (NHibernate)

Workshop: Setting up the Entity Framework in a project in Visual Studio

Presentation, modifications of entity models
Introduction in VS. Schema of the EDMX file
Choice of a method (CodeFirst, ModelFirst)

Workshop: Creation, modification of a model

Overview of Available Data Retrieval Methods
Using LINQ to Entities
Queries with Entity SQL
The EntityClient Provider Stored
Queries and Modifies Data
Using ADO.Net Commands Using DataSets
Managing Transactions
Using LINQ to SQL
Managing Performance and Management competition

Workshop: Writing multiple queries (related entities and updating loaded data)

Creating, updating, and deleting entity data
Tracking changes in the Entity Framework
Using plain old CLR Objects (POCO)
classes with Entity Framework POCO classes and lazy loading
Entity type extensions

Workshop: Updating data and modifying the model

Build Optimized Solutions Using Object Services

Using Design-

Generated Entity Framework Views Performance Monitoring

Perform Asynchronous Data Changes

Offline Data Caching Using XML

Using Sync Framework

Workshop: Query optimizations, offline data monitoring and caching


3 days


£ 2245


.NET Developers


Good knowledge of C # or VB.Net, WinForms or WPF




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Web Services REST with .NET


- Know how to create and consume REST web services with .NET


Service Oriented Architecture (SOA): components, technologies
Presentation of Web Services (WS): operation, interest, interoperability
Technologies: SOAP protocol, REST architecture
Web service platforms

Workshop: Installation of the development and execution environment, choice of a WS implementation, description of a service

REST architecture: components, call methods
handling ASP.NET Web API
Development of RESTful services
Xml, JSON serialization
Sending of parameters, validations
Type of response, format
Deployment of a RESTful service
Query of REST web services

Workshop: Creation and query of REST web services

OData: protocol presentation, syntax
Writing requests with OData and a .NET client
Volume optimization

Workshop: queries and joins with OData, comparison with Linq

Using IIS
Log management: TraceListener vs Log4Net

Lab: Logging in a Web API

Security levels
Authentication management in a web service
Rights management
Message signatures
Available security standards

Workshop: global security of the web application


3 days


£ 2195


.NET Developers


Know C # or




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- Knowing how to create and consume services with WCF


Windows Communication Foundation and other communication namespaces
Older Windows Internal Systems
WCF General Principles
SOAP Summary
Quick .Net reminders

Essential assemblies
Contracts, interfaces and implementations
Hosting of the service (console, IIS, Windows service)
Customer: consumption of a service

Practical workshop: a complete client / server set

One-way, duplex and other synchronization elements
WCF security WCF
sessions and transactions
with the rest of the world

Practical workshop: improving our communication


2 days


£ 1495


.NET Developers


Know C # or




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Development of universal applications (Universal Apps)


- Know how to create a universal application for Windows 10


Universal Application Platform for Windows 10, Windows Phone, Hololens, Internet Of Things…
Responsive Design with Adaptive Triggers Adaptive
Code and extension SDK Cross
-platform tools and emulators

Workshop: Setting up the environment, activating developer mode, minimal structure of a project.

XAML: syntax, controls and positioning
management Style and theme
management View management (Visual State Triggers) and orientation
Application states

Workshop  : Build an application with views adaptable to the type of terminal

Storage and import of files
roaming Persistence in a local database
Asynchronous communication

Workshop: data persistence from the application

Native functions of the Windows 10 platform
Use of thumbnails (tiles)
Contracts, launchers and choosers
Management of notifications
Implementation of background tasks (asynchronous)
Publication in the Windows Store

Workshop: introduction of geolocation in the application and management of notifications .


3 days


£ 2245


.NET Developers


Mastery of object-oriented programming in .Net (C # or VB.Net)




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- Know how to create a graphical interface for C # or application with WPF


Windows Presentation Foundation and other .Net 3
WPF libraries compared to Winforms
WPF and Silverlight, Metro / Windows Phone
Handling of the development environment
Reminders of C # or and XML

An automatically created window
Complete XAML syntax
Main controls and their properties
Positioning of controls

Practical workshop: various windows with WPF

Drawing, brushes, brushes, transformations …
Animations from drawing, and fluidity
Free forms, from graphic models
The style system
Advice for graphic designers

Practical workshop: a beautiful and pleasant graphical interface

Feedback on resources in a WPF application
Data links for display
Data modification by automatic link
Balance against a database

Workshop: display and modification of data


3 days


£ 2245


.NET Developers


Know C # or




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ADO : databases with .NET – 10265A-1


- Understand the possibilities of interaction between a .NET application and a database

- Use graphical and non-graphical components for ADO.NET


Parallel histories of ADO and .NET
Generic database possibilities
SQL and .NET programming reminders
Special features of MSSQL databases

Preparation of a database
Creation of connection objects
Request for modification to the database
Read in the database
Parameterized request

Practical workshop: creation of a complete data manipulation application – a content manager

Advantages and disadvantages of an access with intermediate buffers
Commands and sets – general syntax
Various manipulations and observation of performance

A minimal component for display
Complete modification components


2 days


£ 1275




Knowledge of VB.NET or C #




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VB.Net Expert


- Acquire advanced notions in VB.Net for the creation of web services, efficient graphical interfaces with WPF and a powerful persistence layer


Development and deployment of .Net applications
Contributions of the different versions of VB.Net
Architecture and best practices

Genericity: methods, classes and interfaces
Anonymous methods 
Advanced object: indexers, initialization / destruction, interfaces, reflection
Introduction to parallelism
Asynchronous programming

Workshop: Use of abstraction, common interfaces and polymorphism – Complex collections

Handling of XML in VB.Net: creation, parsing, transformations
Web services: presentation, architecture and protocols
Summary of SOAP and WSDL
Principles of WCF (Windows Communication Framework)
Assemblies, contract and implementation of a service
Hosting of the service (console, IIS , windows service)
Consumption of a service

Workshop: Implementation and consumption of a WCF web service

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation): presentation,
WPF architecture compared to Winforms
Introduction to XAML, construction of windows
Event management
Main controls and positioning
Interractivity and data management

Workshop: creation of a complete management application with WPF

Reminders of database access with ADO.Net
Overview of ORM
Entity Framework frameworks: functionalities,
LINQ architecture : presentation, syntax and generation of requests
Managing associations
Calling stored procedures

Lab: High-performance implementation of a data access layer with Entity Framework


5 days


£ 2475


VB.Net Developers


Have followed the "VB.Net Initiation + Deepening" training or equivalent knowledge




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Migration from VB6 to VB.Net – MS4340, MS4338, MS4337


- Learn how to migrate an application from VB6 to VB.Net


Visual Basic .Net: a true object-oriented language
Improved error handling
Support for multi-threaded applications
Use of collections

Presentation of the update of visual Basic 6 applications
Porting code from Visual Basic 6 to Visual Basic.Net
Using the migration wizard
Using the Code Advisor

Definition and fundamentals of object-oriented programming
Use of objects and classes in Visual Basic
Class construction: declaration of properties, methods
Overloading procedures
Inheritance, polymorphism


2 days


£ 1125




Common use of Visual Basic 6




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Visual Basic 6 – MS1303


- Learn to develop with VB6, to use forms, to create basic management interfaces


Visual Basic environment
Event programming
Files / Projects and Executable files

Familiarization with the workspace

Managing forms Form
Interacting with the user
Using the code window

Overview of Standard Controls
Using Advanced Standard Controls
Using ActiveX Controls
Validating Field-
Level Inputs Validating Code-Level Inputs

Using the menus
Using the toolbars
Using the status bars

Overview of variables
Declaration and scope of variables
Data types
Working with procedures
Conversion and formatting functions

Using If Then Statements
Using Select Case Statements
Using Do Loop
Using For Next Loops

Principles and interests
Use of classroom modules

Introduction to Objects
Properties, Methods and Events
Working with Objects

The different types of errors
Using break mode
Using step-by-step debugging
Using the Watch window
Using the Execution window

Relational Database Concepts
Using SQL
Overview of ActiveX Data Objects Data
Access Features Data

Overview of runtime errors
The Err object Error

Distributing an application


5 days


£ 2375




Common use of a programming language




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Visual Basic.Net – Advanced


- Learn to develop complex applications with Visual Basic.Net

- To create basic management interfaces and to take advantage of .NET libraries


Developments in the .NET framework
VB.Net reminders

Presentation of the object for the ideal structuring of the code and notions of UML
Attributes and methods
Constructors, life cycle, general memory management
The aggregation of objects
Creation of properties, visibility, encapsulation
Inheritance in the application

Workshop: Implementation of several business classes

Use of namespaces and creation
Abstract classes and interfaces
Polymorphism: interest, use
Event mechanisms
Creation and use of processes
Examples of modeling for complex applications

Workshop: Organization of an application based on complex objects – advanced use of graphic controls

ADO.NET: access to any database
Communication with .NET: the web and other protocols
Presentation of additional useful elements available and VB.Net evolutions
Creation and use of
Multithreading and synchronization processes

Workshop: Complete Case Study – A Business Agenda in VB.Net

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


2 days


£ 995




Good knowledge of Visual Basic.Net




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Visual Basic.Net – Initiation


- Learn to develop with VB.NET


Presentation of .NET
The languages ​​of the .NET framework
Evolutions of VB / VB.Net, platforms supported
Development environment
Types of projects: console, library, WinForms, WPF, WCF, …
Minimum structure of a VB.Net program
Compilation, execution and debugging

Workshop: Manipulating the development environment – examples of VB.Net programs

Variables: declaration, common types (Common Type System)
Organization in memory (primitive types / reference types)
Type conversion: implicit / explicit cast
instructions Iteration instructions, loops

Workshop: Multiple examples of applications

Operating principle
Creation of arbitrary
arrays Multidimensional arrays and traversal

Workshop: Declaration and manipulation of tables

Introduction to procedural: definition, interest
Types and returns of functions
Passing parameters:
– by value (ByVal)
– by reference (ByRef)
– variable arguments (ParamArray)
Overloads of methods (Overloads)
Optional parameters (Optional)
Recursion: definition, implementation

Workshop: Breakdown of the application

Exception mechanism, types
Catch and handle an exception (try / catch / finally)
Throwing exceptions (throw)

Workshop: Management of data entry errors, escalation of exceptions

Notions on classes
Character strings, dates, …
Various lists and collections, algorithms
Access to files and streams

Workshop: Manipulation of collections and flows

WinForms: presentation, components and displays
Structure of a project, references
Creation of windows
Use of controls and management of events
Organization of the application

Workshop: a directory application


3 days


£ 1625




Common use of a programming language




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Visual Basic.Net – Initiation + Advanced


- Learn to develop with VB.NET

- To create basic management interfaces and to manipulate objects of the .NET platform


Presentation of .NET
The languages ​​of the .NET framework
Evolutions of VB / VB.Net, platforms supported
Development environment
Types of projects: console, library, WinForms, WPF, WCF, …
Minimum structure of a VB.Net program
Compilation, execution and debugging

Workshop: Manipulating the development environment – examples of VB.Net programs

Variables: declaration, common types (Common Type System)
Organization in memory (primitive types / reference types)
Type conversion: implicit / explicit cast
instructions Iteration instructions, loops

Workshop: Multiple examples of applications

Operating principle
Creation of arbitrary
arrays Multidimensional arrays and traversal

Workshop: Declaration and manipulation of tables

Introduction to procedural: definition, interest
Types and returns of functions
Passing parameters:
– by value (ByVal)
– by reference (ByRef)
– variable arguments (ParamArray)
Overloads of methods (Overloads)
Optional parameters (Optional)
Recursion: definition, implementation

Workshop: Breakdown of the application

Exception mechanism, types
Catch and handle an exception (try / catch / finally)
Throwing exceptions (throw)

Workshop: Management of data entry errors, escalation of exceptions

Notions on classes
Character strings, dates, …
Various lists and collections, algorithms
Access to files and streams

Workshop: Manipulation of collections and flows

WinForms: presentation, components and displays
Structure of a project, references
Creation of windows
Use of controls and management of events
Organization of the application

Workshop: a directory application

Presentation of the object for the ideal structuring of the code and notions of UML
Attributes and methods
Constructors, life cycle, general memory management
The aggregation of objects
Creation of properties, visibility, encapsulation
Inheritance in the application

Workshop: Implementation of several business classes

Use of namespaces and creation
Abstract classes and interfaces
Polymorphism: interest, use
Event mechanisms
Creation and use of processes
Examples of modeling for complex applications

Workshop: Organization of an application based on complex objects – advanced use of graphic controls

ADO.NET: access to any database
Communication with .NET: the web and other protocols
Presentation of additional useful elements available and VB.Net evolutions
Creation and use of
Multithreading and synchronization processes

Workshop: Complete Case Study – A Business Agenda in VB.Net

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


5 days


£ 2475




Common use of a programming language




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C # Advanced : Develop a desktop application


- Know how to develop complex applications with C #, create basic management interfaces and manipulate objects of the .NET platform


Introducing Windows Forms (WinForms)
Introducing WPF
Windows Forms vs WPF
Application Structure and Resource Management
Window Creation and Communication
Using Controls
Management Window Management and Communication

Workshop: Creation of a simple multi-window application

Binding controls with data
Using user controls
Managing user control events
Implementing background tasks

Workshop: Organization of an application based on complex objects – advanced use of graphic controls

ADO.NET: access to any database
Communication with .NET: the web and other protocols
Presentation of additional useful elements available and C # evolutions

Workshop example: complete case study – a business agenda in C # 

The creation and use of
Multithreading and synchronization processes

Workshop: creation of an application launcher 

Genericity in C #
Basics of introspection in C #
Delegate methods

Workshop: analysis and dynamic use of a class 

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


5 days


£ 2475


C# Developers


Have followed the C # initiation training or equivalent knowledge




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C # Initiation : Programming as an object


- Learn to develop with C #, to create management interfaces and to manipulate objects of the .NET platform


Presentation of .NET
The languages ​​of the .NET framework
Particularities of C #
Evolutions of C #, platforms supported
Development environment
Types of projects: console, library, WinForms, WPF, WCF, …
Minimum structure of a C # program 

A telier: creation of a first minimalist project

Creation of a solution / of a project: the generated files
The usual windows (solution explorer, team explorer, exit, call stack, spies …)
The debug (step by step, stack, spies, point of conditional stop …)
Version management with Git (creation of a local repository, a remote repository, basic actions – add, commit, push, pull, historization)

A telier: Manipulating the Development Environment – C # examples of programs

Variables: declaration, common types (Common Type System)
Organization in memory (primitive types / reference types)
Type conversion: implicit / explicit cast
instructions Iteration instructions, loops

A telier: Multiple examples of applications

Operating principle
Creation of arbitrary
arrays Multidimensional arrays and traversal

A telier: Declaration and manipulation of arrays

Introduction to procedural: definition, interest
Types and returns of functions
Passing of parameters:
– by value
– by reference: (ref, out)
– variable arguments (params)
Method overload
Recursion: definition, implementation

A telier: Breakdown of the application

Exception mechanism, types
Catch and handle an exception (try / catch / finally)
Throwing exceptions (throw)

Workshop: Management of data entry errors, escalation of exceptions

Definition of classes
Declaration of instance / class members (static)
Constructors and instantiation
Lifecycle of an object in memory
Class diagram (UML)
Aggregation of objects (association)
Encapsulation: attributes and properties
Extension of classes (Inheritance )
Object comparison
Abstract classes
Interfaces and implementation

Workshop: Modeling of problems into objects

Notions on classes
Character strings, dates, …
Various lists and collections, algorithms
Access to files and streams

Workshop: Handling of collections and flows

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


5 days


£ 2475




Programming concepts




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VB.NET and C #, differences and migrations


- Know the two essential programming languages ​​of .NET.

- To be able to modify any .NET application from VB.NET to C # and vice versa.

- Know the difficulties and dead ends of this migration


History, compared versions
Summary of possibilities and general differences
Make a choice, consequences and intermediate solutions

General syntax
Types, declarations, variables
Character strings and various access to the system
Conditions, loops, exceptions
Summary of transformations of an algorithm or a function

General summary of OOP with .NET
Imports and namespaces
Calls to methods, parameters, returns
Object life cycle
Inheritances, abstractions, interfaces Delegate
, events
Comparisons, copies
Summary of OOP differences


2 days


£ 1125




Knowledge of C # or VB.NET




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C # Expert


- Acquire advanced notions in C # for the creation of web services, efficient graphical interfaces with WPF and a powerful persistence layer


Development and deployment of .Net applications
Contributions of different versions of C #
Architecture and best practices

Genericity: methods, classes and interfaces
Anonymous methods 
Advanced object: indexers, initialization / destruction, interfaces, reflection
Introduction to parallelism
Asynchronous programming

Workshop: Use of abstraction, common interfaces and polymorphism – Complex collections

Handling of XML in C #: creation, parsing, transformations
Web services: presentation, architecture and protocols
Summary of SOAP and WSDL
Principles of WCF (Windows Communication Framework)
Assemblies, contract and implementation of a service
Hosting of the service (console, IIS, service windows)
Consumption of a service

Workshop: Implementation and consumption of a WCF web service

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation): presentation,
WPF architecture compared to Winforms
Introduction to XAML, construction of windows
Event management
Main controls and positioning
Interactivity and data management

Workshop: creation of a complete management application with WPF

Reminders of database access with ADO.Net
Overview of ORM
Entity Framework frameworks: functionalities,
LINQ architecture : presentation, syntax and generation of requests
Managing associations
Calling stored procedures

Lab: High-performance implementation of a data access layer with Entity Framework

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


5 days


£ 2475


C # Developers


Have followed the "C # Initiation + Deepening" training or equivalent knowledge




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C # – Advanced


- Know how to develop complex applications with C #

- Create basic management interfaces and manipulate objects of the .NET platform


.NET overview and different versions
C # reminders

Understanding Windows Forms (WinForms) Understanding
WPF Building
Windows and Communicating
Using Controls
Binding Controls with Data
Using User Controls
Using Tasks

Workshop: a directory application

Use of namespaces and creation
Abstract classes and interfaces
Polymorphism: interest, use
Event mechanisms
Examples of modeling for complex applications

Workshop: Organization of an application based on complex objects – advanced use of graphic controls

ADO.NET: access to any database
Communication with .NET: the web and other protocols
Presentation of additional useful elements available and C # evolutions
Creation and use of
Multithreading and synchronization processes

Workshop: Complete Case Study – A Business Agenda in C #

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


2 days


£ 995


C # Developers


Have followed the C # initiation training or equivalent knowledge




Contact us for more informations about session date

C # – Initiation


- Learn to develop with C #

- Create basic management interfaces and to manipulate objects of the .NET platform


Presentation of .NET
The languages ​​of the .NET framework
Particularities of C #
Evolutions of C #, platforms supported
Development environment
Types of projects: console, library, WinForms, WPF, WCF, …
Minimum structure of a C # program
Compilation, execution and debugging

Workshop: Manipulating the development environment – examples of C # programs

Variables: declaration, common types (Common Type System)
Organization in memory (primitive types / reference types)
Type conversion: implicit / explicit cast
instructions Iteration instructions, loops

Workshop: Multiple examples of applications

Operating principle
Creation of arbitrary
arrays Multidimensional arrays and traversal

Workshop: Declaration and manipulation of tables

Introduction to procedural: definition, interest
Types and returns of functions
Passing of parameters:
– by value
– by reference: (ref, out)
– variable arguments (params)
Method overload
Recursion: definition, implementation

Workshop: Breakdown of the application

Exception mechanism, types
Catch and handle an exception (try / catch / finally)
Throwing exceptions (throw)

Workshop: Management of data entry errors, escalation of exceptions

Notions on classes
Character strings, dates, …
Various lists and collections, algorithms
Access to files and streams

Workshop: Manipulation of collections and flows

WinForms: presentation, components and displays
Structure of a project, references
Creation of windows
Use of controls and management of events
Organization of the application

Workshop: a directory application

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


3 days


£ 1625




Programming concepts




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C # – Initiation + Advanced


- Know how to develop in C#

- Create basic management interfaces and manipulate objects of the .NET platform


Presentation of .NET
The languages ​​of the .NET framework
Particularities of C #
Evolutions of C #, platforms supported
Development environment
Types of projects: console, library, WinForms, WPF, WCF, …
Minimum structure of a C # program
Compilation, execution and debugging

Workshop: Manipulating the development environment – examples of C # programs

Variables: declaration, common types (Common Type System)
Organization in memory (primitive types / reference types)
Type conversion: implicit / explicit cast
instructions Iteration instructions, loops

Workshop: Multiple examples of applications

Operating principle
Creation of arbitrary
arrays Multidimensional arrays and traversal

Workshop: Declaration and manipulation of tables

Introduction to procedural: definition, interest
Types and returns of functions
Passing of parameters:
– by value
– by reference: (ref, out)
– variable arguments (params)
Method overload
Recursion: definition, implementation

Workshop: Breakdown of the application

Exception mechanism, types
Catch and handle an exception (try / catch / finally)
Throwing exceptions (throw)

Workshop: Management of data entry errors, escalation of exceptions

Notions on classes
Character strings, dates, …
Various lists and collections, algorithms
Access to files and streams

Workshop: Manipulation of collections and flows

Understanding Windows Forms (WinForms) Understanding
WPF Building
Windows and Communicating
Using Controls
Binding Controls with Data
Using User Controls
Using Tasks

Workshop: a directory application

Presentation of the object for the ideal structuring of the code and notions of UML
Attributes and methods
Constructors, life cycle, general memory management
The aggregation of objects
Creation of properties, visibility, encapsulation
Inheritance in the application

Workshop: Implementation of several business classes

Use of namespaces and creation
Abstract classes and interfaces
Polymorphism: interest, use
Event mechanisms
Examples of modeling for complex applications

Workshop: Organization of an application based on complex objects – advanced use of graphic controls

ADO.NET: access to any database
Communication with .NET: the web and other protocols
Presentation of additional useful elements available and C # evolutions
Creation and use of
Multithreading and synchronization processes

Workshop: Complete Case Study – A Business Agenda in C #

Passing of the certification (if foreseen in the financing).


5 days


£ 2475




Common use of a programming language




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C # Intermediate : Optimizing the object model and using design patterns

C Sharp Logo
C # Intermediate Training: Optimizing the object model and using design patterns

Duration : 5 days

Objectives :

  • Master the fundamentals of OOP
  • Understand the decomposition of a business application into objects (OO design / design)
  • Apply the principles of grouping, structuring and communication between the objects of a complex system
  • Design OO systems in order to promote maintainability and facilitate change in an iterative context
  • Apply SOLID principles
  • Understand certain business design models (Repository, Factory, DTO)
  • Know the place and differences between architectural styles
  • Know some models architectural (DDD, Clean Architecture …)
  • Design weakly coupled and cohesive applications
  • Learn to implement design patterns

Microsoft Certifications

Creation of .NET applications

Visual Basic

C # with Visual Studio


C Sharp Logo
C# with Visual Studio

7 courses

  • C# Training – Initiation + Deepening
  • C# Training – Initiation 
  • C# Training – Deepening 
  • C# Expert Training 
  • VB.NET and C # Training, differences and migrations 
  • C# Initiation Training: Program in object 
  • C# Advanced Training: Developing a desktop application 
Visual Basic.Net
Visual Basic

6 courses

  • Visual Basic.Net Training – Initiation + Deepening 
  • Visual Basic.Net Training – Initiation 
  • Visual Basic.Net Training – Advanced 
  • Visual Basic 6 Training – MS1303 
  • Migration Training from VB6 to VB.Net – MS4340, MS4338, MS4337
  • VB.Net Expert Training
wpf logo
Creation of .NET applications

10 courses

  • ADO Training: databases with .NET – 10265A-1 
  • WPF Training
  • Universal Application Development Training 
  • WCF Training
  • Web Services REST Training with .NET 
  • ADO.NET Entity Framework Training
  • ADO.NET Entity Framework Training (Code First) 
  • Silverlight Training 
  • Program AutoCAD with .NET Training 
  • Advanced C # Training: Building a Multitasking Graphical Application with WPF

9 courses

  • ASP.NET MVC Initiation + Advanced Training
  • ASP.NET MVC Initiation Training
  • ASP.NET MVC In-Depth Training 
  • ASP.NET Web Forms Initiation + Deepening – 10264A 
  • ASP.NET Web Forms Initiation Training
  • ASP.NET Web Forms Advanced TrainingASP.NET, XML and Web Services Training
  • MOSS Development Training 
  • ASP.NET Core MVC training: Initiation + Deepening 
Advanced .NET

10 courses

  • LINQ Training
  • NHibernate Training
  • Fluent NHibernate Training
  • Edit Outlook with .NET Training
  • .NET Application Security Training
  • Powerful applications thanks to F # Training
  • KINECT Development Training 
  • Windows 8 Training: Metro application development 
  • Test Driven Development (TDD) in .Net Training
  • Implement tests in .NET Training
Microsoft Office SharePoint

1 course

  • SharePoint 2013 Training: Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Applications (Course MS20488 – Exam 70-488)
Microsoft Certifications

5 courses

  • Fundamentals of C # Development Training (Course 40361A, Exam 98-361)
  • Fundamentals of VB.NET Development Training (Course 40361A, Exam 98-361)
  • Windows Store Application Development with C # Training (Course MS20484 – Exam 70-484)
  • Advanced Windows Store Application Development with C # Training (Course MS20485 – Exam 70-485)
  • Database Administration Training (Course 40364A / Exam 98-364)

Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)


- Discover the AMP HTML language - Create your site in AMP


Presentation of AMP: history, versions
Tags and attributes: principles and operations

Duplication of content
Advertising CSS
form Dimension of Workshop objects : prepare its redesign of the site in AMP

Structured data

Workshop: implementation of structured data

Search Console
Statistics with Json


Facebook Instant Articles
Apple News


1 day


£ 750




Mastery of HTML, CSS and Json




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Windows Phone Applications


- Know how to develop simple applications for Windows Phone 7


Mobile systems – comparisons
Windows CE, Mobile and Phone
Development and testing environment; various manipulations

overview Application structure
Deployment and execution

Workshop: the home page of an application

Metro and presentation components
Layouts and hubs
Free graphics

Workshop: a complete interface

Sequence and flow of pages
Application parameters and isolated storage
Interactions between applications

Workshop: a complete application


3 days


£ 1922




Knowledge of C # or





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MonoTouch for iOS : iPhone / iPad applications with C # /. NET


- Master the development of mobile applications on iPhone / iPad with MonoTouch


What about the development of iOS mobile applications .NET
development and deployment process
: reminders, Mono
MonoTouch: presentation,
MonoTouch vs Objective-C features
Tools and licenses, presentation of MonoDevelop and Xamarin Studio
Architecture of an application, structure of a project

Workshop: Installation / Handling of the MonoDevelop IDE, Project settings

Creation of views:
– windows
– standard controls, lists
– navigation (ViewControllers)
– images, icons, toolsbars
– use / customization of tables
Limits of Mono compared to a native development
Debug of the code
Optimization of the code
Packaging and publication
Data storage:
– methods and different formats
– serialization of data in files
– use of SQLite, LINQ databases

Lab: Multiple use cases of controls and presentation of persistent data

Various communications: synchronous, asynchronous
Special events, multitouch and motion
Multimedia support
Internationalization of the application
Access to networks (Wifi), geolocation (CoreLocation, Mapkit)
Access to SOAP, WCF web services
Integration with external applications

Workshop: building complex applications with i18n, asynchronous communications and special events / hardware interactions


4 days


£ 2119


IPhone / iPad application developers


Knowledge of C # /. NET




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Advanced iPhone / iPad with Objective-C


- Master the development of mobile applications on iPhone / iPad


Reminders on iPhone / iPad development
Recurring problems, memory leaks Memory
management in a
Profiling application : Shark,
Panorama Instruments of advanced view controllers: Split View Controllers, Popovers, …
Advanced functions: mail, RSS feed, synchronization of threads

Workshop: Application Profiling – Using advanced controllers and functions

Presentation, APIs available Basic

Workshop: Integration of OpenGL animations in an application

Reminders of persistence methods: Xml, JSON
Structures CoreData
Access to SQLLite databases

Workshop: Access and storage of database data

Access to terminal information Certificates Management of notifications Management of updates

Workshop: Creation and management of notifications, access to the address book, optimizations


3 days


£ 1922


IPhone / iPad application developers


Have followed the iPhone / iPad training or equivalent knowledge




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Advanced iPhone / iPad – iOS application development with Swift and COCOA


- Learn to use advanced features

- Manage notifications - Use sqlite with Core Data

- Introduce graphical tools (Sprite Kit, Metal)


Operation reminder
Reorder cells
Delete data
Update data with a pull to refresh
Add a search field

Workshop: Create an editable TableView

Custom section
header and footer Add an image in the section header
Parallax effect
custom cells Multiple custom view cell

Workshop: Create a TableView with several cells and custom header

Access the camera
Authorize access to the photos
Select a photo in the library
The delegate’s methods
Save the photos in the library

Workshop: Take a photo from the camera

Presentation of Core Data
Create a Core Data project
Create entities
Manage attributes and relationships
Import CoreData
Retrieve the context and the ManagedObject
Modify the values ​​of an entity
Save the data

Workshop: Backing up data with Core Data

The advantages of Multi Threading
The NSThread, NSOperation classes
Description of the Grand Central Dispatch
Asynchronous functions
The NSURLSession classes
The Resume , cancel, suspend methods

Workshop: Create a data upload system

Presentation of touchID
Import Local Authentication
Retrieve the context, manage errors
Test device compatibility
Manage authentication

Workshop: Using TouchID to Validate Data

Rotation, Pinch, Swipe
Single, long and multiple
touch Attach a movement to a graphic object

Workshop: Associate touch management with an image

Presentation of the notification tools
Understand how notifications work
Configure the push system
APN notification in JSON format
Local notification

Workshop: Add notifications to a project

The basic properties: backgroundColor, borderWith, borderColor, opacity, etc.
Associate a Layer to a View
Add and position an image
Display a portion of an image with CAScrollLayer
Customize a text (size, font, color) with CATextLayer
Make a drawing in 3D with CATransformLayer
Managing the asynchronous loading of an image with CATiledLayer

Workshop: Realize several examples to present the CALayer

Presentation of Core Graphics, Quartz 2D
The classes of Core Graphics: CGRect, CGSize, CGPoint Getting
the context Core Graphic
The methods drawRect (_ :), setNeedsDisplay (), setNeedsDisplayInRect
Use the class UIBezierPath ()
Best practices

Workshop: Draw a gauge

Introduction to Sprite Kit
Introduction to Metal


3 days


£ 2547


IOS Developer Swift


- Have taken the iPhone / Ipad training course
- iOS application development with Swift and COCOA




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IPhone / iPad – iOS application development with Swift and COCOA


- Master the development of mobile applications on iPhone / iPad


Environment and development
IDE and tools (compiler, debugger, simulator)

History and version
Basic syntax: Variables, constants, tuples
Variable typing
Conditions and loops
Arrays and dictionaries
Declaring a function, a closure

Class declaration, attributes, methods
instantiation Method overload, constructor
Inheritance, polymorphism

Define the application support
Take charge of the storyboard
Understand the usable dimensions (3.5, 4, 4.7, 5.5 inches)
Position the graphic objects
Understand and use the constraints

Workshop: Learn to position components

Browsing graphic objects (UILabel, UIButton, UISlider)
The MVC pattern (xib and UIViewController)
Associating and binding a controller to a view
Declaration of graphic object in the controller
Create an output function
Add an action on a button (controller, interface builder)

Workshop: Create a color swatch

Tab Bar Controller
Navigation Controller
The Modal pages

Workshop: Set up the different navigation modes

Import and display images (UIWebView)
Display a web page (UIWebView)
Authorize the app to connect to an unprotected url
Understand the usefulness of delegates
Add and associate a delegate
Test the connection
Manage page loading (UIIndicatorView)
Add the behavior of a browser (reloading, backtracking, etc.)

Lab: Using ImageView and WebView components

Configure the messages
Display the alert
Manage the callback functions

Delegate and datasource
Browse and display data
Identify cells
Add content to cells (text, image, etc.)
Add headers and footers
Use table indexes
Add navigation to list items

Workshop: Organize data in a view table

Add the MapKit framework
Define the coordinates
Center the map, place pins
Information and navigation of pins
Activate geolocation
Allow localization

Workshop: Display a map, identify places, geolocate

The UITextfields (options & keyboards)
Trigger the closing of the keyboard
Save the preferences in the phone
Retrieve the preferences
Data lifetime

Workshop: Record information in the phone

AVFoundation & AVKit frameworks
Audio & video sources Control the sound
Add a video view controller

Workshop: Play a set of sounds and videos

Define a url, a request
Retrieve a session object
Submit a request
Display the results

Workshop: Recover data on a remote server

Create an xml parser
Delegate xmlParser
Browse the DOM tree
Retrieve the content of tags and attributes
Use the JSON classes
Browse and analyze the data obtained

Workshop: Retrieve & display data from a JSON API

Declare a translation file
Define translations
Retrieve and display translation strings
Add new languages

Workshop: Internationalizing a page

Import the sqlite3 library
Define the database storage address
Table creation
Insertion and extraction of data
Use prepared queries
Display and format data

Workshop: Create a database, insert & retrieve data


5 days


£ 2393


Mobile application developers


Good knowledge of an object programming language




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IPhone / iPad – iOS application development with Objective-C and COCOA


- Master the development of mobile applications on iPhone / iPad


What about the development of iOS mobile applications
Development and deployment process XCode
tools and licenses
: presentation, programming API’s (Cocoa), Simulator, debug
Structure of a project, files, configuration
C language: syntax, basic concepts

Workshop: Handling the XCode IDE, SDK, a first project

History, versions
Basic language syntax: variables, structure of controls, functions
Object Oriented Programming under Objective-C:
– Classes, instantiation
– Aggregation
– Encapsulation (properties)
– Inheritance
Object life cycle and memory management

Workshop: building a complex application

Contribution of COCOA
Cocoa Foundation Kit: simple classes
Cocoa Foundation Kit: data structures
Presentation of the Cocoa Application Kit

Workshop: Using multiple classes of the framework: strings, lists, dictionaries, …

Tree structure, interface, configuration
Creation of views:
– standard controls, lists
– navigation
– images, icons
– personalized views
– animation of
MVC Pattern views : presentation, views and link to the controller
Debug of the code: options, recurring problems
Code optimization
Test in emulation
Packaging and publishing
Data storage:
– methods and different formats
– serialization of data into files
– user preferences

Workshop: a showcase application with XML data processing

Various communications: synchronous, asynchronous
Special events, multitouch and motion
Multimedia support
Internationalization of the application
Access to networks (Wifi), geolocation
Access to webServices

Workshop: building complex applications with i18n, asynchronous communications and special events


5 days


£ 2564


Mobile application developers


Good knowledge of an object programming language (Java, C ++, Objective-C)




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React Native


- Discover the React Native development environment. Design a multiplatform mobile application


VirtualDOM, JSX, One Way Data Flow.

Workshop: Setting up a working environment

Prop-types and defaultProps
From flow to TypeScript
Unit and functional tests.

 Workshop: Improve the application through typing and automated testing.

The Higher Order Components (HOC) pattern
Rendering in remote DOM elements with Portals.
Dependency injection with Context.
Advanced techniques of the render method: Fragments and render props.

Workshop: Implementation of « Context » and « Portals »

Redux reminders: entities, syntax, and integration with React.
Simplify and optimize the creation of forms with Redux Form.
Improve user experience with Redux
Persist and local state storage.
Create a Redux Custom Middleware.
The Redux-Saga library

Workshop: Converting a form to Redux Form and saving the navigation.

Optimize component life cycle
Use immutability to speed up and simplify processing.
The pure components.

Workshop: Integration of an immutability library in the Redux application.

Animate the components « by hand » using CSS animations and transitions.
Simplify work with react-transition-group.
Comparison and examples of implementation.

Workshop: Addition of transition of the different screens.

Internationalization versus localization: differences and usage scenarios.
The main internationalization libraries.
Integration into React and Redux.

Workshop: Language management in the application

From REST to GraphQL
Create a « server-side » application with Next.js
CSS with « styled-components »
React Native competitors: Ionic, Xamarin


3 days


£ 1620


JavaScript developers


Knowledge of JavaScript and React.js




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- Know the possibilities, the ecosystem, the development principles for Tizen

- Know how to develop a complete Web API application on Tizen phone or tablet


Mobile application platforms
Current and future devices with Tizen, Meego, targets and challenges
Installation of the Eclipse environment and SDK, various manipulations

Creating a Project with Eclipse
Using the Web Simulator to Test the Application
Deploying an Application to a Real Device
Full Lifecycle of an Application Application

Workshop: a first application

Page sequence
Master pages + details
General graphics of the
Free Templates page , and presentation of the use of JQuery Mobile
Configuration of Widgets
User interactions – form, etc.
Adaptations to screens, ranges of devices concerned

Workshop: complete application to assist a mobile worker

General presentation and documentation
IO access (file system): hardware / standard directories
IO access: reading, writing files
Social data (calendar, contact, etc.)
Communication with an external server

Workshop: complete the application with mixed functionality


3 days


£ 2565


Mobile web developers


Have taken HTML, CSS and JavaScript training or have equivalent knowledge




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Titanium Appcelerator


- Master the development of cross-platform mobile applications using Appcelerator


Development of mobile web applications
Panorama of available web frameworks: jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Phonegap, …
HTML5 / CSS3 / AJAX presentation

Practical workshop: Setting up the development environment

Structure of an HTML5 page
Differences with HTML 4 / XHTML 1 (new elements, obsolete elements)
CSS style elements in HTML5
Semantic and organizational tags
Creation and use of forms: new features
Integration of animations and sounds
JavaScript reminders
Drawing 2D
Geolocation: concepts and operation
Event (EventSource API)
Message sending between documents / by channels (PostMessage API, XHR)
Presentation of CSS3

Practical workshop: creation of a site including forms and content

Presentation of the environment, versions
Full installation, platforms
Configuration, plugins
Use of Titanium CLI, the command line
Presentation of the complete process and the Marketplace

Practical workshop: setting up

Creation of the application
Critical project parameters
Some modifications, and execution

Workshop: creation, test of the application

Summary of the switch from the web to the application
Creating views View
sequences, special views, etc.
Interface: Alloy Framework and compatibility with classic javascript frameworks
Multiple interactions with the user (parameters, forms, etc.)
SDK: sensors, GPS, etc.
SDK: communication and storage
SDK: other elements available (internationalization, media, etc.)
Platform specialization and best practices with Appcelerator

Workshop: a complete, complex application, ready to deploy


3 days


£ 1925


Web Developers


Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript




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- Development of web interfaces for mobile applications using IUI


Development of mobile web applications
Panorama of available web frameworks: jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Dojo Mobile, …
iUI: presentation, components
Presentation HTML 5 / CSS 3 / Ajax
Setting up an iUI project

Practical workshop: Setting up the development environment: web server, libraries and project organization

Pages / Windows: structure, navigation, overlay, dialog boxes
Tool and navigation bars: layout, positioning
Buttons: types, decoration and grouping
Forms: structure, detail of components, submission and plugin methods
Use of the css class « dialog »
Virtual keyboard
Lists: construction (simple / nested), actions, filtering, decoration
iUI extensions
Presentation of themes (theme-switcher)

Practical workshop: Multiple applications detailing the construction of pages with the use of forms

Configuration of the framework
Details of events, animations, …
Quick navigation (showPageByID, goBack)
Overview of other available methods
AJAX calls

Practical workshop: Using the iUI javaScript library and AJAX calls


2 days


£ 1265


Web Developers


Knowledge of HTML / CSS / JavaScript




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Cordova / PhoneGap


- Master the development of web interfaces for mobile applications using Cordova


Presentation and history phonegap / cordova
Difference between phonegap and cordova
Supported platforms
Development technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JS)

Workshop: Install the cordova environment

Create a Cordova project
Organize cordova folders
Add a platform to the project

Workshop: Create & test a Cordova project

Access the contacts
Use the geolocation
Use the accelerometer
Access the Camera
Read and write to a file
Use the dialog boxes (Alert, Confirm, Prompt)
Test the connection
Use the vibrator

Workshop: Testing several plugins

Detect application loading (onDeviceReady)
Detect switching to foreground and background (onResume, onPause) Touch
management (touchEnd, touchStart)

Workshop: Using the different events

List of existing hooks
Usefulness of hooks
Associating a script with a hook

Workshop: Testing a hook

API Restful
LocalStorage & SessionStorage
Web Storage HTML5
Api FileSystem
Plugin SQLite

Use SPA (Single Page Application)
Improve performance
Click vs Touch
Animations (CSS vs JS)
Test connection status
Manage security with CSP (Content Security Policy)


3 days


£ 2245


Web Developers


Knowledge of HTML and JavaScript




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Cordova / Phonegap and jQuery Mobile


- Master the development of web interfaces for mobile applications using Cordova in conjunction with jQuery mobile


Presentation and history phonegap / cordova
Difference between phonegap and cordova
Supported platforms
Development technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JS)

Workshop: Install the cordova environment

Create a Cordova project
Organize cordova folders
Add a platform to the project

Workshop: Create & test a Cordova project

Access the contacts
Use the geolocation
Use the accelerometer
Access the Camera
Read and write to a file
Use the dialog boxes (Alert, Confirm, Prompt)
Test the connection
Use the vibrator

Workshop: Testing several plugins

Detect application loading (onDeviceReady)
Detect switching to foreground and background (onResume, onPause) Touch
management (touchEnd, touchStart)

Workshop: Using the different events

List of existing hooks
Usefulness of hooks
Associating a script with a hook

Workshop: Testing a hook

API Restful
LocalStorage & SessionStorage
Web Storage HTML5
Api FileSystem
Plugin SQLite

Use SPA (Single Page Application)
Improve performance
Click vs Touch
Animations (CSS vs JS)
Test connection status
Manage security with CSP (Content Security Policy)

Development of mobile web applications
Panorama of available web frameworks: jQTouch, jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Dojo Mobile, …
jQuery Mobile: presentation, components
jQTouch vs jQuery mobile
Presentation HTML 5 / CSS 3 / Ajax
Parameterization of a jQuery project Mobile
jQuery Reminders

Practical workshop: Setting up the development environment: libraries, web server and project organization

Pages / Windows: structure, navigation, overlay, dialog boxes
Tool and navigation bars: layout, positioning
Buttons: types, decoration and grouping
Forms: structure, detail of components, submission and plugin methods
Lists: construction (simple / nested), actions, filtering, decoration
Presentation of themes

Practical workshop: Multiple applications detailing the construction of pages with the use of forms

Framework configuration
Details of events: Touch, Orientation Change, Scroll, animations, …
Overview of methods of the $ .mobile object Dynamic
creation of components
AJAX calls

Practical workshop: Using the jQuery Mobile JavaScript library, dynamic insertion of elements and AJAX calls

Creation of jQuery Mobile components
Data persistence: database, session, …
Geolocation, Google Maps integration, GPS, … presentation of PhoneGap

Hands-on workshop: Creating mobile jQuery components


5 days


£ 2565


Web Developers


Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript




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Sencha Touch


- Know how to use the Sencha Touch framework in any application


Versions, licenses and uses
General principles
JavaScript reminders

Installation and implementation in the pages
The application and the namespaces generated
The panels, organization of the page

Workshop: a first application

Panels, tabs, etc., layouts and animations
Quick tour of the DataModel
Form using the DataModel
Toolbars, List, etc.
Multimedia (Audio, Video)

Workshop: static content pages

Feedback on the DataModel
Data validation
Proxy, Store and other data communication
Complete sequence of edit pages

Workshop: a complete data application


3 days


£ 1865


Mobile Developers


HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Typescript, Angular 2+




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Flex Mobile


- Knowing how to develop mobile applications with Flex


Development of rich applications, frameworks available
Flex, AIR: presentation, versions,
Flex Mobile functionalities : architecture, development environment
Flex Mobile Project: structure, properties

Practical workshop: Setting up the development environment: web server, libraries and project organization

MXML, ActionScript 3 with Flex
Panorama of Flex Mobile graphics components
Positioning and sizing
Creation of MXML custom components
Tool and navigation bars: layout, positioning
Buttons: types, decoration and grouping
Forms: structure, detail of components, submission
Lists and ItemRenderer: construction, actions, filtering, decoration

Practical workshop: Multiple applications detailing the construction of pages with the use of forms

XML flow handling
Optimization of display
Skin and density
Advanced components
Data persistence: database, session, …
Geolocation, Google Maps integration, GPS, …
Packaging and deployment: iOS, Android

Practical workshop: Data processing, geolocation and application deployment

Processing of http, HTTPService requests RemoteObject
security management AS3 class mapping and server push

Practical workshop: server communication from a Flex application


2 days


£ 1605


Web Developers


Knowledge of XHTML / CSS / JavaScript and ActionScript




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GWT Mobile


- Know how to create applications with GWT Mobile


Development of mobile web applications
Panorama of available web frameworks: jQTouch, jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Dojo Mobile, …
Presentation of Google Web Toolkit (GWT 2)
Java to JavaScript compilation
Environment, plugins and Google App Engine
Structure of a GWT2 project: slicing, libraries

Practical workshop: Setting up the development environment: eclipse / plugin, web server, libraries and project organization

Rich application and GWT widgets
Presentation of the API and overview of graphic components
managers Event management: model, implementation GWT Designer
internationalization mechanisms
: presentation, use
Integration of an existing site

Practical workshop: creation of a GWT 2 project

JavaScript Native Interface
JavaScript / Java interactions
Custom component design
management Navigation management, Same Origin Policy (SOP)
Loading and optimization
In-Browser development, UIBinder
Pattern MVP
HTML 5 and GWT Mobile
Deployment, PhoneGap

Hands-on workshop: using JavaScript and creating graphical components

Asynchronous communication and Ajax Study of RPC communication Serialization and exception handling Use of JSON, XML, DOM

Practical workshop: setting up an asynchronous service

Implementation of tests (JUnit / GWTTestCase) Asynchronous tests

Practical workshop: implementing tests for a GWT application


2 days


£ 1605


Java Web Developers


Knowledge of HTML / CSS / JavaScript and Java language




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Cordova + Ionic 3


- Master the development of web interfaces for mobile applications using Cordova te Ionic


Presentation and history phonegap / cordova
Difference between phonegap and cordova
Supported platforms
Development technologies (HTML5, CSS3, JS)

Workshop: Install the cordova environment

Create a Cordova project
Organize cordova folders
Add a platform to the project

Workshop: Create & test a Cordova project

Use geolocation
Access the Camera
Read and write to a file
Use the dialog boxes (Alert, Confirm, Prompt)
Test the connection

Workshop: Testing several plugins

Detect application loading (onDeviceReady)
Detect switching to foreground and background (onResume, onPause) Touch
management (touchEnd, touchStart)

Workshop: Using the different events

Structure of an ionic project
The command line interface (CLI)
Adding pages, directives, pipes
Angular Decorators, Components, and Templates

Start an ionic project
The different project starter (blank, tabs, sidemenu)
Test and run the project in a browser
Add and remove a platform
Run on a simulator

Workshop: test the application

Lists, buttons, icons, inputs, etc.
Create a grid
Modification of
CSS utilities theme , Sass Variable
Conditions depending on platforms

Workshop: Change the appearance of the app

Menus and tabs
Navigation between pages
Push and pop functions
Transmit parameters between pages

Workshop: Navigate between different pages

List of components Component
Attributes, event, and specific method

Workshop: Testing several components

The camera access plugin
Use geolocation
Plugin Maps

Workshop: Testing several plugins

User Input
ngModel and ngSubmit
Angular validators
Create a form using a formBuilder

Workshop: Create a form and validate it

Run asynchronous queries
Communicate with a REST API
Data retrieval
Observables & Promises
Persist data using localStorage

Workshop: retrieve remote data


5 days


£ 2785


Web Developers


Knowledge of HTML and JavaScript / Ecmascript




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Ionic 3


- Learn how to use Ionic to build cross-platform apps


What’s new in ionic 3
Using angular 2+
The importance of angular with ionic
Switching from cordova to ionic

Workshop: install the ionic environment

Structure of an ionic project
The command line interface (CLI)
Adding pages, directives, pipes
Angular Decorators, Components, and Templates

Start an ionic project
The different project starter (blank, tabs, sidemenu)
Test and run the project in a browser
Add and remove a platform
Run on a simulator

Workshop: test the application

Lists, buttons, icons, inputs, etc.
Create a grid
Modification of
CSS utilities theme , Sass Variable
Conditions depending on platforms

Workshop: Change the appearance of the app

Menus and tabs
Navigation between pages
Push and pop functions
Transmit parameters between pages

Workshop: Navigate between different pages

List of components Component
Attributes, event, and specific method

Workshop: Testing several components

The camera access plugin
Use geolocation
Plugin Maps

Workshop: Testing several plugins

User Input
ngModel and ngSubmit
Angular validators
Create a form using a formBuilder

Workshop: Create a form and validate it

Run asynchronous queries
Communicate with a REST API
Data retrieval
Observables & Promises
Persist data using localStorage

Workshop: retrieve remote data


3 days


£ 1865


Mobile Developers


HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Typescript, Angular 2+




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JQuery Mobile


- Master the development of web interfaces for mobile applications using jQuery Mobile


Development of mobile web applications
Panorama of available web frameworks: jQTouch, jQuery Mobile, Sencha Touch, Dojo Mobile, …
jQuery Mobile: presentation, components
jQTouch vs jQuery mobile
Presentation HTML 5 / CSS 3 / Ajax
Parameterization of a jQuery project Mobile
jQuery Reminders

Practical workshop: Setting up the development environment: libraries, web server and project organization

Pages / Windows: structure, navigation, overlay, dialog boxes
Tool and navigation bars: layout, positioning
Buttons: types, decoration and grouping
Forms: structure, detail of components, submission and plugin methods
Lists: construction (simple / nested), actions, filtering, decoration
Presentation of themes

Practical workshop: Multiple applications detailing the construction of pages with the use of forms

Framework configuration
Details of events: Touch, Orientation Change, Scroll, animations, …
Overview of methods of the $ .mobile object Dynamic
creation of components
AJAX calls

Practical workshop: Using the jQuery Mobile JavaScript library, dynamic insertion of elements and AJAX calls

Creation of jQuery Mobile components
Data persistence: database, session, …
Geolocation, Google Maps integration, GPS, … presentation of PhoneGap
Introduction to jQTouch

Hands-on workshop: Creating mobile jQuery components


2 days


£ 1265


Web developers


Knowledge of HTML / CSS / JavaScript and jQuery




Contact us for more informations about session date